

Thursday, August 1, 2024


Let me make myself perfectly clear! I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of being lectured to by those who are some of the most disgusting perverts ever to walk the Earth. Especially when it comes to the subject of family. These are the same people who see nothing wrong with adults grooming our children into accepting their unnatural, and truly unhealthy, lifestyles while at the same time thinking it is not in any way inappropriate to allow adults to dance around half naked in front of children. And yet it’s these people who call me weird. And when you throw into the mix their eagerness to butcher the unborn it’s they who go beyond being weird to being evil.

And I’m tired of perverts thinking that they can say whatever they want while the rest of us are told we need to shut up and accept all of there perverted garbage. Sorry, but that just ain’t happenin’. The time has come to where we just need to call a spade, a spade. Personally, I don’t care if someone’s gay, they just need to keep their shit behind closed doors and away from my children, and if they can’t do that, then stand by. Because if the persist in going after my children they need to be safely locked away where they can do harm to no one. They most certainly should never be put into positions that allow them to have an impact on the lives of others.

All of which brings to Pete Buttigieg. You see it was just this past Wednesday, during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Deadline,” that Buttigieg actually attempted to make the argument that the Republican Party somehow “long ago sacrificed their claim to be the party of family.” He said, “It’s kind of classic projection, right? The very things he’s talking about, virtue, strength, security, family, those are all things that Trump’s Republican Party has completely abandoned, making any claim to. Virtue, really?” And then he added, “In a party led by Donald Trump with the affairs and the porn stars and everything else that is associated with that guy. Security?"

And he went on to say, “When we’re talking about a party led by somebody who has been rolled repeatedly by figures like Putin and Xi Jinping. And family? My goodness. This is what I think it really comes down to. A lot of people at home are thinking about their families. I’m thinking about our family and how our family, my husband and the son and daughter that we’re raising, are going to be so much better off if Kamala Harris gets elected, if Democrats win.” He added, “Why? because those policies are going to support our family. Look, they long ago sacrificed their claim to be the party of family.” Democrats have been trying to destroy the family for years.

He continued, “Not just in terms of the, you know, disturbing opposite of family values that leaders like Donald Trump showed, but also as they emerged being against IVF, against the Affordable Care Act that means so much to so many families, talking about abolishing the Department of Education, they long ago walked away from any serious claim on being the party of family. And what we’re seeing in those kinds of just Fox News freak outs I think is an inability to talk about this election in terms of what it is going to mean for our lives, which is why, just like Trump himself, they just try to outdo one another in outrageous and insulting statements."

You know, this is all pretty rich coming from a degenerate homosexual holding children hostage with another grown man! I don’t need to hear a damn thing from a mentally ill pervert who is more than willing to destroy the lives of children in order to live out his sick fantasy of being a woman and mother. He should have NEVER been allowed to adopt a baby...NEVER. And we have all of this drivel coming from someone whose own party loves to claim they are the party of women and yet, at the same time, can’t actually define what a woman is. Democrats understand they can make the most outlandish assertions, since they will never be called out by interviewers.

Democrats have been hard at work trying to undermine the concept of the traditional family for decades. As an example, look at what happened to black families because of Democrat policies that began with Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society.” The sheer numbers of unmarried young women with multiple children, and many from different men, is a Democrat creation. It’s been promoted as “freedom” by those on the left, those like Buttigieg. We can see the results and how it is that freedom doesn’t include freedom from poverty. And worse than the lies Democrats spew day after day is the endless nodding and praising coming from the those in the ‘fake news’ media.

And riddle me this, just what the Hell does President Trump talking to Putin, or even Donald Trump having sex with a porn star, have to do with Republicans being less pro-family than Democrats? It makes no sense. After all, it’s the latter who kills children and destroys the family with drugs, illegals and higher taxes!  And what, exactly, does he know about family? Not to mention that it is well established that a family consisting of two parents of opposite sexes is more successful at raising a child. Two dudes simply babysitting a child doesn’t count. Somebody’s projecting but it most certain is not President Trump or the Republicans, it Democrat like Buttigieg.

Buttigieg’s panties are in such a twist because he can’t actually have a family, not in the truest sense. His purchased children don’t make him an actual father. The Republicans are the party of family. The Democrats are nothing more than the party of unwed mothers murdering their own children. These Democrats can’t help but project themselves onto the motives of others. And to actually argue that the party that stands against the killing of babies, that honors the biology of gender, age-appropriate sex education, as well as two parent families is not the party of the family is nothing short of ludicrous. Buttigieg doesn’t know the meaning of family.

Such gross psychological projection as merely a defense mechanism. What a lunatic. It takes children to have a family. Without children there is no family. Democrat policies have allowed, and often paid for with tax dollars, the killing of nearly 70 million unborn babies, many of them black and female. Millions of families have been destroyed. It’s the Democrat Party that is completely anti-family. According to Buttigieg all the men abandoning their children are Republicans. All the women urging their children to change their sex are Republicans. Their rhetoric is getting more and more absurd with each passing day, to the point they’re no longer worth listening to.

All the Democrats have are the manufactured claims that Donald Trump had an affair with Stormy Daniels, is in bed with Putin of Russia and Xi Jinping of Communist China. Things they’ve made up using the ‘fake news’ media and our corrupt intelligence agencies. Fake news! And somehow this makes President Trump and the Republican party uncommitted to traditional family life in America. How about Democrats start pointing out the things that are factually destroying families in America, like the Left’s forcing of the gay and trans insanity upon the world, targeting, of course, our children attending a public school system where the left controls what happens.

Most families after just three and a half years of Joey the Democrats created the single most destructive program to the family we have ever seen with welfare. Everything the left does is geared to anything and everything that is in opposition to keeping families together. They want people to be dependent upon government and not self-sufficient. And there is everything that they are doing to make sure so many of our young people will never even be able to have children of their own in the future or their insistence on murdering the children that would help create a family. I mean the fact he can say this stuff with a straight face is just plain evil.

Buttigieg is as incompetent and disqualified from lecturing us about “family” as he is to administer the Department of Transportation. Buttigieg is the poster child for the Democrat Party criminal cult that has adopted every item of the Communist manifesto, including abolishing the nuclear family. The present-day Democrat Party is the most anti-family organization in history. We know what’s going on and we know that the Democrats are doing everything they can to destroy the family unit by trying to take over and remove your parental rights and responsibilities to raise your own children as you see fit. The leftist “it takes a village” mentality is nothing new.

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