

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


Can someone please explain to me how it is that a Democrat now running for president can go from having practically no one willing to support her just three years ago to where we’re now supposed to believe that practically the entire Democrat Party seems to think the old girl is the greatest thing sliced bread. Am I the only one who sees that as being more than just a bit weird? And how is it that something like that can even come about? I mean what suddenly convinced the 98 percent of Democrats who couldn’t being themselves to support her in her own run for president, to support her now that the party elites have chosen her to replace Joey?

And then, of course, there are the party hacks, of which there are many, who have demonstrated, on any number of occasions, a willingness to support some of the most incompetent individuals to found pretty much anywhere on the planet. And it’s these same hacks who then proceed to work as hard as they can to convince ignorant voters that theirs is the best candidate for both the country and for the American people. But the funny thing is how they go about doing that. Because, you see, rarely is it ever about what a great person their candidate is, or about what a great record he, or she, might have, but what a horrible person the opposition candidate is.

And speaking of hacks, you’d be hard-pressed to find yourself a more hackier hack than that ex-U.S. Senator from Missouri, Claire McCaskill. Yes siree bob, this bitch is a real prize. She’s another of those leftwing cows that you can always count on to spread a little hate and discontent whenever they get the chance. And that was exactly what she was once again out doing as recently as this past Monday. You see, it was during an appearance Monday’s broadcast of MSDNC’s ‘Deadline,’ that McCaskill actually claimed that President Trump is in the “fat Elvis” stage of his career and is worrying about his opponent, Kamala Harris’s choice of a running mate.

McCaskill said, “First, I’ve got to give a shout-out to my friend Charlie Sykes. I spit coffee over the weekend when I saw how he referred to Trump, that Trump is in the fat Elvis stage of his career. I mean, I love that. I love that. So, I didn’t want to go any further in this program without giving love to my fellow pundit, Charlie Sykes, for the fat Elvis. And, by the way, fat Elvis is worried, and so is the weirdo he picked as his running mate. This field is pretty damn good. She really isn’t going to get in trouble with any of these selections.” She added, “I love Tim Walz because he’s plain-spoken and relatable. I think Shapiro does do something really important in Pennsylvania."

She went on to say, “Obviously, Pete Buttigieg is one of the most talented communicators in the political world right now. They’re all very good. I think what’s really funny is how people are trying to stir up. There’s some brouhaha, and we’re all fighting over the vice president who should be in their dreams. We’re not fighting. It’s going to be fine no matter who she picks. Let’s go.” But as we all know, Harris has made her pick and it’s not Buttigieg nor is it the guy she thinks is doing something “really Important,” whatever the Hell that is, in Pennsylvania. Nope, Harris picked radical leftwing loon Tim Walz, governor of the once great state of Minnesota.

This sort of behavior has become pretty typical for Democrats. These clowns who insist that no matter what, conservatives and Republicans must speak kindly of their colleagues on the left, meanwhile Democrats are allowed to say anything they want about President Trump. This woman has no talent, no ability and no skills, so she has to be ugly and run her mouth and laugh at other people. Hence the reason she’s been relegated to having to appear on what is really nothing more than a third rate ‘news’ network such as MSDNC which is synonymous with all that it means to be Democrat, as it seems to have been overridden with some truly ugly human beings.

But regardless of who Harris has enlisted to be her running mate, the problems Democrats will face will likely only increase, if for no other reason than because her approval ratings are even lower the Joey’s. Her disastrous presidential campaign never won her a single delegate when she ran for president back in 2020. Democrat voters soundly rejected her, and Black voters overwhelmingly rejected her. If her poll numbers continue to stay where they are, or go down, she will likely be passed over yet again. Right now those in the ‘fake news’ are busy pumping her up by gaslighting, altering her record of supposed “accomplishments” and doing a 1984 on her history.

And if we’re being honest, it’s McCaskill who’s now at that stage in her life where she’s just another fat old cow desperate for both attention and some level of relevance by babbling nonsense about Harris and making a total fool out of herself in the process. Look, they can all say how excited they all are, but I think even they know that their chance of actually pulling off a win remains pretty remote. They’ll not have the last laugh. President Trump will again be triumphant; of that I have no doubt. Our country is hanging by a thread and a win by the Democrats at this point would be nothing more than the final nail in the coffin of America.

The Leftists are desperately seeking anything they can use against President Trump, and nothing has worked. President Trump has provided us with more entertainment than anyone. He has these bimbos working overtime trying to come up with anything they can think of. We now know after the assassination attempt on President Trump the Democrats will do anything to remove him. And I don’t think they’re done and as the election gets closer, they will be doing everything they can to stop him. McCaskill is a loser and is irrelevant. Democrats are always the first to call out President Trump for name calling, but they constantly engage in the practice themselves.

Democrats have been running a ‘scorched earth’ campaign against Donald Trump ever since he first announced he was running for president. The endless investigations and all manner of baseless accusations. And then there are the ridiculous lawsuits based on trumped up charges. Attacks made against Donald Trump, personally, as well as every member of his family and those close to him. And yet this cow McCaskill claims he’s somehow worried about Harris. McCaskill continues to prove over and over again just how evil and despicable she truly is. She’s another of those toxic individuals who hates this country and who supports those whose only desire is to see it destroyed.

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