

Friday, August 16, 2024


Ok boys and girls, riddle me this. Just why is it that if this coming presidential election is supposed to be such a cakewalk for the Democrats’ dynamic duo of Cumala and A-Walz, at least according to most Democrats, just why is that the Democrats still feel the need to drudge up every political has-been who feels they have some sort of grievance against President Trump to harp about how he and his running mate are nothing more than a couple of assholes. And while it’s President Trump who is willing to give an interview to just about anyone who asks, it’s their own candidate who remains pretty much in hiding and doing all she can to avoid members of the media.

And it was just this past Thursday that once again another of these losers was trotted out to attack President Trump’s running mate, J.D. Vance. And that loser was in the person of Stacey Abrams, or as she is also know, Ms. 10,000 ‘Hamburgers on the Hoof.’ And it was during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Alex Wagner Tonight” that she argued that Vance has almost “no sympathy” for women, so they should disregard him. Abrams complained, in her typical nonsensical fashion, saying, “JD Vance as his bent misrepresents, misunderstands and misappropriates information to make himself look or feel better and to try to excuse terrible decisions that he makes."

And it was from there that she went on to say, “What I said and what I mean is that women should have the right to control their bodies because it determines how they secure an education, how they make a living, how they decide to grow families, and that companies are going to make terrible choices if they support restricting those rights. Women make decisions about not only where they work but what they buy. If we have companies that do not respect a woman’s basic human rights, the right to abortion, the right to healthcare, than those companies are making poor economic choices.” This cow Abrams is nothing more than your basic left-wing grifter.

She added, “The notion that women would make these decisions because of some concern about the trade-off between parenting and having a job presumes that you understand the crisis that women are going through when they make these choices. JD Vance has shown again and again he has almost no sympathy for how women experience life in America. He has demonstrated again and again that he reduces women to the least and most puerile notion of our humanity. I would encourage everyone to discard and disregard what he says.” Rarely does Abrams ever make much sense, but that doesn’t matter since she only appears on such shows as this one.

So I wonder, can Abrams name any woman, biological only of course, who cannot determine how to secure an education, how to make their living and how to decide to grow families? The left is so obsessed with abortion that they continue to make the dumbest statements as they attempt to bundle anything to do with women into their abortion quest. I believe women are smart enough not to get pregnant in the first place. Abortion is not birth control. There are multiple options when it comes to not getting pregnant. Women aren’t stupid, so why pretend they are the weaker sex and need to be protected from their own stupidity. Abram’s needs to grow up.

Abrams’ entire purpose is apparently to say stupid things on MSDNC. But I do agree with this cow in one sense, women really are a single-issue voter bloc. And of course, that single issue would be the on-demand ability to have someone scrape out their uterus. I can only assume that it’s none of these women who are responsible for buying their own groceries and putting gas in their own car and who must also have their rent, or mortgage, paid by mommy and daddy or some other unfortunate soul. Because if that were not the case you would think their concern over being able to murder their unborn babies would be a bit further down on their list of priorities.

And I find it to be rather ironic that Democrats think women are defined solely by their wish to annihilate their unborn children or put a dress on over a hairy chest. This party that can’t define what a woman is, that has no problem with men in women’s bathrooms or men competing in women’s sports. The war on women is a war being waged solely by the Democrats. College age brainwashed white women, the largest Democrat voting bloc, need to wake up and vote for freedom instead of looking to the government to be their husband and provide security. These women who vote for selfish security are destroying this country and instead of security they get chaos.

MSDNC seems to be travelling down a dead-end road by constantly going to a bunch of political losers who refuse to admit defeat. What they have to say about anything is at best totally disregarded by those who have wisdom. MSDNC must have really pulled out all stops to get her for comment. It’s all over folks. Abrams has come out against the Trump campaign. With news like that what other news can there be worth reporting between now and the elections? Change the record already and get a new turntable. And really, what is the relevance of Abrams? She has lost everything she has touched. Why should anyone pay even a tiny bit of attention to her?

Freedom of choice goes hand in hand with the consequences of that choice. I know there are cases where there was no choice (rape, health of the mother), but those have been accounted for. Everything else, is your responsibility. There are all kinds of preventive devices out there. Condoms, the pill, IUD, diaphragm, and let us not forget, abstinence. How about we focus on personal responsibility aspect of it and the consequences of one’s behavior instead of instant gratification. I have no doubt that we would be far better off and actually create a better society. But such a notion accomplishes next to nothing for the Democrats, so it’s ridiculed and made light of.

The Democrat female, which likely represents the majority of all females in America, is a model for dead end evolution. She must have children to maintain a population. But she no longer wishes to have children because to her that is slavery and interferes with a self-centered lifestyle. In other words, the evolution of cultural belief has collided with her biological job of reproduction. It is destroying western civilization. Females are practicing genocide in their hatred of reproduction itself. If people were sane, they would realize that influencing women to murder their own babies goes against all that should be considered sacred and is nothing less than evil.

And for all their talk of wanting to take care of the children, and about doing things because of the children, it’s at the very same time that they tend to treat children more as a commodity of sorts. Children can be exterminated if bringing them into the world is deemed to be inconvenient. And it’s those who are able to avoid the abortionist that can be, if the need, or want, arises, treated as mere sexual objects or playthings for some of the most perverted sexual deviants on the planet. And yet the Democrats, provided cover by their friends in the ‘fake news’ media, continue with their charade about how only they are the protectors of “the children."

And finally, after having made a fool of herself on more than one occasion, why is it that anyone would want to hear this idiot's opinion? Who is Abrams to say that “women should have a right to control their bodies” if that includes killing an unborn baby? Society has had norms that disagree with this Liberal argument for thousands of years. Even the Constitution forbids murder, which is what abortion arguably is, especially when it’s abortion on demand. She is totally wrong about the conservative viewpoint on this issue. I find her to be offensive and irritating, and in the least, just plain stupid. I would encourage everyone with a brain to simply disregard Abrams.

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