

Wednesday, August 7, 2024


So who sees it as being a surprise that at least one of Fox News’ many resident NeverTrumpers, Bret Baier, seems to be a bit of a fan of Harris running mate, Timmy ‘The Tampon’ Walz. Baier is just one of the many reasons that I no longer choose to watch Fox News. I had always taken most of what he said with a grain of salt, but the stunt that he was a part of back on election night 2020 was the straw that broke the camel’s back. That and the fact that he’s always been a bit too quick to push whatever drivel he thought, and continues to think, might do political damage to President Trump. He’s no better than those routinely seen on both CNN and MSDNC.

Now the only reason that I say that is because it was just this past Tuesday, during an appearance on Fox New’s ‘America’s Newsroom’ that Baier seemed to come up just short of actually endorsing this creepy leftist, Walz.  He said Walz has gone on Fox shows and is “not afraid to mix it up.” Baier said, “I mean, this guy hunts, he ice fishes. You know, he’s one of those guys. He talks about rural America and how Donald Trump doesn’t understand it. On the flip side, Donald Trump and, the former president and JD Vance are talking directly to those folks and trying to get those folks, just like they built that coalition, he did, Trump did in 2016."

Co-host Gillian Turner asked, “He is given the credit for coining the term ‘weird’ to describe the Republican ticket. That’s obviously taken off among the Harris crowd. You think this may be a case of the campaign choosing the shiniest object in the room?” Baier responded, “They like how he talks. They like how he addresses media interviews. He’s been on our shows. He’s not afraid to get, like JD Vance, he’s not afraid to go to different places. He’s not afraid to mix it up. He does speak in plain speak. He’s a former football coach, you know, former teacher. He has that appeal, that affect.” But let’s not mention that he’s also a leftwing kook, right Bret?

Baier either chose to ignore, or appears to have forgotten, how this kook took away parental rights if one’s child wants to cut off certain body parts. This guy Walz is a steaming pile of America-hating shit. He supports the invasion of the illegal scum coming across our border. He supports the rainbow freaks and the grooming of children, and he’s about as far left as one can possibly get and still be upright. So what if he hunts and ice fishes, a lot of sick, twisted and evil people hunt and fish. That means absolutely nothing. Walz also simply stood by and allowed Minneapolis to burn at the hands of criminals. He is even more liberal than Harris, if that’s possible.

Personally, I’ve never trusted Baier. He’s clearly woke and tends to play both ends and gets paid handsomely for doing so. Not to mention the fact that he seems to do no homework and has no idea what a real ‘journalists’ actually do. Frankly he’s nothing more than Paul Ryan’s butt boy and as such as little to no credibility regardless of the topic being discussed. Baier is nothing more than a tool. He thinks his job is to be ‘fair and balanced’ which equates to him essentially inserting his own personal bias into just about everything. He completely ignores the fact that it’s his job is to be truthful and accurate. But that’s no way to get ahead these days in the world of ‘fake news.'

Perhaps Baier should just come out with a full endorsement for the radical Walz and be done with it. I’ve long suspected Baier to be one of the many closet leftists in the ‘fake news’ who spend their time pretending to be conservative and simply playing all of us for fools. He’s just another loudmouth grifter willing to help destroy this country for future promises of glory. I don’t watch Fox, because I don’t want to hear Democrat talking points from those who claim to be on my side. If I want to hear leftwing talking points, I’ll tune into CNN or MSDNC. History shows us that it’s useful idiots like himself who tend to be the first ones to be discarded.

I remember back in 2012 with Fox acting as nothing more than a Romney shill. They would purposely talk up the candidate in an effort to attract conservatives knowing Romney would fizzle, which he did. And you know, perhaps this guy Walz is not afraid to go on Fox to “mix it up’ because he knows he’s not going to be challenged on any of his lies. That’s usually the agreement made before any of these leftist pukes agree to any kind of an interview. There isn’t a Democrat alive that will appear on any program if there is any chance whatsoever that they might be challenged on any of their claims. They are to be permitted to say what they want free of explanations.

And as a veteran myself, I find his military issues very, very offensive. Seems he’s another John Kerry Heinz. Which is a true assault upon any real American service member or veteran. Walz is a coward who abandoned his troops when they were being deployed, and that’s pathetic. But I’m not sure that even matters to most Americans anymore and it’s likely seen as being a resume enhancer when it comes to most Democrat voters. And it’s Walz who actually had the audacity to claim President Trump is a fascist, yet it’s ‘Tampon Timmy’ and ‘Headboard Harris’ who want to take all your freedoms and rights away, and install and their own authoritarian regime.

So Baier says of Walz that he’s “not afraid to mix it up,” but what does that even mean? Isn’t it supposed to be about getting to the truth and being honest with the American people? But does that make him the real deal? Walz lies like a rug, wants open borders, wants to transition children, supports BLM rioters but he hunts and ice fishes so he appeals to the same people as does President Trump. Frankly it’s after spewing just drivel I find it pretty amazing that Baier is able to maintain his position on Fox. I have no idea what his ratings are, but I sincerely doubt they are all that great since I doubt most conservatives care about his one-sided opinions.

And finally, if there is one thing you can likely take to the bank it’s that over the course of the next few months those at Fox will undoubtedly produce all manner of multiple polls showing how it is that this Democrat dynamic duo is either leading in the race or the teams are running neck and neck. And while we should believe none of the propaganda, we still can take nothing for granted. The best advice I can offer is to simply ignore the polls and on November 6th vote like your life depended on it, because it most surely does. And ignore all the tripe coming from those in the ‘fake news’ media, because it’s all lies. Vote for yourself, your children and for the future.

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