

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Speaking as a veteran of 24 years in the U.S. Navy and one who served under 5 Commanders-in-Chief, did we really need a poll to tell us this? As commanders-in-chief go, this guy makes a good used car salesman or, let's say, a "community agitator." It's pretty common knowledge that as a general rule, Democrats always suck in the role of Commander-in-Chief, and our buddy Barry here is no exception, with him now having taken that sucking to a whole new level. But still, that didn't stop our friends over at Gallup from inquiring among those who make up this unique demographic regarding their thoughts on the matter. Gallup has now released the result of that little research endeavor and what it shows is that there is a rather deep divide between U.S. military personnel (including veterans) and the general public when it comes to rating Our Dear Leader, Barry "Almighty's" job performance. Gallup reports that thirty-seven percent of all active-duty military personnel and veterans surveyed approved of the job Barry is doing during the January 2010 to April 2011 time frame. That compares with 48% of nonveterans interviewed during the same period. And what do you want to bet who it is that's making up all or most of that thirty-seven percent? Can anyone say…blacks? And the only reason I say that is because it always comes down to race with these people. ALWAYS!!! NO MATTER WHAT!!! IN OR OUT OF UNIFORM!!! It's sad that they can get past that, having instead allowed themselves to be convinced that they remain only victims.

This 11-percentage point difference shows a more negative view of the president’s actions, or inaction, while in office among those individuals who have served or who currently serve in the U.S. military. While young members of the military and veterans are the most likely to provide to Barry the benefit of the doubt and therefore hand him positive approval ratings, there is still a substantial gap between these individuals and their peers in the general public. It was found that 44 percent of young people ages 18 to 29 (veteran or currently active duty) approve of the president’s job performance, with 58 percent of non-military youths stating the same. Let's face it, what was the high point of this pathetic Commander-in-Chief's Memorial Day? It was going out and playing his 70th round of golf. How do you spell pathetic? I spell it B-a-r-a-c-k O-b-a-m-a. No trips to Walter Reed, no trips to the battle field, nope only a trip to the nearest golf course. This guy stinks. Can anyone imagine the level of outcry that would now be taking place from our state controlled media, and the scumbag Democrats, if this guy were a Republican? Or worse, if it were Bush? There is no connection, or bond between this man and the Soldiers, Sailors, Airman and Marines who are currently under his command. How can there be when by detesting what it is that they do, which is to defend America, he detests them? You can see the distain in his face every time he's before a gathering of our military folks. He doesn't even try to hide it.

Gallup concludes its study as follows: Americans who currently serve or previously served in the U.S. military are less likely to approve of the job Barry "Almighty" is doing than are those who have not served in the military, by about 10 percentage points. This approval gap occurs across all age groups. What's kind of ironic is the fact that these results come following Joe Klein’s (TIME Magazine) laugher of a statement that the military’s relationship is better with Barry "Almighty" than it was with Bush. The other day, Klein said the following during an appearance on MSNBC, "I’d say the relationship is pretty good, very, better than it was with Bush because the military hated the fact that he wasn’t really doing the job in Iraq." Seems like a pretty bold statement to make. Regardless of what the military thought of Bush, the current commander-in-chief has relatively weak support for his job performance among the nation’s bravest men and women. This isn’t good news for any president, regardless of his (or her) political affiliation. Realistically, all that idiotic statement shows is that this bonehead Klein is the same caliber of "journalist" as is Chris "Tingles going up my leg" Matthews. These faux journalists do their absolute best in their attempt to influence public opinion regarding anything having to do with Barry. But this particular demographic is a little harder to fool since it is uniquely qualified in its being able to recognize a true leader when it sees one. And that sure as HELL ain't Barack Hussein Obama.

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