

Monday, August 19, 2024


At a time when the Republican Party should be uniting behind President Trump for the good of the country, wouldn’t you know that we still have RINOs out shooting off their big mouths, acting like the pussies that they are, doing all they can to talk down the one man capable of saving what’s left of our country. These people are disgusting. If it’s not Lindsey Graham spewing shit about how President Trump may not win, it’s another RINO, Chris Sununu, ranting about how any other Republican would likely be leading in this contest by double digits. Let me be perfectly clear, if President Trump does end up losing in November, I’ll be blaming those like Graham and Sununu.

I mention these two specifically because it was this past Sunday that both were out and about doing what it is that they both, as the pathetic RINO scumbags that they are, do best. During an appearance on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ Graham was asked about comments made by another RINO, Nikki Haley, on Fox News. She had said “The campaign is not going to win talking about crowd sizes. It’s not going to win talking about what race Kamala Harris is. It’s not going to win talking about whether she’s dumb. It’s not. You can’t win on those things. I think the campaign needs to focus. That’s the main thing. Look, this is a winnable election, but you need to focus."

Graham was asked if he agreed with what Haley had said. Graham said, “Yeah. I don’t think — I don’t look at Vice President Kamala Harris as a lunatic. I look at her as the most liberal person to ever be nominated for president in the history of the United States. She’s going to the Soviet Union playbook to lower prices called price control. She wants to eliminate private health care. She’s for reparations. She’s against fracking. She’s with the Green New Deal on and on. So, I would make it about policy. A nightmare for Harris is to defend her policy choices.” And he was asked if President Trump should stop talking about Cumala’s race and questionable intelligence?

Graham said, “President Trump can win this election. His policies are good for America. If you have a policy debate, he wins. Donald Trump the provocateur, the showman, may not win this election.” And then it was Sununu, during an appearance on CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ hosted Jake Tapper, who said, that “almost any other Republican” than President Trump would win the presidential race by 10 points. I’m sure most will remember that Sununu was a big supporter of Haley. Anyway, Sununu was asked to respond to comments that had been made by Haley on Fox as well as something that President Trump had said during his most recent rally in Pennsylvania.

This time around it was Tapper asking Sununu about comments made by Haley where she said, “One thing Republicans have to stop, quit whining about her. The campaign is not going to win talking about crowd sizes. It’s not going to win talking about what race Kamala Harris is. It’s not going to win talking about whether she’s dumb. It’s not. You can’t win on those things.” Tapper also brought up how President Trump had said, “I think I’m entitled to personal attacks. I don’t have a lot of respect for her. I don’t have a lot of respect for her intelligence, and I think she’ll be a terrible president.” Tapper then proceeded to ask Sununu, “Who’s right here, Haley or Trump?"

Sununu said, “Well, it isn’t Donald Trump in this case. Look, as Nikki probably wouldn’t point this out because she was the alternative, but almost any other Republican candidate would be winning this race by ten points. And so the message is very clear, if you stick to the issues, if you stick to what matters, this should be an easy grace for Donald Trump. But where this giant shifted August has come is with the female voters, Frank Luntz pointed this out in his polling. He’s down 10 to 12 points, at least with females. They’re going to come out in much bigger numbers than they previously would have if Biden were the candidate."

Personally, I’ve never really trusted Graham or Sununu. And yet it’s the folks back home who seem to have no problem doing so. I have no doubt that both are likely hoping that President Trump does lose. Personally, I’ve grown pretty tired of squishy Republican politicians who always want to make nice with those who routinely call them all sorts of names. And yet all of those fragile females never really seem to mind that. But suddenly, when President Trump fights fire with a little fire of his own somehow we’re suddenly all supposed believe that all those fragile females will somehow be so offended that they could never be able to vote for President Trump.

For those who watched President Trump’s 70-minute press conference or saw any of his recent rally in Pennsylvania, they heard him talking about the issues. The man pointed out Cumala’s failed policies. If these ‘Republicans’ really cared, they would shut the hell up and start campaigning for President Trump. But they don’t. Because they care only about protecting ‘The Swamp.’ The Establishment Republicans are desperate for President Trump to be gone, so they can finally get back to focusing on the business at hand. Every one of these RINOs is either laying low or undermining President Trump with every appearance. None of them are campaigning for him.

And has no one realized that he actually mixes the two approaches? When he’s at a rally, he wants to fire up his audience, they expect that. When he’s meeting with journalists, he exercises more restraint but still demolishes the leftist mantra. Trump isn’t going to stop being Trump. But those fragile people who cringe at his insults really do need to get over themselves and pay attention to his often very clearly stated goals. I don’t like the insults either. But I did like paying less for gas and filling my grocery cart for a lot less money. I loved his Middle East policy. He is the only President who realized that the so-called Palestinians are the problem.

And I think that we can all safely agree that any other Republican would likely be running on more war, open boarders, free trade and doing nothing to help the American people out. If we wanted open borders, higher taxes, endless useless wars, pedophiles in our schools, and the surveillance state, we would simply vote for Democrats. The RINOs believe they are the ‘better’ candidates because the see themselves getting the support of those so-called Independents, many of whom are Democrats and who support the Democrat candidate every time. These people are intellectual cowards and will never admit to being Democratics in the first place.

I do agree with them on one thing. It’s women who are giving Cumala a shot. And they clearly don’t care whether or not she’s qualified. And if that’s the case, what tactic would matter? What would change their minds? If women are saying, “I'm voting for Kamala because she’s a woman, even though she’s clearly in over her head, and I’m voting against Trump because he’s a mean man, even though he has a proven record of economic and foreign policy success that makes the Biden/Harris years feel like a dystopian nightmare,” what’s going to change their minds. It’s sad that there are voters like this, but without these irrational voters, Democrats would have nothing.

Conservative voters have had enough of do-nothing candidates who make empty promises and never follow through. No Republican President in our lifetime has ever followed through on their promises like President Trump did. What both of these clowns say is irrelevant. And Haley is wrong when she says we have to lay off Cumala. We are at crucial crossroads in this country. ‘BO’ started things off and Hitlery was supposed take the baton and finish us off. When that didn’t happen, Democrats had to finagle numbskull Joey into office and look where we’re at now. Now we have this vile woman standing by at the ready to drive in the final nail in our coffin.

Lay off her? No, I don’t think so. And I can’t help but wonder what any of these people would be saying that if Cumala was a male? They need to stop bringing gender into this. Cumala is a viper. President Trump has been attacked again, and again, and again, up to and including lawfare and even an assassination attempt. Letting up on his opponent is not an option. These yellowbellied RINOs still refuse to see that they are the problem. We’re not supposed to be voting for a candidate we love, we are supposed to be voting for one who will make our lives better and who will promote this country. Who will make America better than how Joey and Cumala are leaving it.

RINOs like these guys are hoping and praying that Cumala will be able to pull this thing out and win because they hate America as much as the goddamn Democrats do. Thanks for being a big help guys, it’s much appreciated. You can rest assured that you will not be involved in the next Trump administration. Both of these clowns are begging to be taken seriously and to have some impact on this contest. In truth, both are quite irrelevant, as is Haley. Sure, I would prefer that President Trump stop with the insults, or reduce them a bit, but then there is the fact that he is the only ‘horse’ in this race that truly loves this country and who wants only the best for it.

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