

Thursday, August 15, 2024


It should in no way come as a shocking revelation that we have now arrived at a time when fewer and fewer Americans possess any level of trust that folks in the ‘fake news’ media are spewing anything other than the purest form of fiction. Now granted, I have no doubt that the percentage of Democrats who trust the media is far higher than the percentage of Republicans who do. But then that’s only because members of the media tend to say exactly what it is that Democrats want to hear. But somewhere along the line the fiction became more toxic, and even insidious. And what’s rather frightening is the fact that that seems to bother them not in the least.

And it was with the arrival of Donald Trump onto the political scene that things took a rather considerable turn for the worse when it comes to the antics of those whom we’re supposed to be able to rely on when it comes to reporting on the important ‘news’ of the day. And while their attempts to derail his candidacy back in 2016 failed, they did redeem themselves in 2020 by acting as willing accomplices in what was clearly the most fraudulent election in American history. And now in 2024 they’re at it again, desperate to put an end to Donald Trump as a political entity once and for all. And they are pulling out all the stops in their effort to succeed in the endeavor.

And one of the more determined of those in the ‘fake news’ media is a boob by the name of Chuck Todd. A guy who seems to be under the rather misguided impression that there is anyone outside his little circle of friends that gives a rat’s ass about what he says and/or thinks. And it was just this past Wednesday that old Chuck was once again out and about doing what it is that he does best. You see, it was then during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Katy Tur Reports” that Todd, in what I can only a guess was an attempt on his part to be clever, made the idiotic claim that President Trump’s campaign has turned into the 15th season of “Celebrity Apprentice."

Todd offered up his opinion on the state of things by saying, “He created a cult of personality, it’s fine. You know, I’ve been chomping at the bit to either make an apprentice metaphor or not, but, I mean, this is the Gary Busey “Celebrity Apprentice” season 15, right? Like he’s desperately trying to recreate the 2016 vibes, right, and that’s what’s really happening with him right now. And in fairness to him, he’s not the only candidate where when things go wrong, you sort of go back to your political womb. For him, his political womb is 2016. That was the one he won. So that’s why you hear talk of Kellyanne Conway coming on the plane."

He said, “Maybe she can talk him into being slightly more disciplined because she seemed to pull it off for the last 11 days of the campaign in 2016.” He added, “I was struck at the Republican convention when he spoke, remember who’s in the hall, these are the die hards, these are the MAGA hat people, and he kept droning on and on, and you saw his most fervent supporters looking at their phones, scrolling Instagram or whatever they’re scrolling.” All of this political malarkey coming from a guy with a reputation as a hack and who seems intent on burying the fact that the Democrats use every celebrity they can buy, no matter how vulgar to shill for them.

It's my opinion that any man who works so hard to get Democrats elected has sacrificed their testicles on the altar of America's destruction. Todd is neither a journalist nor a reporter. He is another leftist commentator in a forest of leftist commentators. Another political mouthpiece of the left. And he is clearly another of those who actually believes their manufactured candidate is ahead in this contest and is headed for victory. Anyone who would vote for, or has voted for, any Democrat is an idiot. They are the party of destruction. And to use his analogy, as far as I’m concerned, Cumala’s campaign is equivalent to the worst episode of The Jersey Shore.

President Trump has policies that have been proven to work, just look back four years ago. And now he wants to bring an end to taxes on tips and Social Security benefits, and Vance favors tax cuts for working families. Meanwhile, Cumala hasn’t bothered to propose any policies, but she did borrow the ‘end taxes on tips’ idea from President Trump. Also, President Trump talks to the media, grants interviews, proposes policies, and millions voted for him in primaries. Cumala won’t talk to the media, won’t grant unscripted interviews, has no policies of her own, and nobody voted for her to be their candidate. And while President Trump was elected, Cumala was merely selected.

And so it is then, that the best way for clowns like Todd to preserve their paper tiger of a candidate is to keep her away from any potential flames. That said, this appointee who didn’t get a single vote, not a single solitary vote, from the voters of her party, must now be protected at all costs from the truth essentially every waking moment. And therefore, we have little urchins like Todd scurrying around doing her dirty work while she remains safely tucked away, shielded, blocked, and coddled from speaking to the media and the American people. Kim Jong Un of North Korea has better relations which his constituents than does this fraud of a DEI pick!

And is this the best Todd can do, make a reference to “The Apprentice,” how original. Todd needs to tell us all the things he admires about his Democrat phony. Todd, like so many others in his business, is nothing more than a paid shill for the Democrats. All he can do is to criticize the one man capable of bringing the nation back from the brink that Joey and Cumala have now brought us into. Todd’s a rich guy, he doesn't care. He’s got money and a nice life, he hasn’t been made to suffer under the Democrats. Todd possesses no character nor redeeming qualities. He like gets paid rather handsomely to lie to anyone stupid enough to listed. Which is really kinda sad.

And finally, something that’s more of a general comment. I have never understood how it is that anyone in good conscience can recommend that anyone, especially those less fortunate than themselves, vote for Democrats. Because, quite frankly, it simply makes no sense. I mean, compare the basic cost of living today to what it was during the Trump years. And while those like Todd are able to live quite comfortably, it’s average Americans who have been forced into a situation where they’ve been made to struggle, living paycheck to paycheck. And all because of those policies that have been put into place by the same Democrats they’re encouraged to vote for.

And you have to wonder, what’s in it for these people like Todd, what makes them so willing to bend over backwards in what continues to be an effort to convince people to vote for those who are only going to end up making their lives even more difficult. It makes no sense. What motivates someone to so blatantly lie to people for the specific purpose of encouraging them to vote against their own interests. It can’t be because they genuinely care about these people, because they don’t. And they have to know that having more Democrats in office does nothing to improve the lives of the less fortunate in any measurable way. They’re being dishonest and it’s not their job.

Their job, and I mean their actual job, is nothing more than to provide all of us with accurate, honest and unbiased information that we can then use to make our own decisions regarding who it is that we should actually be voting for. The role of those in the ‘fake news’ media is not to direct voters toward any one candidate or to either political party. But sadly, it’s most of those in our ‘fake news’ media today who do nothing more than to act as surrogates for the party that seems to have as its primary objective the acquiring of political power, and then once that power has been acquired to concoct ever more inventive ways of being able to maintain it.

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