

Thursday, June 16, 2011


That could very well be the question that drives what the final outcome will ultimately be of the next election. Do they love their country and wish to do all that is necessary in order to guarantee a bright future for their children, or do they instead love all of the costly goodies that the government “gives” to them? And costly not only in terms of tax dollars wasted, but also in the amount of freedom that is always lost in the process. Are they willing to cast off all of the benefits of freedom, and therefore choose to exchange them for the iron bonds forged by they're very willingly becoming firmly attached to the government teat? Are they willing to become totally subservient to an insidious bureaucracy in exchange for being provided with what the government deems as being the necessities of life? Like it or not, how it is that a majority of Americans choose to answer these questions will be how the winner of the 2012 election is most likely be decided. It's sad that it should have to come down to that, but I just don't see it any other way. Sadly, the Democrat Party in this country, with the assistance of its propaganda arm, the state controlled media, has been quite successful in it endeavor to hoodwink the American people. Of course it hasn't hurt that a vast majority of those entrusted with the teaching of our children are of the same twisted political persuasion. Education has come to be replaced with indoctrination in our public schools as well as in our so-called institutions of higher learning.

Over the course of the last 50 years or so, it seems that a substantial segment of the American population has lost much of that which used to be ingrained into all of us, that desire to be self-sufficient and to shun government interference in our lives. We were once taught the benefits of being ably to rely on ourselves and about self-sacrifice and of having a solid work ethic. We were told to work hard and make something of ourselves. For whatever reason, far too many of us have now bought into the fallacy that the government is far better able and much more capable of handling those responsibilities that, in those bygone days, would normally have fallen under the purview of the individual. Ya know, Barry just loves to rant about all of those greedy corporations and those who comprise the evil rich in his continuing effort to cast blame for our present economic situation. But what about the level of greed personified by those who do absolutely nothing more than to constantly walk around with their hand stuck out while asking those of us who prefer to pull our own weight, to pick up their ever more costly tab. I think there is something much more sinister in that kind of behavior, and I also think that it poses the much greater risk to our survivability as a free nation.

Are those of us who do still love this country and who still feel blessed to be fortunate enough to live here, are we now willing to allow our destiny to be determined by cadre of dishonest and unethical politicians and their many supporters comprised of corrupt public service unions, lazy minorities, environmental extremists, rabid baby killers, mentally deranged feminists and a state run media complex populated by a substantial number of devout socialists? We Americans who still do love this country have, by default, essentially become the last line of defense against those who wish to run it into the ground. As Barry is so fond of saying, and always when referencing his inability, and unwillingness, to advance any serious form of a rational energy policy, there is only a finite amount of natural resources and America uses much more than its fair share. But can't the same be said of our fiscal resources as well? Can we simply go on printing money with reckless abandon and with virtually no end in sight? We are now poised at a very dangerous tipping point in our history where those who demand that their government assume a larger role in the life of every single American nearly outnumbering those who are demanding just the opposite.

Socialism, no matter how it's dressed up, whether it's called "Hope and Change" or comes under some other nomenclature, has been an abysmal failure wherever and whenever it's been tried. It always has the same disastrous result, abject misery for all those unfortunate enough to be subjected to its many cruelties. But still there are those who stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the provable facts, usually for very selfish reasons, and they remain determined in their efforts to force that failed political and economic theory down our throats. It is a philosophy that's based entirely on the use of deception in order to create a false impression that it can somehow succeed in creating a utopia here on Earth. And we see this deception in practice today with wild claims currently being made by many charlatans on the left that because of the stellar leadership of Barry, our economy has now turned some hypothetical corner and a recovery is now fully underway. Such conclusions are absolutely ludicrous. It clearly shows the severe type of mental disorder that afflicts anyone who would make such a claim. Especially at a time when we have over 9 percent unemployment, the highest inflation in over two years, our housing market is completely in the dump, gas prices are twice as high as they were just two years ago and food prices keep going up. This is how these people define an economic recovery? That may be the case on their home planet, but that's not quite the way we do it here on this planet.

How exactly can anything that has occurred in the last 2+ years, in any way, shape, manner or form have created the environment necessary that would be conducive to allowing for the turning of any kind of a corner. It sounds to me more like we've been driven off a cliff and those who were doing the driving at the time of going over said cliff, are now busy trying to convince us that no such an occurrence actually ever took place. Nothing miraculous has taken place here. Those entrusted with the stewardship of our Republic have let us down rather badly. They have put their need for power above the well being of every American citizen. And yet a good many of those very same citizens seem to care very little about what has taken place and care even less about holding those guilty parties accountable. Go figure! In roughly 17 months we will be provided with what could very well be our very last opportunity to regain some semblance of control over which direction this country goes in. But enough of the American people are going to have to decide what it is that they love more, freedom or enslavement. If they choose freedom then they must send packing as many of those politicians as possible who, for the most part, reside in the Democrat Party. If they prefer enslavement, then all they need to do is to simply vote to increase the number of Democrats in Congress and re-elect Barry. It's all pretty simple.

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