

Saturday, June 11, 2011


The Tea Party folks have an important decision to make, and the future of the country is hanging in the balance. They’re going to have to think long and hard about what it is that they want to accomplish, because the consequences of their decision could prove to be very dire. Being a Tea Party supporter myself, I thoroughly understand where it is that these folks are coming from. I understand their frustration regarding the fact that our government has gotten far too big, far too intrusive and far too expensive to operate. But having said that, we must tread very lightly here and be a little rational in our decision making process, or all that we may accomplish in the end is that which we are trying the hardest to avoid. That being, of course, the handing back to the Democrats complete control of Congress, and the re-election of Barry “Almighty,” with them having had to expend very little energy or little of their own resources to do so. The reality is that there is a distinct possibility that Tea party candidates could undermine Republicans in congressional races so severely that the Democrats could win many of those congressional contests, at least according to a new Rasmussen Reports national survey. And wouldn’t that just have these guys laughing all the way back to Washington?

In a three-way congressional contest where there is a Tea Party candidate on the ballot, the Democrat could pick up 40 percent of the vote. The Republican would get 21 percent support, while 18 percent would opt for the Tea Party candidate. Just over 20 percent remain undecided. Doesn’t paint a very pretty picture, does it. Not surprisingly, Republicans and unaffiliated voters are much more likely to be undecided than are Democrats, at least according to the June 9 telephone survey of 1000 likely voters. This presents a slightly improved picture for Democrats from early February of last year. In a three-way matchup at that time, the Democrat earned 36 percent to the Republican’s 25 percent, while the Tea Party candidate won 17 percent of the vote. If the trend continues over the course of the next 18 months, all of those political soothsayers presently predicting that there exists a very strong possibility of a Republican sweep come the 2012 election may end up eating a healthy dose of crow. If there is to be a three-way race, then let that take place in the primaries. There should be only one conservative candidate in any general election, but should some fringe group from the left want to participate, all the better. We on the right cannot afford to splinter our votes.

In a two-way race, Republicans continue to hold a modest advantage over Democrats on the Generic Congressional Ballot. That fact does concern me a bit, because at a time when other polls have shown that a significant number of people think the country is definitely going in the wrong direction, you would think that Democrats would be trailing rather badly. Who is that these people think is steering us in that wrong direction, and have been for sometime now? But evidently, regarding our mentally challenged electorate, such is not the case. Because in the new survey, the Tea Party candidate draws 28 percent support from GOP voters, while 85 percent of Democrats back their party’s candidate. Just 45 percent of Republicans support the Republican candidate in the three-way matchup. Among voters not affiliated with either of the major parties, 15 percent like the Republican, 29 percent the Democrat and 25 percent the Tea Party candidate. Sixteen percent of all voters now consider themselves members of the Tea Party movement, down from 21 percent at the end of last year. Nearly 70 percent say they are not members, while another 15 percent are not sure. Not Sure?

It all comes down to priorities. It’s relatively easy to see what the priorities are of those who support Democrats, and why it is that they remain so loyal to their party’s candidates. Look at the groups who comprise the Democrat Party’s core constituencies. Minorities, primarily blacks, who always have the hand out waiting for the next taxpayer funded handout, Unions, environmental extremists of every sort, fanatical baby-killers, 90 percent of the state controlled media and, of course, most of academia. Their priorities are not ones that have anything to do with keeping America strong, either economically, militarily or international, they are, on the contrary, nothing short of being completely anti-American. Their priorities are sought in an effort to make us weaker on all fronts. So the bottom line is, where else is there for these leeches, kooks and fanatics to find a home, other than the Democrat Party. It just seems very irrational, and more than a little dangerous, to me for conservatives to contribute to the siphoning off of votes from Republican candidates so that whomever the Democrat may be in any specific race can simply walk across the finish line. What is of the utmost importance is that those of us who wish for a better future for our country remain very much “united” against those who most certainly do not. And those who do not are the ones who support Democrats.

I’m not asking anyone to go against that which you believe. I’m only asking that we all look at the bigger picture here. It seems to me that if we have learned anything during the first two years of Barry’s corrupt administration, it’s that one party rule, when it comes to the running of our government, results in nothing more than blatant abuse of power by the party in control. And it almost always results in a loss of more freedoms for the American people. I mean, can anyone say “Obamacare,” or economic “stimulus” or any number of the other obvious abuses of power that have occurred over the course of the last 29 months. What we need in this country is a very energetic and thriving two party system. Not a three party system that accomplishes nothing more than to effectively guarantee one party rule. As history has shown time and again, one party rule, specifically when handed to the Democrats, results in nothing more that rampant abuses of power and blatant examples of political opportunism. Democrats have proven the point far better than I ever could, that they cannot be trusted to carry out the will of the people. They need to be kept out of power if we are to survive, and anything that makes it easier for them to stay in power must be avoided all costs.

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