

Thursday, June 2, 2011


What is it, exactly, that roughly 90 percent of blacks hate about this country? In what other country could they live and have anywhere near the same level of opportunities to succeed. And, in what other country could they live where they would be on the receiving end of a monthly check from the government for doing absolutely nothing and for no other reason than the color of their skin? Why do virtually all of them insist upon calling themselves, African-Americans? Were they born over there on that darkest of continents? My ancestors, for the most part, came from Germany, but I don’t run around calling myself a German-American, I’m an American, and damn proud of it! And why do they insist upon attaching their allegiance to men with names like Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jackson, Wright and, yes even, Obama? When you get right down to it, blacks in this country are very often their own worst enemy. By they're insisting to listen to the afore mentioned assortment of racial malcontents, they do nothing more than to continually set themselves up for failure. Not one of these men could care less about those who look up to them, or how they go about living out their daily lives. To these men these people are seen as nothing more than something to be used, plain and simple. Used by corrupt individuals who are out to enhance their own reputations and care very little about how they go about doing that. The sad fact is that a significant percentage of blacks are literally consumed with a visceral hatred that is exacerbated by those viewed as being the leaders of the black community. And apparently it’s also a big part of the religious services on any given Sunday in far too many black churches. Churches where supposed men of God preach the incessant hatred of whites, and where these people are told ad nauseam that they are the victims of an unjust and unfair society. They are told that the prosperity enjoyed by so many in today’s America stems from the fact that slavery existed and that their ancestors somehow made all of this possible through the simple fact that they were slaves. The lies never end and seem to be absorbed almost instantaneously as fact, with there being no need for verification. And I’ve often wondered, is it gullibility or something more sinister that's at work here. There does continue to be a rather disturbing level of paranoia present among this segment of our population, and education level seems to matter very little when it come to those who are effected.

If you doubt the level of paranoia that exists, listen to the ravings of any of these folks whenever they decide to take the time to call into some radio talk show and attempt to give the host a "piece of their mind." It's almost comical as they try to articulate what it is that they see as being the reason behind their crappy existence. You can't help but shake your head. They have so completely bought into the talking points, hook, line and sinker, that they have reduced themselves to babbling idiots, and succeed in doing nothing more than proving just how ignorant of the facts they really are. They seem to be totally oblivious to what it is that forms the basis for them being where they are in their screwed up lives. That of course being themselves and the questionable choices that have made throughout their lives! They base everything on their rather skewed, and public education reinforced, view of this country's history. That and the nonstop propaganda that they allow themselves to be force-fed. They base everything on their claiming that back in the day it was all because those evil white folks who went over to the most violent, uneducated continent on the planet and kidnapped, murdered and enslaved its native people. One fact that they like to conveniently leave out is the fact that it was their fellow Africans who were very busy selling their countrymen into slavery. And I am not trying to excuse or erase the fact that whites were guilty of "purchasing" fellow human beings, but with all things being equal there is more than enough blame to go around regarding all of the participants in this dark period in our history. The argument made that because whites only care about themselves or other people when it benefits them, and therefore came up with the idea of bringing back a bunch of black people from Africa to do all their work, in today's world, just makes no sense. Then they say that all you need to do now is to fast forward a few hundred years to our current situation and you can very plainly see how the ruling white people of a few hundred years a ago, who only cared about themselves have ruined America today. While it is true that many blacks are poor, the bigger questions is, why. And instead of doing the things required to improve their lot in life, they, instead, insist on supporting those who are focused, most intently, on nothing more than the bringing down of everyone else to their pathetic level. Does that make any amount of sense? To anybody?

I think it fair to say that the perception of the general public is that there are many in the black community who view the U.S. taxpayer as being nothing more than the source of their perpetual gravy train. Unfortunately it has become the opinion of many of those same taxpayers that anytime you give a black person money they have a tendency to most likely use it for purposes which will do very little or nothing that brings about any benefit to his or her life. For example, take any public housing project in any city you wish to choose and then look at what its condition was like before these people moved in compared to what it looks like as little as a year later. That's a picture that's worth 1000 words. It's pretty common knowledge that blacks tend to a bit myopic in that they usually can only manage to focus on the short term, just long enough to get their next government check that will then furnish them with the necessary funds for making the next purchase of their favorite drug, drink or hooker. They also tend to care only about themselves and have this rather odd preference for choosing to use extreme and violent methods of showing their displeasure whenever the opportunity may present itself. It's a well known fact that the prison population in the United States is made up of over 50% blacks at a time when blacks make up less than 20% of the total population of the country. Blacks seem to have a predisposition to cause violence because they think they have ready made excuse that allows them to do so. That being, "white oppression." Each ghetto or troubled area of nearly any city in the United States consists primarily of blacks. Blacks have a higher tendency to kill, rape, and harm anybody who might get in their way, which is usually other blacks, but is sometimes whites. Black on black crime is an epidemic in this country. But having said that, even here where I live prominent members in the black community seem to very loudly advocate for not talking to the police even when you may have knowledge of a crime and who might have been the perpetrator. If you talk to the police you're nothing more that a squealer. And it is then these very same community "leaders" who complain when the police are either slow to respond or even refuse to enter the community due to safety concerns. What sense does any of that make, and how does it make the community safer?

Black Americans behave sometimes as if they are the most unintelligent ethnic group on the entire planet, and oddly enough, seeming to take some level of pleasure in this and quite content to have others maintain that impression of them. They see it as being some kind of twisted joke. Look at the way they talk, carry themselves and walk around with their underwear hanging out of their pants. It's all so very clownish. To call it attention seeking behavior is to do nothing more that offer an excuse for it. How does that in any way help create a positive impression. Yet it is always those who view this odd behavior as having negative connotations who are always the ones accused of being racist. The role models out there for young blacks are pretty few and far between, with them either being somewhat lacking in the area of possessing any amount of character, to say the least, or nonexistent altogether in being able to provide any positive impact whatsoever on the real lives of young blacks. Hence they are left to drift where they become susceptible to the usual negative influences from such unsavory characters as rappers, criminals and street gangs. But if you dare accuse any black person of attempting to emulate any of those previously mentioned, inevitably you will also be called a racist. Blacks are always eager to throw around the accusation of racism, a term that they insist upon defining as it existed dozens to hundreds of years ago, and they seem unwilling to recognize the progress that has been made. As well they fail to recognize the blatant racism exhibited against whites that seems to be coming more and more prevalent. And the fact that we now have a black president seems to have done nothing more than to accelerate this racist sentiment that blacks feel toward whites, and I'm not sure why. And it is something that our black president is prone to use as a political weapon in an effort to maintain his black support. Blacks view any and all accusations made against our president, or his highly destructive policies, are made for no other reason that because he is black. If they really loved this country they would see the damage that is being done by this man and would as well see that those speaking out against his policies are doing so only in an effort to save our country.

I have met so many black people over the course of my lifetime who absolutely HATE white people, for what "we" supposedly did to "them." Meet a black person on the street, or pretty much anywhere for that matter, and if looks could kill, you'd be dead. It's ingrained into them. Whites are the reason behind every single problem faced by those in the black community. Just ask them, that's what they'll tell you. And yet that's not being racist? To hate me for no other reason than because I'm white? I see and hear all kinds of crazy things like "Why do all white people hate all black people?" and I'm just like, what the hell? Because I don't hate black people, but if they don't want to be stereotyped, they shouldn't act like the stereotypical. I wish we could just get over this because, I am white and I don't hate any race, I wish we could all get along. Sadly however, those mentioned above as being leaders in the black community don't want us to get along, and they do everything in their power to foment racial hatred. My grandparents had nothing at all to do with slavery, Hell, they weren't even in this country then. And you cannot honestly tell me that when black people first became slaves, that if they were in the same position as white people, they would have done any different, and like I've said, Africans sold their own kind to the white people. Another thing, whites DIED in battle right along side of blacks during the Civil War to keep THEIR and OUR freedoms, so what the hell? I bet most black people don't even know if their grandparents were slaves or not... it doesn't seem like it anyway. Until the day comes that blacks in this country permit themselves to move beyond race there is very little likelihood tensions will be reduced. While racism toward blacks has become a fraction of what it once was, racism toward whites, I think it fair to say, is at an all time high. And blacks who try to alter that toxic mentality are considered as being no different that whites. It is folks like these who recognize the destructive force that racism is that suffer the most I think. What they want is to impress upon those in their community the importance of making good decisions and that by doing so anyone can be a success, no matter what the color of your skin. And all they get for their efforts is being called names and shunned by those who they are trying to help.

1 comment:

  1. They also forget that most slaves were captured and sold into slavery by other African tribes or African muslims. It is still going on today.

    Any black kid who tried to achieve in academics is ridiculed as "trying to be white".

    It isn't racist when we are simply pointing out the very sad facts.
