

Saturday, August 3, 2024


If there is one thing that Democrats have developed, over time, it’s a certain knack for, shall we say exaggeration, or stretching the truth. How about we call it what it so obviously is, lying. And I think most Americans have come to understand that there really isn’t much Democrats won’t lie about. And they’ve become increasingly transparent when doing so. And a luxury afforded to Democrats by those in the ‘fake news’ media not afforded to others, is not only the opportunity to tell their lies but to go totally challenged when telling them. And I’m sure most have noticed how those lies become far more numerous, obvious and egregious around election time.

And something else about Democrats, only when one is a Democrat can one be, after having been an abysmal failure at performing those tasks that fall under their purview, heralded as having completed those tasks in what was nothing less than an exemplary manner. I know, weird right. Take for instance our less than stellar vice president and that task she was assigned to by Joey as his border czar. Despite having visited the border only once during her tenure, she has been pointed out by numerous members of her party as having performed her task in what was an exceptional, even admirable, manner. But, as is usually case with these people, there’s no truth to it.

Now it was in very typical fashion that we recently saw that play out once again just this past Friday, when another Democrat, Rep. Marilyn Strickland, from the great state of Washinton, appeared on the broadcast of MSDNC’s “The Last Word.” You see, it was then that this leftwing dolt did her best to argue that Republicans have tried to say that her party’s 2024 presidential candidate, Harris, “was a failed border czar, when, in fact, people coming over the southern border [have] decreased by 50 percent through President Biden’s executive order.” And she claimed that “if anyone’s going to have responsibility” for the border, “it lands solely with Donald Trump."

Strickland said, “So, remember, when Vice President Harris was announced as the person that President Biden supports, the attacks started immediately. First, they tried to say she was a failed border czar, when, in fact, people coming over the southern border [have] decreased by 50 percent through President Biden’s executive order. And there is a bill sitting in the Senate, a bipartisan bill to address the border that Donald Trump demanded not come to the floor. So, if anyone’s going to have responsibility, it lands solely with Donald Trump.” Now, of course, anyone who has been paying the least bit of attention knows there to be little truth in what she says.

Let’s face it, President Trump could not have made it any easier for Joey to maintain what had been made, under President Trump, a relatively secure southern border. But for Joey, desperate in his search for more Democrat voters, that was something that he just couldn’t do. So it was on day one of his being in office that Joey essentially threw open our border and it has remained pretty much open for over three and half years. To the point where even some Democrat mayors were crying foul because of the escalating violent crime being perpetrated by those in this country illegally. And Joey was responsible and all because the Democrats wanted the stinking votes.

Democrats reside in what has become their own bizarre world to the point where they seem to actually expect people to believe the utter nonsense that they continue to spew. And why shouldn’t they expect people to believe their lies. When you have roughly 90 percent of the ‘fake news’ media echoing your lies, there’s bound to be a certain number of Americans who will fall for the lies and to actually believe them to be true. Democrats have created for themselves quite the little fantasy reality and if you happen to be one of those who dares not to go along with them, well then, you’re considered to be the enemy and must therefore be destroyed.

Talk about gaslighting, it just never seems to end! These people are such liars. The number of people coming across the border illegally was much lower under President Trump. Joey purposely brought an end to border policies that were clearly working. As for the border bill this boob references, it was a complete joke. It would have done nothing to restrict the number of people coming across the border and would have cost the taxpayers billions more. The border bill mentioned doesn’t stop illegal immigration. It allowed 5000 illegal aliens in every day and then if they say it is an emergency they still get to come in. Who in their right mind would vote for that?

And so, according to this moron, the fault for what has been allowed to take place at our southern border is now to be considered the fault of the guy who hasn’t been president for over three and half years. I mean, what kind of power has President Trump had to make policy for the border or anything else related to the federal government? I’m so sick of these political lightweights who like to lie, lie and lie some more. The garbage these clowns spread seems to know no bounds! I don’t know how any of these liars remain able to look themselves in the mirror! Clearly this clown Strickland has no basic understanding of the facts, or of reality. She’s a kook!!!

So you have to ask yourself, just how stupid is this boob Strickland? What kind of moron would attempt to make that message work? Especially since the Democrats have put out their latest talking point claiming that Harris was never really the ‘Border Czar’ in the first place? Add to that the fact that she never seems to have heard of the many lives lost or ruined due to the Democrat policy of open borders. This woman is a liar and a communist. This woman has no respect for the citizenry of our nation. This woman is yet another example of all that is wrong with today’s Democrat Party. And still there are those who continue to vote for these imbeciles.

I’m so sick of these people pretending that the public doesn’t know what’s really going on. Harris, a DEI as Joey’s vice president, knew he was dementia ridden but lied to the public, was in on the coup to oust him and, even though she has never come close to receiving approval by voters, was selected to replace him as the party’s nominee to go up against President Trump. These commie sellouts must be held accountable for the suffering they have inflicted on innocent people through their continued support for this destructive regime. Democrats are letting themselves be disenfranchised and what do they do about it? Join in like it’s a celebration.

Democrats are liars. They don’t care about the truth. All they care about is advancing their agenda. There is not a lie they will not tell in order to maintain their power. To say President Trump, who was putting up the border wall which Joey stopped, is responsible for the millions of illegals who have come, and continue to come, across our border under Joey makes clear the willingness of Democrats to say anything to maintain their power. I pray people are opening their eyes and seeing the truth, that Democrats do not care about America. They care about their agenda, their power, and are willing to lie, cheat and steal in order to achieve their goal of ending America.

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