

Sunday, August 11, 2024


Let me make something perfectly clear, right out of the gate. It is not, as Democrats claim, an act of desperation on the part of President Trump, to point out those things which need to be viewed as some pretty serious shortcomings exhibited by those now representing the Democrat opposition regarding the upcoming presidential election. What should actually be viewed as an act of desperation are the attempts to either keep hidden, or to draw attention away from, behavior that many Americans would likely view as rather repulsive. Like, just as an example, the blatant cowardice displayed by the current Democrat candidate for vice president ‘Tampon Tim’ A-Walz.

And yet, it was during an appearance on Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Source” that Pete Buttigieg, who was supposedly appearing in his ‘personal’ capacity, actually argued that statements from Republicans that Mr. A-Walz overstated his title and falsely claimed to have carried weapons in war, which the Harris-Walz campaign conceded by updating his bio on their campaign website, and saying that A-Walz misspoke about carrying weapons in war, show “how desperate Republicans are not to talk about the issues.” I would argue that the act of desperation is on the part of the Democrats courtesy of trying to make A-Walz into something that he clearly is not.

Host Kaitlan Collins, the resident bimbo who many will likely remember from CNN’s President Trump Town Hall, asked, “Republicans are attacking Gov. Walz over when he retired from the military, after he served for 24 years, also overstating his title on some occasions, his rank where he was. As a fellow veteran who, you were careful about how you characterized your service on the campaign trail when you ran, what do you make of those attacks?” Buttigieg responded, “I think it’s one example — one more example of how all they can do is tear down. Look, in the military, you’re eligible to retire after 20 years. Tim Walz stayed for 24 years."

Buttigieg went on to say, “And some people are trying to attack him because he didn’t make it 25 or 26. It’s just not the way that most servicemembers, most veterans would talk about their own service or someone else’s service. … I would say saying that somebody’s time in the military is unworthy because they didn’t deploy to a warzone is a lot like saying that somebody’s life choices aren’t worthy because she happens to not have children.” This is just the kind of outlook that I would expect from someone, who’s only ‘qualification’ for any position in government, is his fondness for male genitalia. He’s just another DEI hire. But I digress.

Collins then followed up, “Well, and one part of where they’ve been bolstered is him suggesting that he carried weapons in war, which they have clarified, I believe a spokesperson said tonight that he misspoke on that and that he was previously identified and had identified himself as a retired command sergeant major. He served as that, was elevated to that, but he reverted back to the rank of master sergeant when he left because he didn’t complete the appropriate coursework. Should he be just careful about how he talks about this, precise in how he talks about this, given it has bolstered what we’ve been hearing from Republicans?"

Buttigieg said, “Yeah, of course. And they took the opportunity to clear that up. But again, I think this shows you how desperate Republicans are not to talk about the issues. They don’t want to talk about their proposal for tax cuts for the rich. They don’t want to talk about their campaign to end a woman’s right to choose in this country. So, they need us to be quibbling over the finer points of how, when you have a conditional promotion to Command Sergeant Major, it’s different from if you retire at that rank, but you still technically held that, those are the kinds of things they want us talking about, because they don’t want us talking about the underlying issue."

He added, “Same thing with the thing about the weapons that Tim Walz very much did carry and fire and train on and use across his 24-year military career, right? The reason why they’re going so deep and so hard just to find the one time, out of however million times he’s talked about the issue, when, instead of saying the weapons of war he carried, he said the weapons he carried at war, it’s to make sure that we don’t think about what he was actually talking about at the time, which is that weapons like the weapons he trained on should not be in our neighborhoods and should not be threatening the lives of our children, a position that most Americans agree with."

He said, “But the last thing the Trump ticket wants to talk about is why they are facing down and disagreeing with the 90% of Americans, including the vast majority of Republicans, who think we should at least have universal background checks to keep our kids and our communities safe. They want us to be talking about anything but their deeply unpopular plans, and this is an example of that. So, yeah, it’s important to clear up the time that he misspoke, but let’s not allow them to successfully use that to distract from what is actually going to affect you right now, sitting at home, hoping your kids will be safe when they go to school, which is not the finer points of terminology."

Buttigieg, even though he may himself be a veteran, doesn’t seem to know squat about how the National Guard actually works. Unless they hold an active Guard position, reservists need much more than a straight 20 years in order to retire. They are awarded points towards retirement depending on the amount of time they actually spend in uniform on active duty. One weekend a month and two weeks in the summer doesn't get you to retirement in 20 years. Imagine that. Another Democrat who doesn’t know what the fuck they’re talking about. What a gaslighting buffoon this guy is. The desperation they claim is all theirs. Talk about disinformation.

‘Tampon Tim’ A-Walz was in the National Guard as long as it was safe to do so, but bailed at the first sign of potential danger. But the demonstration of such cowardice is never a problem should one later to decide to run for elected as long as one runs as a Democrat. In fact, when running as a Democrat it tends to act as more of a resume enhancer since the vast majority of those who vote Democrats also tend not to be big fans of the either the military or those who choose to serve. Absolutely, it was simply an income source to him, nothing more. Playing soldier 38 days a year and then running away when the real thing came along. This guy A-Walz pretty pathetic.

Yup, the Republicans are desperate that they are resorting to the truth. And the Democrats are never that desperate. The media refuses to discuss the issues just like Cumala, so it’s funny that this clown accuses Republicans of this. Cumala won’t have a press conference to discuss anything. Typical Democrat ploy is to always accuse your opposition of doing what you’re actually trying to get away with. They’ve seared their consciences to the point where they have no moral compass and their twisted ideology tells them that “the end justify the means” so they believe anything goes as long as it helps them get what they want. What a degenerate way to live your life!

It’s weird. A-Walz is a veteran, of that there can be no dispute, and he apparently served honorably. But, he is not a combat veteran. He embellished his record, which is apparently a good record. He could have been proud of his service record, but instead, he chooses to lie about it. And what keeps coming into the back of my mind is that this is what we first got from Joey. His carefully stage-managed public appearances, which were severely limited by his mental incapacity, would sometimes fall apart when he told these sometimes truly heart-rending stories, which I think he believes are true, but which are not. Many of them never happened at all.

It’s not like he didn’t recollect something entirely correctly, or he mixed up a date or a day, or something like that. The stories he tells, more often than not, are just not true. The Democrats covered that up for four years. Now, A-Walz is doing the same thing. Are we going to have another four years of Democrats covering up the mental incapacity of someone who never should have been run for office? One year or twenty-four years, two rules you don't lie about your rank or where you served especially if there is a war. Buttigieg is a flake. A useless flake. A-Walz is a lunatic. It’s almost comical to see him on the stage pretending to be a good old boy.

Look, we know Democrats are serious when they fabricate crimes and indict President Trump at least four times, so far, with the hope of being able to put him in prison! And if that’s not enough, they also have literally tried to assassinate him! So how desperate is that? President Trump has a wound he will carry for the rest of his life, and yet Democrats are shameless in their lying, cheating, and gaslighting in what has been their never ending attempt to disqualify President Trump! So again, who seems to be acting out of pure desperation? And yet President Trump continues to pass all the tests and to clear all the hurdles that have been placed in his path.

And we must never forget that the Democrats are the party of rioting, looting, and destroying Western Civilization. When they don’t actively participate, they cheer it on and bail out the participants. A-Walz’s wife apparently gets a high from the smell of other people’s lives and property going up in flames. And yet they have the audacity to claim that they’re the productive ones? Seriously? If you happen to be a white working class or middle-class American, they get a tingle when they imagine your life being ruined and any prospects you have for the future going up in smoke. They are demons who walk among us and to continue to vote for them is beyond foolish.

Democrats don’t even recognize the dissonance coming out of their own mouths. A-Walz lied and has used that lie to better himself and to obtain public office. There was a time when both Left and Right agreed that such a character and professional flaw would preclude a candidate from going very far. Yet here we are with them ready to advance a very, very flawed candidate. I’d respect A-Walz and Buttigieg a bit more if they just owned up to their BS. At least that gives them a chance. The gaslighting just draws more animosity. Democrats have the freedom of never, ever being constrained by truth, facts, ethics, morality, integrity, shame, or common sense.

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