

Monday, June 20, 2011


Finally, someone that I could very easily support for the Republican nomination for president. I've been leaning toward Romney for the some time, but it was more out of his being kind of my default candidate than it was anything else. I like Herman Cain too, but I'm just not convinced that he's capable of garnering enough support to actually win in the general election. Even though he's black, he's also a conservative, and that, I think, is a major disqualifier for him when it comes to his being a serious contender. I doubt a majority of blacks would actually vote for him. While we know race is the most important thing to them when deciding whom to vote for, being Liberal runs very close second. Especially since they want to make sure that them government checks continue uninterrupted. So lately I've been saying a little prayer every night asking God to please whisper in Gov. Perry's ear, and to tell him that America is in desperate need of his services. He has proven that he can accomplish for Texas all that which Barry "Almighty" has been completely unable, or unwilling, to accomplish for America as whole. Barry has accomplished nothing that has resulted in providing to the American people with any kind of positive long-term benefit. All he has succeeded in doing is to rapidly expand the size of government, and to orchestrate a massive intrusion into our private sector economy as well as into the private life of every single American citizen. Gov. Perry has put conservative principles to work in Texas and the results pretty much speak for themselves. He makes Barry look like the radical rookie that he is. Barry's intention upon taking office was not, so much, to make America better, but re-make America. His desire was to make America weaker, financially, economically and internationally, and on all three fronts he has been successful.

I only heard part of Gov. Perry's recent speech as he addressed hundreds at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans on this past Saturday, but what I heard, I most definitely liked. It was nice to see someone speak so passionately, and positively, about our country. And I've not heard anything close to what the governor said from any of the other candidates except for maybe Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain. When I heard the Texas governor proclaim that, "We need to stop apologizing for celebrating life. We need to stop apologizing for wanting to protect an individual's right to build a business," I stood up and cheered right there in my living room. Perry added, "Let's stand up. Let's speak with pride about our morals and our values and redouble our effort to elect more conservative Republicans." Man, that was like music to my ears. I think he definitely has a very positive record to run on, with one key accomplishment being that he has worked to create an environment in Texas that has allowed that state to create as many jobs in the last two years as have been created in all of the other states combined, during the same period of time. It's an aggressiveness to create private sector jobs that has been sorely lacking from our "Dear Leader," Barry "Almighty" who has been much more focused on expanding the size, scope and power of the federal government. To the detriment, I might add, of the America people.

Gov. Perry has yet to declare that he is a candidate for the presidency, but he has indicated several times in recent interviews and public appearances that he is now giving it some very serious thought. He joined some of the GOP presidential candidates in New Orleans, including former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), former Speaker Newt Gingrich, and Ron Paul (R-Texas) – all of whom blasted Washington for too much spending and too much interfering. "This administration in Washington ... clearly believes that government is not only the answer to every need but it's the most qualified to make essential decisions for every American in every area," Perry said. Adding, "That mix of arrogance and audacity that guides the Obama administration is an affront to every freedom-loving American," with that statement he hit the nail squarely on the head. "America's greatness is not found in the size of its government. America's greatness resides in the hearts and the minds of the people," he proclaimed to an energetic crowd. "Let's stop this American downward spiral." it's not just a downward spiral, it's a death spiral which Barry and the Democrats now have us on. And the ground is rapidly coming up to meet us and there seems to be very little concern among those in the Democrat Party regarding the rapidly approaching impact. There just does not seem to be any sense of urgency whatsoever that I see as emanating from either Barry or his liberal compadres in Congress.

The Texas governor touted his state's "unmatched job creation," saying the Lone Star State created 47.8 percent of all jobs in America in the last two years. "That's what happens when conservative leadership ... is willing to take a beating from the liberal left and their friends in the media." He also boasted that the Texas legislature recently passed a bill protecting the sanctity of life, as women contemplating abortions would be required to have a sonogram. "When it comes to conservative social issues, it saddens me when sometimes my fellow Republicans duck and cover in the face of pressure from the left," Perry said. "Our loudest opponents on the left are never going to like us so let's quit trying to curry favor with them." At last some commonsense, and some old fashioned gumption, he's exactly right! Why must we on the right always apologize or bend over backwards to accommodate the perverse agenda of those on the left? Especially when it's the very same perverse agenda that has lead to America's decline on just about every front. All one has to do is to look around and they will very quickly see just how far we have fallen as a nation in the last 29 months. Yet, Barry seems to be quite content, and why shouldn't he be, since he's the chief architect responsible for our present sad state of affairs. His actions, or his very purposeful inactions, are responsible for the highest inflation we've experienced in over two years, an unemployment rate firmly affixed above 9 percent, gas prices that are over twice as high as they were when he took office, a housing market that is in complete collapse, and food prices that are continuing to go through the roof. Such is the scenario that the policies of Barack Hussein Obama have created. Quite the resume on which to base his desire for re-election.

The Southern Republican Leadership Conference conducted a presidential straw poll, in which Ron Paul came out on top with nearly 40 percent of the vote. Perry was not included in the poll. But as I have heard on several occasions, Mr. Paul reminds most people of their cranky old grandfather, and just does not strike me as being a viable candidate for going up against Barry. He's just another old man as was McCain the last time around and I doubt the resulting election outcome would be any different. We can't afford to repeat the same mistakes. Most recently, Perry has drawn criticism for an upcoming prayer and fasting event "on behalf of our troubled nation." Scheduled for August, the event, he said, is Christ-centered but open to people of all faiths. I'm a little confused regarding why there would be any criticism being directed at him because of the religious overtones of this gathering. Maybe it's because there won’t be any racists invited to the gathering. I mean we currently have a president who seems only to want to attend those churches where he is most certainly going to hear nothing but the most vile form of race hatred heard anywhere, and it's being spewed by those speaking from the pulpit. But then, according to our state controlled media, that's perfectly acceptable. This is a nation, after all, that is essentially based on Judeo-Christian principles and values, despite how those on the left may wish it were not the case. And regardless of what the morons over at NBC may think, we are one nation under God.
My personal dream ticket would either be a Perry/Cain ticket or a Cain/Perry ticket. Either way, I see it as the winning team for America. If these two can't get things turned around, nobody can.

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