

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


That well known flaming socialist, political anarchist and ardent Democrat Party supporter, AFL-CIO President "Dick" Trumka, has demonstrated yet again that he hates this country as much, or maybe even more so, than does our "Dear Beloved Leader" Barry “Almighty." He apparently has dedicated himself, as has Barry, to the extermination of freedom in this country. Guys like Trumka are gutless punks and they turn my stomach. They serve absolutely no useful purpose on this Earth, accomplishing nothing other than the stirring up of hate and discontent through their frequent use of incendiary and inflammatory rhetoric. They look to profit from their constant preaching of class warfare and victimization. They make outlandish statements to justify their own existence, such as how it is they, and only they, who are the ones looking out for "the working class," when in reality the only ones they're actually looking out for are, themselves. If you believe their nonsense, you'd think that if it weren't for guys like Trumka and the corrupt organizations that they head we'd have nothing but sweatshops operating here in this country. It's all pure BS. His most recent idiotic outburst is one that only adds to the perception that he is nothing more than a Democrat political hack as well as a raving leftwing loon. His latest claim is that the U.S. electoral process has been badly broken by none other than the Supreme Court which, he states, has successfully put a dagger through the heart of our Republic with its ruling in the Citizens United campaign finance case.

Trumka, speaking in front of what I'm pretty sure must have been a very friendly and receptive crowd at the National Press Club luncheon on Friday, accused the Supreme Court of helping to break the American electoral system by ruling that corporations were covered by the First Amendment. Ah, there's that pesky old First Amendment mucking things up again, a First Amendment defined by guys like Trumka view as being something that is a privilege to be enjoyed by a select few more than a right to be enjoyed by all. These guys feel it is something that should be more selectively applied. Ya know, other that Vice President Cheney, it's just not very often that I find myself able to trust any guy with the name, "Dick." And this "Dick" is definitely no exception. Everyday we see more evidence that, except in the public sector, that unions have pretty much worn out their welcome over the years with fewer and fewer Americans wanting to join the ranks of union members. Because other than bilking their members through ever-increasing monthly dues, they really accomplish nothing other than accumulating substantial amounts of money that they then contribute to Democrat Party candidates. That and higher unemployment, at least in the private sector. Public sector jobs are the only ones that seem to be on the increase. And they make almost impossible to fire any public employee no matter how egregious the behavior might be. You know, like an air traffic controller taking a snooze at the most inopportune time. And of course for those union members in the public sector it's the taxpayer who really gets royally screwed being forced to cover outrageous wage and benefit packages through higher and higher taxes. It’s this little nightmare scenario that when combined with the rabid spending that has taken place over the course of the last two years, that forms the cornerstone regarding the cause for our present fiscal collapse.

What seems to cause guys like Trumka so much heartburn is the fact that the Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling in Citizens United vs. the FEC lifted restrictions on companies, unions, and other organizations, allowing them to make independent expenditures in political campaigns. In other words, it leveled a playing field that previously had been very dangerously slanted in such a way as to provide unions, who hand over to Democrats astronomical amounts of money, with a very clear and distinct advantage. And, politically speaking, a very unfair advantage. Speaking on union involvement in federal elections, "Dick" Trumka said that the landmark decision put unions at a disadvantage. You can plainly see that lying obviously runs pretty deep out there on the lunatic left. “If you want to look at the system, the system is broken,” he said. “The Supreme Court helped break it even more with Citizens United. The system needs to be changed so that average, ordinary Americans can have as strong a voice as ExxonMobil does in the Congress.” This is the same old tired and worn-out broken record that we hear anytime we see a little fairness being applied to the system. These union cronies of the Democrat Party find it very difficult to survive in a system that has at its core even the slightest amount of fairness. They require special treatment. It's kind a funny, in a strange kind of way, how guys like Trumka perceive the system as being broken only when all participants in the political arena are treated the same. The system is working just fine only when it's the unions who enjoy a rather lopsided advantage in the whole process. The blatant hypocrisy of these anti-America miscreants is nothing short of astounding. If things don’t favor them and their disgusting tactics, they cry foul.

So despite what this left wing wack job may like you to believe, the Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United did nothing more than to allow corporations to spend an unlimited amount of money advocating for candidates and causes during elections, though they are still prohibited from giving directly to individual candidates. The ruling also allowed unlimited election spending by unions, which previously had been subject to the same limits as corporations. This clown Trumka said the entire campaign finance system needed an “overhaul,” starting at the Supreme Court itself. “The campaign finance laws need to be changed, so I for one would be for an overhaul,” he said. “I’d start at the Supreme Court probably because they believe that money equals free speech. That’s what their decision said." Now seriously, does that sound like a statement made by a rational human being, or the ravings of a certifiably insane crackpot. I'll let you decide. I mean, these union extremists have a rather skewed perception of things, in that the "only" ones who should be permitted to have their voices heard are, them. Trumka also said that the Founding Fathers did not intend for financial ability to equal someone’s ability to speak freely. He also called for a more “rational” system that would restore “government of the people.” “We need to take on the system and change it and make it more rational so we can have again government of the people, by the people, and for the people,” said Trumka. Oh that's just great, Trumka thinking he knows best about what it is that the Founding Fathers intended. I just love it when these leftists attempt to interpret our history or what our Founding Father might have intended. Talk about revisionists!

It was just earlier this year that the Barry "Almighty" administration leaked a draft executive order that would have restricted campaign financing by companies that contract with the government, requiring them to disclose on their contracting applications whether they or any of their top employees made political contributions and the amounts of those contributions. Funny thing though, unions were not included in this rather exclusive little order, even though many federal employees are unionized. And I'm sure we all remember the very un-presidential behavior Barry exhibited during his 2010 State of the Union address to Congress, when Barry "Almighty" put on full display his arrogance by essentially calling out the Supreme Court regarding its decision in Citizens United. “Last week [Jan. 21, 2010], the Supreme Court reversed a century of law to open the floodgates for special interests -- including foreign corporations -- to spend without limit in our elections,” Barry said. “Well, I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests, or worse, by foreign entities. They should be decided by the American people, and that’s why I’m urging Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps to right this wrong.” It was grossly inappropriate and a blatant lie that even had Justice Alito shaking his head. Our president is nothing short of disgusting. The sooner that we can manage to insert him back into the sewer from which he crawled out, the better off we will all be. It's really quite sad when the president of the United States has no appreciation, whatsoever, for our Constitution and what it stands for. We're going to have to be willing to vanquish this blight on our country in 2012 if we are to have any hope of being able to survive as a nation based on freedom and individual rights. Which is what, despite Mr. Trumka's rather idiotic interpretation, our Founding Fathers intended for us.

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