

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Americans' disapproval of how Barry "Almighty" is handling, or mishandling, the economy as well as our ballooning budget deficit has reached new highs amid broad frustration over the slow pace of our supposed economic recovery, at least according to a Washington Post-ABC New poll released on Tuesday. Now normally anything that comes from these two venerable members of the state controlled media, I take with a pretty good sized grain of salt. You can never really trust the results that they may come up with because they are constantly bending themselves into a pretzel to portray Barry in a positive light. But perhaps things have finally deteriorated to they point where even they can no longer ignore what's taking place. Even they have to now recognize what Barry is very purposely doing in his effort to destroy our economy. Also noted in the poll is the fact that the ratings boost Barry received after the killing of Osama bin Laden has pretty much dissipated, as many said it would, with his job approval rating having now fallen back to 47 percent. Forty-nine percent disapprove of his performance. Gee, I wonder what segment of our population makes up the largest portion of the 47 percent who approve of the job that he's doing? Want to make any wagers? Barry's approval rating bounced to 56 immediately after bin Laden was killed last month. Like this inept bumbler had anything to do with that little enterprise.

In this latest poll, fifty-nine percent, a new high by the way, gave Barry negative marks for his handling of the economy, up from 55 percent a month earlier. Barry's approval rating on the deficit issue hit a new low of 33 percent, down 6 points just since April. With his obvious unwillingness to anything whatsoever about our growing deficit, what exactly might that 33 percent might be thinking. It is surmised by many that the state of the economy poses a huge challenge for Barry, whose re-election in 2012 may depend on his ability to convince, most likely through all method of deception, voters that his economic policies have been successful. But how can any sane individual look at our current state of affairs and come to the conclusion that Barry's policies have been anything other than an abject failure. However, I think it can safely be said that failure is in the eye of the beholder. Because from Barry's socialist perspective, I'm sure he sees his policies as having been a colossal success. He better get the old spin machine cooking, because he's going to need to get really creative in how he portrays a floundering economy as being on the road to recovery. The survey reflects a broadly pessimistic public mood as high gasoline prices, sliding home values and high unemployment numbers raised concerns about the pace of the U.S. economic recovery, The Washington Post said.

Eighty-nine percent of Americans say the economy is in bad shape; 57 percent say any economic recovery has not yet started and 66 percent said the United States was seriously on the wrong track. So that must mean that at least a third of our fellow Americans think that the country is on the right track. Again, who is it that makes up that one third? Forty-five percent said they trust congressional Republicans over Barry to handle the economy, up 11 points since March. But the poll also shows that Barry is leading five out of six potential Republican presidential rivals but in a dead heat with former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. So, if 89 percent of us think the economy is sad shape, 57 percent of us say any economic recovery has yet to even get started and 66 percent say the country is headed in the wrong direction, how is it then that, at least according to this poll, Barry is beating all Republican comers. And a dead heat, by the way, is by no means anything to get excited about. With numbers like this, Barry should be getting trounced. What this tells me is that the candidates on our side are not articulating what it is that they are proposing in order to keep this country from going over a fiscal cliff. We need someone who is unafraid to get out there and loudly proclaim the conservative principles that can keep that from happening. We no longer have the luxury of being able to pussyfoot around. We need someone with the courage to go for Barry's jugular. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

Among all Americans, Barry and Romney are tied at 47 percent each. Among registered voters, Romney is ahead 49 percent to 46 percent. Now we know the blacks are solidly behind Barry, as are the unions, as well as 90 percent of academia and the media. Which means that whoever our candidate is, they are going to have their work cut out for them if we are going to be successful in our attempt to rid ourselves of Barack Hussein Obama. And I'm worried that Romney, after hearing his questionable position on global warming, as well as his being able to deal with the issue of Romneycare, and his, first he was for it and now he's against it, abortion stance, just isn't the guy we should be hitching our electoral wagon to. At least not yet. Romney, the current Republican front-runner, last week launched his second presidential campaign, saying Barry's economic policies were to blame for America's many economic woes. That's pretty much a no brainer, Mr. Romney is going to have to convince the American people that his plan to revive our struggling economy and to restore America to its proper place in the world will be based on solid conservative principles and not by his simply saying what it is he thinks we want to hear. He needs to demonstrate that he is as committed to the rescuing this country as are the rest of us. He cannot afford to alter his position on the issues based on the crowd that he happens to be standing in front of at any given time.

The above mentioned poll of 1,002 adults was conducted June 2-5 and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.

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