

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


As if we needed any more reasons to NOT vote for Cumala, we now seem to have Democrats themselves coming forward to offer up even more. Look, anyone with a functioning brain should already be well aware of the dangers that Cumala represents and not need more reasons not to vote for her. After all, she is obviously nowhere near qualified to be president anymore than she’s qualified to be vice president. Imagine that. And regarding those providing more reasons to shun Cumala, I’m not talking about RFK Jr. or Tulsi Gabbard. I’m talking about those who are committed to party over country. I’m talking about those like Democrat Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse.

You see, it was Whitehouse who said that Cumala would support packing the Supreme Court under a bill that he has been pushing if she were to actually become president. Which is kinda funny really, since it was just six months ago that Democrats, like this boob Whitehouse, wanted to dump Cumala from the ticket because she’s a clown and not all that intelligent. And it was many in the media who agreed. And I wonder what this loon would say if President Trump were to win, and the Republicans picked up House and Senate, they chose to add more justices? No doubt he, along with every member of his party, would be screaming like the little bitches that they are.

Anyway, during the clown show that was the Democratic National Convention (DNC), Whitehouse participated in a panel with Rep. Jamie Raskin, another Democrat, in which they discussed a “Supreme Court reform” bill that could pass by a simple majority if the Democrats were to win the House, Senate, and White House. The bill would essentially impose 18-year term limits on the Court, thereby removing Justices Clarence Thomas and John Roberts, while establishing ethics and recusal rules. The bill would be attached to “an omnibus package that would include a bill creating a national right to abortion and other top Democratic priorities."

As chairman of the Senate judiciary subcommittee on the courts, it was Whitehouse who introduced a bill last year that would create the same 18-year term limits and biennial presidential appointment pattern that Joey proposed. Only the nine most recently appointed justices would be allowed to vote in almost all of the important cases, meaning that if the bill were enacted tomorrow the winner of the presidential election would effectively be able to replace Justice Clarence Thomas in 2025 and Chief Justice John Roberts in 2027. Strange that the same clowns who advocate term limits for the Court, never want to discuss term limits for members of Congress.

And it was while discussing that which is clearly near and dear to his heart that Whitehouse said, “To get around the filibuster, we’re going to have to have a process that allows very substantial debate from the Senate minority. We are not going to want to give the Republicans multiple stalls, multiple filibusters on this, so the bill that gets around the filibuster will be virtually certain to include permanent reproductive rights, permanent restored voting rights, getting rid of corrupting billionaire dark money, and Supreme Court reform. If you’ve got a bill like that moving, that’s going to have spectacular tailwinds behind it."

Whitehouse made his declaration after Joey and Cumala called for an 18-year term limit on Supreme Court justices. And it was in speaking with ‘The Dispatch’ that Whitehouse said that he was very confident that Cumala would support his legislation, which Republicans, and even some Democrats, have said would be unconstitutional and would simply be court-packing under a different name. Whitehouse went on to say, “They have not gone so far as to say, ‘We endorse your bill.’ They have said that your bills are precisely aligned with what we are talking about.” Same old Democrats, wanting to change the rules because they don’t agree with the outcome.

Whitehouse was also quick point out that, “Everything is subject to the will of the Senate and the House and the input from the president as we do these things.” And he added. “The point of that is that we want to make it seem a little bit less like it’s an immediate targeting” of justices. Numerous Republicans have chosen to denounce this bill and there have even been some Democrats joining in. Adam White, a legal scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, whom Joey appointed to the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court, wrote back in July that any “legislation purporting to strip individual justices of their duties would be unconstitutional."

And so it is that yet again it’s the party screaming about the danger that President Trump supposedly represents to our “democracy,” that is itself, perhaps, actually the threat, and clearly a far more dangerous one. And as long as we’re on the subject of term limits, why don’t we start with placing such limits on those who seek to make a lifelong career out of politics. All of this talk about enacting term limits on the Supreme Court is going absolutely nowhere and is nothing but pure politics. If these Democrats wanted to be taken seriously what they should do is enact term limits on themselves. But as we all know, our career politicians have no intention of doing so.

And I would, no doubt, be called a conspiracy theorist if I were to argue that it’s nothing more than some weird coincidence that they chose 18 years, so Clarence Thomas would get booted immediately. And just a mere oversight that he and other justices were not grandfathered in. Purely coincidental, nothing personal, right? Stacking the Supreme Court for the specific purpose of thwarting its Constitutional independence is far closer to an insurrection than were the events of January 6. The Court was created to keep the politicians’ power in check, that’s why it is a separate entity, but then I realize that most Democrat politicians don’t know that.

And were Democrats ever able to get control of the Supreme Court they would then get to work on their true objective, dismantling the Constitution bit by bit. Clearly Democrats want to control every artery of our government as they work to impose Communism on America, gutting the Constitution and proceeding to make themselves the arbiters of which freedoms, which of us get to enjoy. Democrats are tyrants on a mission to destroy America. MAGA is the only path forward if we are to have any hope of remaining free! It’s just one more reason why we must band together to thwart these fascists. Whitehouse took over from Joey as the biggest moron in the Senate.

Whitehouse is nothing more than a complete boob. And so, it begs the question, has this clown ever actually read the Constitution? Is he aware of the concept known as separation of powers? Like most Democrats, he likely has never even looked at the document. Now they might be able to ram through some such legislation, and if we’re unfortunate enough to have Cumala as president she would do exactly what she’s supposed to do, rubber stamp what is clearly a bogus piece of legislation. But clearly, it would be challenged in court, moved through the appeal process before likely landing at the Supreme Court itself where it would die an unceremonious death.

Those who have gone over to the “Dark Side” will do whatever it takes to get total control of this nation all in the name of one world government! What is it about the three separate branches of our government, and the checks and balances put in place, that escapes these Democrats? These screwball members of Congress need to get their own house in order before they initiate any discussions as to what they believe should be done to the other branches of the government. And it was the last time I checked that no one branch of government is able to dictate anything to either of the other two branches. That’s not exactly how things were designed to work.

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