"A place where honest, serious and frank discussions on politics, current events, and social issues take place."

Sunday, June 26, 2011
As the celebration of the birth of our nation approaches, I thought this would be a most appropriate time to bring up the fact that our being able to continue into the future as a free and prosperous nation, from this point on, is hanging by a thread. What America is in desperate need of right now, that is, if it is to have any hope of surviving, is what can only be described as being a true “Conservative Uprising.” And if uprising is too strong a term for you to use, how about simply saying we need an overwhelming resurgence of “conservative” values. “We the people” can no longer rely on dishonest politicians who are so eager pander to any number of self-serving minorities while on their quest for votes. Because in doing so they leave the country at large completely unattended as it descends ever further into what can only be described as, chaos. Minorities, whether based on skin color, some perverse sexual persuasion or a specific violent, primitive and intolerant religion, have all come to command far too much attention from those in positions of political power. Our country is rapidly plunging headlong into a vast abyss of incredibly dense, and very deep, darkness, and very few of those who could work to turn things around, are doing just the opposite. They seem interested in nothing more than speeding up our descent into the pit of complete governmental control. Meanwhile, there is a growing movement in this country that may be coming into existence at just the right time. This movement, the Tea Party, is what we should be very willing to use as the tip of our spear going from this point forward. Where the election in 2010 was our point of embarkation, the election in 2012 should be viewed as being step two in working toward the achieving of a successful victory in beginning the long process of turning America around. Back toward what it was that the Founders’ had in mind when they first conceived of this grand idea and then brought it to fruition in giving birth to this great nation. As that old adage goes, if not us, who if not now, when. America is becoming more socially, morally, economically and financially bankrupt with each passing day. I am not saying that we should push toward establishing a third party, but instead, as the hard left effectively took over the Democrat Party, conservatives, true conservatives, need to be much more assertive and be willing to demand the playing of a much larger role in the Republican Party.
While the Liberal state-controlled media continues in its intensifying of thinly, and not so thinly, veiled attacks on a largely conservative fly-over America, it, at the same time, is very desperate to keep very well hidden from the American people, the failed, and failing, policies of the Left. Orchestrated from behind the scenes by the very ones that we elect to represent us, are the very same policies designed to rob us of our freedom while at the same time accelerating government intrusion into areas which it has no business. These folks can’t even take the time to read the legislation that they pass, worse than that, they tell us there really is no need for them to read it. Long before Barry “Almighty” came onto the scene and became the least experienced individual ever to be elected president, the state-controlled media complex has always seemed ready, willing and able to circle the protective wagons around the liberal agenda and their anti-freedom, economy killing policies. It did so via a series of misleading, and outright false, stories that together formed a bulwark of Democrat propaganda. This fact, while always obvious to many, was confirmed for all who were paying attention during what can only be described as being the worst case of “journalist malpractice” in our nation’s history. That being the election of Barack Hussein Obama. We saw where many of the foremost members of the media secretively plotted methods to defend against and even punish those who criticized the Barry “Almighty” campaign as they do now to protect his regime.
Barry “Almighty,” the media's action hero, had finally arrived, and the state controlled media complex, being "Obama's Little Helpers," would continue to run interference on behalf of the authoritarian machine so that every wrong would be righted and every right would, ironically, thereby be threatened. The media's newly assumed role as our Constitutional Republic's designated "Sleepwalkers," now finds all sorts of meaningless issues to occupy its journalistic time. Meanwhile, examples of blatant abuse power and outlandish governmental acts of obvious acts of corruption by the current administration continue to pile up well away from the media’s formerly vaunted presses, with questions simply being ignored or permitted to go totally unanswered. The most egregious act of betraying the American people took place during a democratically controlled and tragically misguided Congress, under the “leadership” of “Botox” Nancy Pelosi and “Dingy” Harry Reid. These two willing, and very corrupt, accomplices acted in concert to allow an Authoritarian Leftist to continually chip away at our traditional way of life as well as our ability to regain our economic footing and, therefore, our lives. As the policies of the last 24+ months proceed to take firm hold in the land, the economy has reacted as expected, unless of course your one of those imbecilic malcontents on the left. Our economy has been essentially doing nothing more than to slowly slip into a form of paralysis, as the noose of government meddling gets tighter around its neck. While our increasingly socialist government continues to either over-regulate or to seize complete control of various segments of privately owned companies, institutions and even entire industries all under the auspices of some "dire need" in an effort of to avert some mythical crisis. A crisis, more often than not, created by that very same government bureaucracy now making claims of being able to repair the damage. Because of these individuals, the bureaucrats, America has rapidly morphed into a faltering land of weak promise rather than its former role as a bastion of individual liberty and success.
This facts become even more clear as we see an out of control Federal Government continue its outright brazen attacks against state governments over issues ranging from the enforcing of federal law regarding illegal immigrants to the squelching of whole industries to provide employment to many of those living in certain states. Undocumented Aliens being permitted to take full advantage of both a State's and a Country's continually diminishing fiscal resources is not what most Americans consider to be defensible, and yet THEIR savior appears to be OUR Government. We have had a Federal Government attacking employees and companies within an industry for the mistake of "another country's company" in the form of the Gulf moratorium on deep water drilling. In the midst of this spectacle, we all scratch our heads in confusion, wondering exactly "who" the Government is trying to save when those who are most affected are the very same ones who live in a region already in economic shock. What started out as a media-driven disaster, and one which was supposed to haunt us for decades, has now become an unfortunate event that was, once again, taken advantage of by our overbearing government. And now we have the government telling a privately owned company, Boeing, where it can and cannot do business. Why? Because of Barry’s commitment to corrupt unions in exchange for a substantial amounts of campaign cash.
We now have 26 states in the process of suing the Federal Government, and therefore by proxy, Barry “Almighty,” over the unconstitutional requirements of his catastrophic healthcare law, which promises to both very quickly, and massively, deconstruct the best healthcare system in the world. The whole concept that forms the basis of this blatant governmental seizure is the reducing of our present system to a second rate, obviously dysfunctional, like going to the DMV or Post Office, single payer system, and in very short order. For those "non-believers" out there, you need only delve, ever so lightly, into the many eyewitness accounts of the problems associated with other countries’ government controlled healthcare systems. And should you embark on such research, I would strongly recommend you’re utilizing the web rather than the traditional media, assuming, of course, you prefer the truth to being told liberal fairytales based on lies. The fallacy that this “reform” is, in any way, actually the boon that it is proclaimed to be, is proven, beyond the shadow of a doubt, is the fact that there have now been over 1400 waivers granted to a very select members of Barry favorites. There has been a huge outcry and continued rejecting of Obamacare by a whopping 73% in a very stinging mass rebuttal to the enjoined members of the Executive, Legislative and Fourth Estate branches of our governance. But most certainly the 500 or so people who make up our elected "elites" in Government are far wiser and therefore eminently more qualified than the diminutive subsection of 200 million Americans who disagree.
We’re now faced with an army of sitting, lifetime appointed, Federal Judges who feel they are entitled to take it upon themselves to essentially legislate from the bench. They have no problem whatsoever overruling the will of the people on everything from gay marriage to dictating the management state budget issues by doing, of all things, quoting the Constitution. There was a case where one of these rogue judges overturned the concerted vote of over 7 million people in California under the auspices of following the Constitution. The Federal Judge in question, who is reportedly a “practicing homosexual” disallowed the democratic wishes of the majority under the auspices of the 14th Amendment and equal protection. We wonder if perhaps the Judge might harbor an impending desire to marry his "dude." If so, the Judge could have been easily ascribed to being under the influence of conflicting interests. I’m sure we all remember the judge in Wisconsin who, demonstrating a very obvious bias as well as a reckless disregard for the Constitution, chose to side with Democrats who ran to another state, and the unions, as she attempted to insert herself in the running of that state. Judges habitually assume they have the power to tell the governors how they can and cannot conduct legislative business in their state. Also there are judges in New Jersey who feel they can dictate to the governor of that state how he is able to do his job. And don’t forget the two judges who, more because of the politics than for regard of the Constitution, have said that Obamacare and all of its requirements are, actually, within the limits established by our Constitution.
Constitutionally speaking, a number of Conservatives and some Libertarians do see a problem with disallowing an individual whose personal desires and attractions deviate from a given norm from seeking their "full pursuit of happiness." However, this paradigm of rationality brings up a number of other areas in the personal pursuit of happiness that also stray from "typical" behavior. For instance, if gays are given this right of pursuit, as recently was decided in New York, then who is to say that a polygamist does not also have that same right of equal protection. And then if polygamists can join the club of "state marriage sanctification," then why not those adults who are attracted to youths and their loved ones who are at the "beyond extreme" sub-sector of "youthful offenders", where do we draw the line or does that line even now exist? The predominant Conservative attitude on this point seems to be "do what you want but don't ask us or our Governments to bless it and condone it," and yet this is what we are being perpetrated over the heads of the people by the government, once again. Are these extreme comparative stretches? Maybe, maybe not, and yet would gay marriage have even been considered 50 years ago? Does a Judge have the right, such as in a case in New Jersey, to disallow State law due to a Religion that does not recognize the primacy of State law over Shariah law in which women are considered second degree Citizens?
We must now note that Capitalism seems to be at its greatest when enjoyed by Liberals, and always with other people's money. It’s always those very same liberals who insist upon the fact that we do as they say, not as they do. Isn’t it ironic, to say the least, that the ones who beat up and denigrate Capitalism and free markets the most, are always the very same ones who enjoy and employ it's largesse the best. For example, Sen. John Kerry Heinz, who I believe spent a very brief, yet profitable, time in Vietnam, has his Yacht-Gate, Charles Rangel has his Ethics-Gate and Maxine Waters had her Influence-Gate, not to leave out Pelosi and her Jet-Gate. Or Chris Dodd or Bawney Fwank who were hip deep in the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae debacle. Yet because they’re Democrats this type of behavior is almost expected, so therefore it’s excused. We have the Black Democratic Caucus supposedly outraged at both Barry and the powers that be in Congress due to their complicity in having the gall to conduct an ethics investigation into the Waters and Rangel scandals with regard to two verified instances of questionable actions. I first heard the word "racism" brought into the mix by that idiot Juan Williams on Fox News. This is the type of usual objectivity that I have come to expect this clown Williams, who is nothing more than one black who views absolutely everything through the lens of race.
Then there's the Muslim sympathizing Liberals in New York City who had no problem whatsoever with the building of a nine story Islamic Mosque nearly on the sight of 9/11's Ground Zero. The cost has been reported to be in the $100 million range as the Islamists, no doubt, snicker at Americans for our politically correct idiocy. Unfortunately, the US Constitution does not allow for the singling out of a religion to restrict, so we must, therefore, grit our teeth and trust to the locals to prevail in most cases. It is indeed a well-known fact that the practitioners of Islam routinely build mosques on the various sites if the victories. This is why the Muslims refer to this New York City project as “The Cordoba Project." While the Imam in charge has generously christened himself the "bridge-builder," we shudder to think of what kind of bridge it is that he is referring to. If those issues are still not enough, we have food-stamp usage by Americans at an all time high; we have a state threatening to sell a National Park due to Government intransigence in the face of a disastrous economy; we have Social Security actually entering into the red this year; we have State controlled, Citizen-owned GM donating to Democratic causes, jobless claims up again, rumors of another Presidential Executive Order in which the Federal Housing Giants forgive the underwater portions of federally owned mortgages which are upside-down--at taxpayer expense, and much, much more. Each of the long list of items enumerated above, when recounted individually, would not seem like much. And yet when we pull all of these items together, lay them out much like a jigsaw puzzle, and then try to piece them together we can see a grand theme at work, and yet the cut of the pieces just do not seem to fit properly, as of yet. Given time, the pattern should come into sharp focus, but will it be too late by then?
The Media, along with a majority of those in Academia, see and therefore defend the damaging effects of these policies, then desperately trumpet any change as being positive news and herald the fact that we have turned some perceived corner and are now blazing down the homestretch of regain prosperity when in fact, we’re doing nothing of the kind. The are nothing more than the purveyors of nothing more than wishful thinking. All of this while members of the extreme Left seem angered at their man, Barry's inability to run the table with every Socialist, Big Brother policy known to mankind. While the Leftist-inspired ideology, touted as being "just absolutely great for us all," is gradually set into motion, we then correspondingly see an incremental economic downturn in prosperity as its effects take hold. More specifically, every time a liberally-inspired new measure or law gets put into play, it seems to result in a corresponding failure or downturn of yet another affected sector--or at least a severe downgrading of that particular sector. But still, they don’t view it as being a failure of the plan, or even of the plan’s execution. Failure is always blaming on some vague outside forces. It is a fact that the ideology of the left has actually done more damage to the very people it was meant to aid, than if nothing would have been done at all. People of this Nation, however, are now, however slowly, beginning to awaken and are coming to understand the daunting implications of turning their way of life over to a radical group that has its sole source of experience nothing more than a tenure in the bizarre world of academia and will have no more of it.
The simple truth is that there is no practical or functional way to have the best of every world. But in an America, which was sleekly designed as a means for the absolute best of man's higher individual pursuits, the Statist ideology being put into play is both unnatural and unwieldy. The American system was designed with the singular importance of the individual and his or her rights in mind, not that of the group's or the collective. As a result, any further efforts to radicalize the nation will result in further damage to what is, already, a very tenuous and fragile economy and, therefore, to the future integrity of our nation as a whole. Put another way, Barry and the Democrats seem to be trying to get the vehicle that is our economy even further into the same ditch that they have repeatedly accused the opposition of getting us in, in the first place. To claim they are doing anything else is simply dishonest. I find it fittingly ironic that the very thing that the Liberals find most appealing in their self-protected, highly regulated world, is the very thing that most damages the individual pursuit of self and individual rights, which they claim to hold so dear. Yet, even though many of these same individuals begrudgingly recognize that the foundation of their beliefs are nurtured rather than nullified by both a Constitutional rule of law and by the tenets of Conservatism, they are determined to undermine both to the greatest extent possible.
What we have been witness to over the course of the last 24+ months is the most blatant attack on our Constitution since the days of that Democrat icon, FDR. The abuses of power that have occurred over that brief time are simply to numerous to attempt to list here. We have as our president a man who sees himself as being able to “rule” by decree, and who views our Constitution as being an impediment. An impediment to be detour around using any method available. Those of us truly interested in saving our country and in wresting control away from this “Community agitator” madman and his unethical and insidious political party must decide for ourselves if we are up to the task. We must finish the job in 2012 that we started with the election of 2010. And for those whom we elected and who have decided that they wish not to be part of “We the people’s” team, well then, they can be sent back home. They will either be considered as being part of the solution or part of the continuing problem. So I ask again, if not us, who and if not now, when.
However political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion
~George Washington
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