

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


No one can hold a candle to the Democrats when it comes to celebrating hate. And while the Democrats are partying like it’s 1999, and while their campaign is supposed to be all about bringing about joy and hope, you’d think it would be difficult to convince voters of that when it’s right out of the gate that one of the first ones they heard from was the old bitter clinger herself who proceeded to take things to an entirely different direction. Now I’m not sure who might have thought it was a good idea to trot out old Hitlery, since she’s never been one exude much in the way of joy, but someone must have thought there was something to be gained by doing so.

Anyway, it was her speech to those assembled that Hitlery, like all Democrats, chose to focus less on joy and hope than she did on division, since that’s the only way Democrats can ever hope to win, by encouraging division and hate. And so it was that all Hitlery proceeded to screech about was, of course, Donald Trump. Yes, two-time loser of the presidential sweepstakes was apparently there for no other reason than to stoke the flames of hate by doing nothing more than to taunt President Trump. Hitlery smirked as she called President Trump “the first person to run for president with 34 felony convictions.” She again made clear what a lowlife she really is.

As she taunted President Trump, the crowd before her, with the combined IQ in single digits, broke into chants of, “Lock him up!” Hitlery tried to talk over the crowd at first, but then let them continue chanting. And her reference to President Trump’s convictions was no accident, it was all part of the convention’s message for the evening. Immediately after she spoke, a video was shown about President Trump’s prosecutions. The video of President Trump’s speech on January 6, 2021 was also shown deceptively edited, omitting the words “peacefully and patriotically.” It also claimed, falsely, that President Trump warned of a “bloodbath” if he lost.

But we must thank Hitlery for the reminder that Donald Trump’s most important accomplishment is that he kept this bitch out of the White House! This is the woman who started all the animosity, bitterness and division back in the 1990s by pitting people against each other. Everyone knows, including Hitlery, that President Trump’s convictions were nothing but political lawfare. And yet she stood there on stage and acted as if they were legitimate convictions. All I want for Christmas is President Trump in office and Hitlery behind bars for the rest of her useless life. The Democrats continue to portray President Trump as the lawbreaker, when it is them.

Watching Hitlery chortling on about President Trump’s conviction regarding breaking a law that doesn’t exist on the books, based on another vaguely stated law to be determined later, is like watching Lex Luthor explain why Superman is bad for Metropolis. President Trump is a convicted felon just like Soviet dissidents were convicted felons in the USSR when they were charged with make believe crimes, convicted of make-believe crimes and sent to gulags for make believe crimes simply because the state did not like them or what they had to say. The Democrats truly believe that the end justify the means just as their communist idols did.

Hitlery still cannot get over the fact that she lost in 2016. And the reason she lost is that most people don’t like her. Of all the women who have darkened our country, she is by far the most evil. Hitlery’s lucky that President Trump chose to heal a nation rather than to throw her oversized ass in prison. Hitlery, the career politician whose arrogance, ineptitude, mendacity and borderline psychopathy have strewn the path of her career with countless victims, mysterious deaths and the wrecked lives of those she perceived as obstacles to her ambition? Hitlery doesn’t understand she lost because she represents all that is evil, ignorant and debased in American politics.

But look, nothing about this should come as a surprise. Railing incessantly against President Trump is all they have. That and abortion. Democrats refuse to talk about Cumala’s platform, or the lack of, or where she stands on any number of those issues important to most Americans. It’s nothing more than Trump, Trump, Trump. That fat cow best be glad President Trump didn’t go after her during his first term.  This is the only thing they have, their combined hatred of one man. They have no policies, nothing for the betterment of the country, and they never will. It’s their lust for power. If you’re on the fence, then you better get your shit together, quick.

Democrats, quite literally, have not one thing, policy-wise, that they can run on that has been either successful or popular. Economy? Foreign policy? Immigration? Child grooming and perversion? Hitlery represents the least of us. She heralds no designs, harbors no respect and has nothing to add towards anything. She is a useless tool. And really, what were her qualifications to ever be President in the first place? That she was Bill’s wife? She literally screwed up everything she was ever put in charge of. We were told that she was the most qualified individual to ever run for president and yet she went down in a humiliating defeat to a complete political novice.

Clearly Hitlery does hate President Trump. But think how she must now feel about the IQ challenged Cumala, especially if Cumala gets installed as president. President Trump is the inner demon for all these clowns. There is nothing so small or obscure that they won’t blame on him. It’s like listening to a guy in his 40s blaming his parents for all that ails him. It’s beyond pathetic. And what’s most bizarre is that the things they hate most, are the things they make up in their own heads. The whole joke is controlled by a small cabal of insiders. It’s staffed and supported by a wide variety of nut jobs. And rounded out with the angry, miserable, and completely deluded.

This was just another example of Hitlery, the criminal harpy, being her usual shrill self. Hitlery continues her hysterical angry rants. The Democrats really think they have the Achilles heel for President Trump when they keep bringing up his conviction. Sadly, for them, the only people who think it matters, are the Democrats. The rest of the civilized world saw it for what it was, a witch hunt that will ultimately backfire on the Democrats. Twenty years from now they will still be rolling her out in a wheelchair so she can cry about how she got screwed in 2016. I find it to be very interesting that after all this time she still can’t let it go.

All this gathering of like-minded people taking place in Chicage has thus far heard has  nothing whatsoever to do with future policies to be advanced by their party, should they win, or about any of their failed policies of the past. It’s been all about hatred, and feelings. That alone should tell you what the modern-day Democrat Party is all about. It’s all about destruction, not construction. It’s all about causing division, racism, class warfare, educational perversion, antisemitism, everything that can hurt the American People and this Country physically, economically, and spiritually. That is what the Democrat Party is all about and it’s all they have ever been about.

It must gall Hitlery to no end to have to watch all of this. She was on a homicidal and humiliating pursuit of the White House for decades and was a mere whisper away from being the first woman President. Only to then have it all taken away from her by Donald Trump and rational Americans, relegating her to being a loser to President Trump in the footnotes of history books. Now she has to sit there and watch as a cackling moron potentially gets cheated into the White House as the first woman President, while she watches from the nose-bleed seats. Frankly, I’m surprised she hasn’t yet bumped Cumala off, so she could then wedge herself into the race.

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