

Thursday, August 29, 2024


It should be painfully obvious to all observers that those in the ‘fake news’ media continue to work very hard in their effort to portray their favorite presidential candidate, Cumala, as being anything other than what she is. And that would, of course, be a raving, rabidly leftwing lunatic. And it’s in that endeavor that they continue to wheel out every leftwing fringe kook they can find that’s willing to hurl every insult imaginable at both President Trump and the Republican Party. These people who are willing to spew all manner of lies knowing full well that they will never be challenged to justify any of them by any of our many ‘fake news’ journalists.

Most recently they wheeled out she who is, apparently, a Cumala/A-Walz campaign co-chair, Jasmine Crockett, Democrat from Texas. Ms. Crockett is one of those who seems to vying to replace the late Sheila Jackson Lee as the dumbest member of Congress. Although, I must say, that she has a great deal of competition in that regard. So anyway, it was during an appearance just this past Wednesday on MSDNC’s ‘All In,’ that this mental midget attempted to make the argument that the Republican Party once supported law and order, but President Trump’s MAGA wing is “definitely is not that.” I gotta tell ya, you can’t get much more ghetto than this imbecile.

Clearly it would seem that MSDNC has once again scrapped the bottom of the barrel in their continuing search for guests appear on any of their silly programming. It really doesn’t seem that Ms. Crockett would be much of a ratings boon, unless of course, those whom you’re attempting to entice into watching are dumber that your average doorknob. But then, we are talking about MSDNC. And it was the host of this stupid show, Chris Hayes who said, “We reported on the beginning of the show about the altercation that happened in Arlington National Cemetery, where the ex-president brought a campaign videographer.” He asked, “I’m curious your reaction?"

Crockett said, “I mean it’s the same old games with these guys. They don’t abide by norms. They don’t abide by the law and honestly anyone that tries to enforce any rules upon them, they literally just steamroll them and they act as if they were all right.” She continued, “It’s really unfortunate, especially when you have someone that is running to be the most powerful person in the world, to know that they literally just have no appreciation for basic norms. This is not the party of law and order. I think we know that may have been who the Republicans used to be but MAGA definitely is not that.” She talks as if her district actually cares about law and order.

Crockett added, “I can tell you for sure, my district is not voting for Donald Trump.” That would only be because most of her district is in Dallas. A scumbag shit hole of a city which is not really a part of Texas any longer. It’s almost as bad as the Houston area, grifters and quasi-communists who tax their constituents to the max whether they can afford it or not. Her district is likely guaranteed to be crime, gang and drug infested with awful schools, broken homes and with businesses leaving or have already left, except for the abortion clinic. Who is she to talk about law and order? But hey, she’s black so let’s all vote for her, and they’ve gotten what they voted for!

All of this coming from the member of the party that believes the Constitution to be “a piece of paper,” that uses illegal means, such as Lawfare, to stop its opponents from “electioneering!” This coming from the party that invented the grooming of children, that would allow 3-year-old children to decide whether they are male or female, that approves of murdering babies! This coming from the party that has ruined our economy and inserted as much Socialism and weaponization of the ‘climate’ as it could to do that! This coming from the party that wants to add dozens of members to the Supreme Court so they can have their way!

Another low cred racist given a megaphone on MSDNC. How novel! NOT!!! Perhaps this flaming moron can tell us all about the law-abiding leftist behavior back in 2020, and today on college campuses. No? I thought not! The party of BLM and antisemitic riots and city burn downs is calling out MAGA for not being law and order. Me thinks she doth project too much, since selective enforcement of the law is the specific specialty of the Democrats. Crockett should perhaps shut her piehole. And I’m sure all have noticed how it’s none of these leftwing blowhards who ever get challenged by any those in our ‘fake news’ media. It’s their own propaganda system.

She has obviously forgotten all the death and destruction at the hands of the Democrat foot soldiers, Antifa and BLM. Those elderly who fought to protect their businesses and were beaten, or even killed in the process. The babies, toddlers and children who were murdered by their mobs of supporters. The innocents who were ripped out of their vehicles as they tried to pass through the mobs of Democrat supporters and were also beaten for daring to try to go about their daily lives. That Democrats dared to portray the riots as peaceful demonstrations but also defended, supported and even participated in some of the atrocities.

Yup, it’s those MAGA folks who were out burning down cities, are threatening Jews, and allowing illegals to flood into this country with drugs. Democrats use Lawfare to defeat political opponents, flood the country with illegals, allow murderers run free and looters to steal up to $1,000 and go free. Democrats sell out their country for millions in kickbacks, but somehow, strangely enough, it’s the Republican who don’t believe in law and order! Crockett is yet another classic example of why so many people fail to truly appreciate all of the scientific, mathematical and cultural appropriations provided to civilization from Africa south of the Sahara.

Republicans are the party of law and order and clearly, Democrats are the party of lawfare. Democrats started with their political opponents, usually Republicans, but have also used lawfare against third Party candidates and other non-Republicans when it suited them. Now, Cumala wants to use Lawfare to cover up her many policy failures. She would bring civil and criminal charges against grocery stores that raise their prices trying to cope with the inflation caused by her policy failures, just like the rest of us are coping with inflation. When you get right down to it, if you want Lawfare, vote for the Democrats. If you want law and order, vote for the Republicans.

And the last time I checked crime in Democrat run cities and states has been on the rise due to Democrats destroying law and order with their soft on crime policies. The Democrats lie freely and hope that there are enough low information voters who will believe them. Democrats are definitely the party of law and order! Look around the country at all the crime in those cities that have been controlled by Democrats for decades. They let the criminals all go free so they can commit more crime, even violent crime including murder. Crockett demonizes MAGA, because she hates those who are standing up for what’s good for America where law and order is paramount.

Speaking of law and order, it was not our Republican Party leaders who work to divide and to pit our citizens against each other by labeling them privileged, racists, homophobes, nativists, populists, anti-Immigrant, bigots, xenophobes, fascists, white supremacists, white nationalists, imperialists, sexist, misogynist, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic, transphobic, brown shirts, Nazis, KKK members, deplorable, irredeemable, ignorant, idiots, fools, simpletons, drug addicts and so very much more. Nor did Conservatives and/or Republicans offer bribes or make deaths threats against electoral college members to try to get them to change their votes.

A member of the political group that calls for the defunding of the police, supports looting, burring and pillaging cities by the likes of BLM and Antifa, and have many rabidly left wing activist judges and DAs that empower the criminal and punish the lawful, has very little credibility when it comes to accusing anyone of not supporting law and order. How would any Democrat know what law and order is? You ignore what laws we do have, release dangerous people out onto the streets to do harm to even more people, call riots and arson “mostly peaceful”. Sorry, such people have no claim to the moral high ground when it comes to crime. What a ditz.

These Democrat party operatives think that by denigrating the Republican Party they can actually turn people away from President Trump because he’s bad for the party. The idea that non-democrats could put country before party is a complete cognitive disconnect for Democrats. Sure, they’ll shill freedom, country and unity, but those are just things to campaign on, to be quickly disposed of once power has been gained. I mean, look how well Joey and Cumala brought the country together. Democrats can blather all they want; they’ve been exposed for the frauds that they are. This isn't left versus right anymore, it’s now about freedom and liberty versus tyranny.

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