

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Such is the mantra of the Democrat Party and today's state-controlled media complex. And it is once more that our "news" media is proving itself to be nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. In doing so, our state controlled media moguls have unleashed their hounds in an effort to dig up whatever dirt that may be out there on potential Republican presidential candidates. In this case it's Gov. Rick Perry. But according to all that I've read, if Texas Gov. Rick Perry does decide to run for president, his team is more than prepared for any re-airing of the old unsubstantiated rumors about his personal life that have circulated on and off for years in the Lone Star State. Today's media, and the majority of those who are proud to be a part of it, have essentially gotten to the point where they now serve no useful purpose. They've become so obvious in the bias and so flagrant in the making of their baseless accusations that they have become nothing more than a caricature of their former selves. Nobody with even half a brain is listening anymore. Tune into any news show on CNN, MSNBC or even the majot networks and all you hear is a neverending diatribe again anyone of opposing opinion. I'm sure everyone remembers how Barry's re-election team took what can only be described it perceived as pre-emptive action against Gov. Christ Christi when, because of recent polling data, they thought he might be throwing his hat into the presidential campaign ring. Are they now attempting the same thing regarding Gov. Perry?

The crusted-over rumors involving Gov. Perry, which have been laying dormant for some time were, I'm sure, still lingering in the minds of some who were in attendance at a dinner hosted just last week by the Manhattan County GOP, where Perry gave the keynote speech. Rumors, which by the way, have never been proven to be anything other than rumors. That despite the fact that there has been repeated reviews by any number of media outlets, both credible and not so credible, all in the hope of coming up with something, anything, that could be used to disparage the governor if he were ever to decide to seek higher office. These rumors were all addressed by the governor himself in a lengthy American-Statesman story back in 2004. However, the story as well as the rumors, without a doubt, are sure to see new life if he does decide to run. I'm sure there will be numerous new attempts by Barry hit squad in the media to breath new life back into them all in an attempt to tarnish an individual who is a very viable candidate and one that poses a serious threat to Barry "Almighty." The claims, which had made the rounds for months by the time the story was written, included rumors that Perry and his wife Anita had split, and that the governor was gay. I could be wrong, but Gov. Perry doesn't strike me as someone who is gay. I think to make such a claim is quite a stretch. It just goes to show you the sick mentality of those on the Left and that all the stops are sure to pulled out in an effort to tear down any potential rival of Barry's.

In its own inimitable fashion, it was a usual cast of low lifes within the state Democratic Party in Texas that first seized upon the rumors seven long years ago, or so the American-Statesman reported, which prompted the governor to finally address them himself as being nothing more than a very "obvious, orchestrated effort" launched by political foes. It's the only way Democrats know how to play, they live in the sewer and wish to drag everyone down there with them. The rumors spread for two months, were posted on various websites and were vetted by numerous national outlets, all of which turned up absolutely nothing. Big surprise there! But Team Perry, when asked about how it's prepared to handle them when they most certainly re-emerge if the governor decides to run, said it remains "false and misleading." "As you may know, Rick and Anita Perry first met in grade school, went on their first date together in 1966, have been lovingly married since 1982 and are parents to two grown children," said top Perry strategist Dave Carney. "This kind of nameless, faceless smear campaign is run against the Perry family in seemingly every campaign, with no basis, truth or success." But that's not going to stop any smear campaign that most assuredly will spring forth from a patently dishonest state controlled media as it will undoubtedly continue to repeat the same old and disproven accusations.

"Texas politics is a full contact support, live hand grenades and all; unfortunately there are always going to be some people who feel the need to spread false and misleading rumors to advance their own political agenda," Mr. Carney said. "He is the most tested, most researched potential candidate or candidate on our side," Carney added to POLITICO. "We ran in a race against an opponent run by (David) Axelrod in 1998, we ran a campaign that reported spend $80 million against us in 2002, we have run against two Texas trial lawyers in 06 and 10 and the head of the Texas Trial Lawyer Association has spent millions of his own money to destroy the Perry’s. All of it for naught." Hey, I think we all know that that's how the Democrats play, dirty. They know they can never win on the issues, so for them it's always the politics of personal destruction that is their weapon of choice. It's all that they have. And as long as enough of the American people buy into this form of gutter politics nothing is going to change. People are going to have to come to realize that those who claim to be journalists long ago lost any semblence of objectivity. They have lost sight of what their role is. They no longer provide accurate and unvarnished information, instead they resort to the attempting to manipulate public opinion through the manufacturing of "facts" that supposedly bolster a very leftist agenda. Rumors, innuendo and accusations that have no basis in fact smear tactics are the rtactics they employ. And will continue to employ until the American people are finally fed up with it. Will that be in 2012. We can only hope. 

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