

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


As we plunge headlong into our next presidential election, I can’t help but wonder if there are enough intelligent Americans left capable of sifting through all of the mindless nonsense, blatant lies and inane drivel that they continue to be bludgeoned with on what has become a daily basis and determine for themselves who’s the better candidate to be our next president. Sadly, I think that far too few Americans realize just how dangerous the sickness of progressivism is to the future of this nation or just how fast it’s being spread. And it’s those guilty of spreading this sickness across our nation that are the very same ones we’re supposed to be able to rely on for the truth.

We all know who the culprits are, they’ve been hard at work for the better part of the last nine years slandering and maligning the one man millions of Americans have come to recognize as our last best hope of being able to pass down to our children a country that will still bear some semblance to that which was once referred to that “shining city upon a hill.” And it was a few of those people who were once again on the attack as recently as this past Monday. You see it was then that MSDNC host, and resident bimbo, Nicolle Wallace made the comment on MSDNC’s “Deadline” that the presidential campaign of Cumala Harris is making President Trump look like a “boob."

Wallace said, “I think that what she’s done on immigration, get herself on offense on a perceived political liability, is part of what makes everybody exhale, right? It’s part of the relief. It was a pivot that Joe Biden, I think, pioneered in the State of the Union address when the Republican senator he had worked with mouthed, ‘you’re right, that’s true.’ But to see Vice President Harris do it in a political arena and have the crowd roaring, I think Eddie’s point is this is a complicated piece of legislation. Her point is, we worked for solving the problem and Trump killed it. It is a very sort of specific skill she’s displaying in these rallies on the issue of immigration."

And it was fellow MSDNC bimbo, Claire McCaskill who said, “Well there’s a rule in politics, if you’re on defense you’re losing, and she knows that rule and she’s not on defense. She’s not even letting herself get on defense.” Wallace said, “I mean, darkness is what Trump projected that scared all of us. I feel like what he’s, I feel like one of the great achievements of the young Harris/Walz candidacy is they popped that balloon and now he just looks like a boob.” McCaskill said “it’s just crazy” there are educated people who don’t see how desperate and sick President Trump is. Desperate and sick pretty much summarizes McCaskill and her fellow Democrats!

One thing that’s become increasingly apparent to people, at least to those with a functioning brain, is how it is that the Democrat Party has become something that many of them are no longer able to recognize. I mean these people have become nothing less than wild-eyed lunatics. And what’s truly crazy is the fact that there remains in this country a significant number of people who seem to be just as crazy, demonstrating that fact by their willingness to vote for those who are not only out to destroy this country, but are very open about what exactly it is that they want to do. Those who continue to vote Democrat are clearly not rational individuals.

Anyway, McCaskill say went on to say, “This split screen is phenomenal. On one side you have lying and name calling and dark, dark stuff—our country is in ruins, our country is a hell hole, our country sucks, isn’t everything terrible in our country, aren’t we awful, we are so awful—and, by the way, let me think of all the good names I can call the other people. Then the other side is smiles and laughter. I mean, you see Tim Walz’s exuberance, it just spills out of him. A container cannot hold the exuberance that you feel on the other side. People in America are relieved that someone has the language, optimism, opportunity, aspiration, problem solving."

And the old broad then added, “The more he digs this hole, the more he does this bonkers BS that the crowds are AI, I mean, it’s just, I mean, why have these businesspeople endorsed this guy? What should the Pentagon be doing with the fact that we’re buying satellite from Elon Musk? I mean, really it’s just crazy to me that there are educated people that don’t see how desperate and sick Donald Trump really is.” I must say that I love to see ideological hacks like McCaskill freaking out like this, it lets me know that their lying polls and phony reports regarding Cumala’s crowd size aren’t really working, and their desperate tactics are beginning to show.

The left is hilarious when it comes to trying to use education as a political weapon. One’s amount of education says nothing about just how intelligent one might be. The two are very different and that’s something that those on the left haven’t quite figured out yet. Yeah, it’s weird that these dullards continue to be puzzled by those people able to see through their endless smokescreen of lies. So as a way to retaliate, the closet communists revert to their stale, repetitive, time worn tactic of calling American patriotic nationalists derogatory names, a tactic that now seems to be aimed at those “educated people,” who have voiced support for President Trump.

Look, McCaskill’s background is pretty common knowledge. She was a mediocre, at best, U.S. Senator who voters in Missouri grew tired of and sent packing after serving two terms and who is now relegated to appearing on a third rate ‘news’ network where she routinely demonstrates why she’s an ex-U.S. Senator. It amazes me that this hag, who was completely ineffective as a Senator, still manages to be provided with a platform from which to spew her drivel. And she seems to have convinced herself, as have those who ask for her opinion, that there are those who might actually care what she thinks of President Trump when most couldn’t care less.

And so it is that the party of the false narrative is now trying to create yet another with the help of those like Wallace in the ‘fake news’ media. That President Trump is desperate, flailing, scared when in truth he is none of those things, not even close. I doubt very much that any of this would be true even in some alternate universe. Cumala is so stupid, she doesn’t give interviews, she doesn’t answer media questions, and she recycles her speeches. Her campaign sucks, just like her failed 2020 presidential campaign. What we’re again being made to witness is the very same basement strategy that we saw from Joey back in 2020, nothing more.

So let me make something very clear, I am very proud to say that I will be voting for a felonious boob and not for Willie Brown’s cumbucket, if for no other reason than because I prefer someone who does what he promises and not someone who’s quite happy to make all manner of promises that she has no intention of making good on! The left is a cancer on America and a threat to the homeland and to the world. What is sick is when an administration that opens the border and allows women and children to be murdered by illegals. And what is sicker still is to vote for those who continue to allow that to time. The time has come to stand up and be counted.

Lastly, those like McCaskill think that their hate-filled slanders of people they despise are true based entirely on their own hate. The more they hate, the more the person they are slandering must be guilty of what they are falsely accusing them of. For normal people, what we see is an ignorant hater who can’t run a positive campaign on policy, so they slander their opponent instead. McCaskill’s hate reflects entirely on the kind of person she is. It speaks volumes on why no one should ever consider voting Democrat. But then, the country, and world, is full of haters, and that hate is stoked every day by losers like McCaskill and those like her in her party and in the media.

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