

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Busy angling for a second term, our "Beloved Leader," Barack Hussein Obama tried to fire up supporters Monday night, saying failure to get everything they wanted as fast as they wanted it should motivate and not dissuade them. Liberals and other key Barry supporters have voiced their frustration with Barry on any number of issues, from his supposed "compromise" with Republicans on tax cuts to his failure to deliver on a promised overhaul of the immigration system. Barry acknowledged the lengthy to-do list that he sees as lying ahead, but he said his accomplishments to date show that change is possible. I just don't view the outright destruction that he has been successful in bringing about, as being accomplishments. His message to his supporters: Don't give up just yet. So apparently, those who wanted him to inflict even more damage upon our country should not be disheartened. "When you think back to these last two and a half years, I want you to do so not with complacency, not with full satisfaction, but I want it to motivate you," Barry told about 600 supporters at a campaign fundraiser at the Capital Hilton. "Don't let people tell you that we can't bring about change. We have already brought about change." But as we have all been witness to over the course of the last 2+ years, change is not necessarily positive change, or change for the better. The change that has been implemented by this disciple of Alynski, has brought about a calamity that we may very well never fully recover from. And still you can have poll taken that loudly proclaims that in spite of the highest inflation in over 2 and a half years, a housing market that is in a complete shambles, 4 dollar a gallon gas, nearly 10 percent unemployment and skyrocketing food prices, that this guy has a 60 percent approval rating. I find it very hard to believe that that many Americans feel that good about the level of decay that has been brought about by the policies of this one man. Not counting of course the 90 percent of the black population who thinks that Barry is doing just a bang up job, and can’t wait to vote for again, as many times as they can!

Barry also spoke at a dinner with about 60 high-dollar donors at the St. Regis hotel. Recalling his election-night speech in Chicago's Grant Park in 2008, Barry said he told everyone at the time that his winning the presidency wasn't the end, but the beginning. Those, my friends, were most likely are the truest words we have ever spoken by this guy, because coinciding with his assuming office was a beginning, of sorts. It was the beginning of the end for an America that had been the beacon of freedom and a source of economic strength across the globe. He said that he wants to leave behind for future generations an America that is strong and vibrant, yet compassionate and capable of doing big things. What he'll actually be leaving behind is an America that has been gutted and is nothing but a shell, one that has been severely weakened, not only economically and militarily, but socially and morally as well. It will be an America that is so destitute that it can no longer pay its bills without help from such “friendly” countries as Communist China. And it will be an America that will be forced to siphon off from future generations yet to be born an ever increasing amount of their income, robbing from them any hope of achieving any level of prosperity, or even the level of prosperity enjoyed by their parents. In what was truly a terrifying thought to those of us who love our country and a stuck watching this common thug, this punk, destroy it, Barry claimed, "We're just a quarter of the way through," sounding almost as if he was assured of a second term. "We've got to finish our task." That’s how he feels about the tearing down of this great country on every front possible, as being the task at hand. Barry was introduced at the second event by Little Rock Nine member and mental midget Ernie Green, one of the first black students to attend racially segregated Central High School in Little Rock, Ark., in 1957. Green enthusiastically praised Barry for his leadership on the economy, health care and foreign policy. All I can say is that they must teach a rather strange definition of leadership there at Central High School, because Barry is about as far removed from being leader as is possible.

"I don't know any American who didn't stand a little taller on May 1 as you led us through a successful mission," so said this imbecile in his introduction of Barry “Almighty.” Believe it or not this moron was referring to the U.S. military raid in Pakistan that ended with the death of Osama bin Laden. What a bunch of drivel. God, I think I'm gonna puke. Barry couldn't lead himself out of a paper bag. As our Commander-in-Chief he's an absolute disgrace, and I thank my lucky stars every damn day that I retired from the Navy before this, this community agitator, assumed the duties of my Commander-in Chief. This grim reaper of a president will take credit for anything if he sees it as being something that he can then take advantage of to enhance his stature. He's really quite pathetic in this regard, as are those supporters of his who can so casually look the other way as this poor excuse of a leader only uses those under his command as a way to provide himself with some level of political gain. He is so far removed from anything that would even remotely resemble a true leader. He is a user and an opportunist. The American people deserve much better than such an individual as our president. He is the kind of man that our Founders warned us about, and apparently we weren’t listening, because now look at the fine mess we've now gotten ourselves in. We have elected ourselves an egomaniac of the highest order. And as much as he seems to enjoy saying that it's not about him, everything he does makes the point very clearly that it's ALL ABOUT HIM. It's always been about him. He’s the one we’ve been waiting for. And if that same 99 percent of the Blacks once again insist upon demonstrating their rather questionable “standards” by once again voting for this man, and enough Hispanics allow themselves to be convinced by his lies that this he is all about them, then those of us that remain must unite in our effort to bring this man down, to defeat him. He does not deserve the privilege of being our president. It’s just that simple.

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