

Thursday, August 8, 2024


Never in my life did I ever think my country would come to be where it is today, or that there would be so many of my fellow Americans would be so willing to side with those who seem so intent on burning it to the ground. Also, I never really thought that those in the media, though they have always tilted a bit to the left, would become such active participants in that destruction. And then, of course, there are those who, while they may profess themselves to be great patriots, are really anything but as they gladly around round busily trying to shove a knife into the back those trying to both prevent further destruction and to salvage what’s left,

The topic of discussion here will focus on those backstabbers who I can only assume must be getting paid very handsomely in return for their treachery. These individuals are nothing but traitors of the worst kind who want us to believe, as do those in the ‘fake news’ media, that they are acting only out of their love of country, when in fact they are very hard at work assisting those whose only purpose in life is to bring about the ultimate demise of the country that I, along with millions of others, still love. Sadly we have never before been this close to being unable to pass down to our children the experience if living in the freest country ever to exist.

And it was during an appearance this past Wednesday on MSDNC’s ‘Deadline,’ that one of those traitors, George Conway, argued that there are no normal people left in the Republican Party. If his definition of normal are those who refuse to support President Trump, then he’s absolutely correct. You see, for Conway, normal is anyone who’s a uniparty sycophant, unopposed to national suicide through overt treason and terminal stupidity. Many likely know Conway as a member of a group that has among its founding members some truly creepy people. But then one has to be a little creepy to resort to being a willing accomplice of those out to destroy our country.

Anyway, host, and resident bimbo Nicolle Wallace said, “I think there’s something magnificently transparent with associating themselves with these extremists in public and not hiding them in the dark pockets of the internet, but I do wonder who buried the memo that all of the defeats that Trump has suffered in 2018, in 2020, and in 2022 were not because he was too appealing to swing voters, it was because he was too extreme. And all of the losing that Chris Christie talked about in his primary campaign against Donald Trump encapsulated the problem with these associations. What is the explanation for continuing to do the thing that results in the losing?"

Conway said, “I think the explanation is that it’s something of a disease, it’s pathological. I mean, you have a psychopathic authoritarian type of leader and now all of the lines that used to not be — they couldn’t cross about saying things about race and gender and ethnicity, and conspiracy theories, all of these lines have now been crossed.” Conway then went on to add, “I mean, you have that Jack Posobiec guy, you’ve got Laura Loomer being pushed by Donald Trump, you have people like Marjorie Taylor Greene in Congress. You have all these — there is no normality left in the Republican Party. They’re driving the normals out."

Again, if by “normal people” Conway is referring to those considered to be establishment neocon warmongers then let us all hope there truly are none left in the party! Neocon and leftwing freaks talking about normal, that would make an excellent cartoon, much like hogs chatting about hygiene. It is important to remember that these are the very same people who said the cognitively challenged Joey B. was sharp as a tack and fit to serve for another four years. They were lying them just like they’re lying now. Yes, normal is Conway and his pedophile friends, dudes in dresses, boys in girls’ sports, co-ed high school locker rooms, and so much more.

And so, if I understand this correctly, Conway believes that a radical progressive candidate like Harris, a candidate that even some Democrats were trying to ditch only a few months ago, should be elected to run this country because President Trump says mean things? Am I missing something?  And it’s also according to Conway that believing in God, family, and earning a living wage through hard work isn’t something to be considered as “normal.” Instead, living a life of sin, the grooming and trafficking children, open borders, drug use and committing crimes is, to Conway, what is to be considered “normal” nowadays. Maybe in the Democrat Party, but NOT in my house.

Normal, according to those on the left, regardless of party affiliation translates to agreeing with anything the left says. Once you understand what the Left defines as “normal” and what they define as “weird” you’ll be glad when they call you “weird” because it means you’re “normal.” And it should come as no surprise that we conservatives believe there hasn’t been a “normal” Democrat in the White House since Harry Truman! All of the others since then have all been, at least to some degree, rather kinky, traitorous, leftist pieces of crap, seeking nothing more than to destroy our Republic! I’m assuming Conway must perceive himself as being “normal?"

Now that's a hoot, Republicans being lectured to about what constitutes normalcy. I mean isn’t it the Democrats who see nothing wrong with crossdressing perverts giving lap dances to kindergarteners? And if “normal” is sexual degeneracy, anti-American, anti-Christian, one-world, totalitarian evil stupidity then I feel confident in saying that the normies won’t be missed. We need to get rid of these lying, conspiracy inventing, phony news corrupt Democrats and get back to enjoying life the way we used to. Life is too short to have Democrats sullying it with their constant negativity. Top it off with the abuses that so many suffer because of them, and they aren’t worth it.

Look, I’m all for a little friendly competition is a good thing. It causes one to put in their best efforts, to excel at what they do in normal circumstances but with Democrats it’s different. It’s like being on the cusp of the event horizon of a black hole where if you slip, even a bit, you get sucked into eternal blackness and everything you ever knew or loved gets torn apart and shredded, it’s all gone as are you. Now that’s more than just competition to stay on top of one’s game. I suppose it’s a bit dramatic as well but consider what this country would look like in four years were the Democrats able to get away with stealing this November’s election.

It wouldn’t be worth spit and it would be completely unlivable for anyone with any standards or morals. There would be no one who would admit to a recognition of the truth and perhaps the acknowledgement that it is a good thing. It would be one depraved place, a police state on steroids with those in power refusing to admit that it’s a police state while they constantly blame others for their having to have concentration camps to house 60 percent of the population, and so on. I just can’t see myself living in such a place for more time than it would take me to get out employing a scorched earth policy all the way to the border.

People like Conway will call evil, good and good, evil and put light for darkness and darkness for light. In their bizzarro world, they are to be considered as being the normal ones. These people have totally inverted reality. Republicans aren’t normal? Unbelievable. The party of perpetual war, of turning men into fake butchered women, the party of riots and looting and the demonization of whites and men, the party of printing endless money and high taxes and no borders and masks for no reason and destructive lockdowns and banning rifles is now considered the normal party now? What do you do when at least half of your country goes evil and insane?

And lastly, we must never forget that everything these people assert is the complete opposite of what is true. Normal people left the Democrat Party ages ago. Look at them now. A bunch of social and sexual freaks, masquerading as the noble resistance to racism, sexism, and all the other fake leftist causes. There is only one legitimate function of government and that is the protection and preservation of freedom. Did you ever think you would see the day where a person would be called “psychopathic,” “extremist,” or “weird” because he believes in making America great? If you support the left this is how shallow and uneducated they think you are.

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