

Monday, June 6, 2011


That ever reliable loony left-winger, Henry "Make A Train Take A Dirt Road" Waxman, the ugliest guy in Congress, is once again seeing the evil Bush/Cheney boogeymen lurking in nearly every shadow. Rep. Henry Waxman, a Democrat, of course, and from California no less, is making the claim that the Republicans’ current energy legislation is the same as what the Bush administration offered up way back when, and that it was those failed policies that contributed to high gas prices. Spewing his standard level of mind-numbing drivel at a hearing of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce on Friday, Waxman said, “We’ve seen this roadmap before.” Adding, “This is a recycled version of the plan developed by the secretive Bush-Cheney Energy Task Force and pushed through Congress by Republicans while they were in office.” Waxman muttered something about how it was during the eight years that Bush was in office, that his administration “pushed oil and gas drilling, onshore and offshore” and “expedited permits and weakened environmental protections.” “They tried to greenwash proposals for drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by implying congressional appropriators could use royalty revenues to support renewable energy,” Waxman said. Greenwash? Henry is just so clever, don't ya think? NOT! “Today we are sending nearly a billion dollars a day overseas for foreign oil,” he said. “We use 25 percent of the world’s oil, but we only have 2 percent of the world’s oil reserves. We’ve worked to increase our domestic crude oil production by nearly 300,000 barrels per day. “And yet,” Waxman said, “gas prices remain high.” Am I missing something here, just how stupid does old Henry think we are? Does he expect us to ignore the very obvious fact that is has been the scumbags Democrats who have worked so hard to kill any and all domestic oil production? Someone needs to clue this moron in here! Most us realize that the major contributing factor to those high gas prices he refers to, is our serious lack of drilling pretty much anywhere here at home. But I doubt old Henry wants to hear any of that.

The hearing focused on the piece of legislation that Henry went on his rant about. Called “The American Energy Initiative – Roadmap for America’s Energy Future,” or H.R. 909, it is a comprehensive energy bill drafted by Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), who sits on the House Ways and Means Committee and who testified at the hearing. The Republican bill would increase oil exploration and development of oil and natural gas resources on the U.S. outer continental shelf and require the Department of Interior to meet leasing timelines. It also would repeal the ban on drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The bill would amend the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 to eliminate the Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management and calls for radiological material to be stored in the Yucca Mountain nuclear repository in Nevada, unless the Nuclear Regulatory Commission “determines it is not a suitable location.” The bill would also prohibit the president from “blocking or hindering spent nuclear fuel recycling activities.” In addition, the legislation calls for the acceleration of plans for future nuclear energy plants. The bill proposes to put new federal leases and royalty revenues into a trust fund, which would be available for “alternative energy” sources through a competitive “reverse auction” process – a process Nunes said would reward the best and most effective clean-energy products. “The American people are looking to us for leadership,” Nunes said in his prepared testimony. “They know intuitively that we are running out of time and they are worried about the futures of our country and our children. “They have given us the opportunity to offer solutions to this and other big problems,” he said, adding that it was “time to act.” Here, here! I think it pretty safe to assume that this plan is far too rational and makes far too much sense to expect a significant number of Democrats, if any, to sign on. Frankly, I'd be surprised if there were any Democrats in Congress with enough guts to do so.

Rep. Ed Whitfield (R-Ky.), chairman of the committee’s Subcommittee on Energy and Power, called the legislation “a comprehensive plan to break this logjam and enhance both the amount and variety of domestic energy production.”  But Waxman strenuously disagreed, sounding much like that same old broken record and harkening back to the bygone days of the Bush administration two-and-a-half years after Barack Hussein Obama took office and less than one year after the Republicans regained power in the House of Representatives. “H.R. 909’s roadmap doesn’t lead to the future,” Waxman insisted. “It leads to the past.” Waxman added that the plan’s problem was the same as it had always been and would lead to “huge amounts of carbon pollution that will drive uncontrolled climate change.” Someone needs to clue this lunatic in, man made climate change has pretty much been shown to be an issue that was completely made up by those on the left. It's become their religion. And so, Democrats remain the ones busying themselves with stymieing all efforts to do what is necessary to bring down the price of gas and to make us more energy independent. Their idiocy continues to be based on nothing more than the imbecilic, and thoroughly disproven, theory that any supposed global warming that there may be, is man made. Meanwhile it is a fact that since "Mr. Hope and Change" first took office, there has been nothing put forward that can be said to have even remotely resembled a "comprehensive" energy plan. His only plan thus far seems to have been one that allows gas prices go through the roof in his effort to force people to drive less. What kind of an insane energy policy is that? I mean, short of earning him some browny points with the environmental wacko groups, this sort of energy policy accomplishes nothing more than to cause Americans to waste even more of what little disposable income they have left today. Waxman and his many liberal cohorts are determined to ruin this country and it is up to every freedom loving American to prevent them from accomplishing their goal. The first item on our things to do list has got to be the ridding ourselves of Barack Hussein Obama. He is the albatross around our collective neck. He is the single worst thing to happen to this country since Woodrow Wilson or perhaps FDR. Who says history does not repeat itself?

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you served in our military, and you have all of my respect for doing what you've done for this country for 24 years. Saying that, you're very ignorant. Waxman pointed out that we have 2% of the oil reserves with 25% of the consumption. Simple math would tell you that those reserves could not supply the demand Americans needs for oil. You watch Fox don't you? Let them continue to brainwash you.
