

Saturday, August 24, 2024


So, to be honest, I’m still not quite sure how I feel about Robert Kennedy Jr. coming over to the side of the good guys. After all, he’s been on the side of the bad guys for so long and, as they say, a leopard never changes its spots. And while he sounded very convincing, we need to keep in mind that Democrats are nothing if not very skillful liars. Frankly, I’ve never understood the mystique surrounding a family whose patriarch was nothing more than a bootlegger. But be that as it may, his decision certainly has pushed many in the Democrat Party to the brink, something I find to be rather humorous. And one of those Democrats is none other than David Axelrod.

You see, Axelrod seems to have taken RFK Jr.’s endorsement of President Trump pretty hard. This former adviser to ‘BO’ recently took to social media to air his grievances over the scion of the premier Democrat political family endorsing the Republican standard bearer. He said, “Robert F. Kennedy was my political hero.” And he went on to say, “He battled fiercely & eloquently against poverty, injustice and for economic fairness. Sadly RFK Jr, who made a rambling exit from the race today, proves that sometimes an apple DOES fall far from the tree…in this case, down a hill and over a cliff.” A “rambling exit? Really? I’m afraid I have to disagree with Mr, Axelrod.

Axelrod has his head up his ass. That was a freaking great speech by Kennedy! Not only was it spot on factually, especially about the press being Democrat Party house organ. I listened to Kennedy’s speech, and I must say that it was one of the most cohesive, coherent, intelligent speeches that I’ve heard coming from a Democrat in my 72 years on Earth. How sad to accuse someone of a poor presentation because you don’t like the message. But what else would you expect from a guy like Axelrod? Kennedy’s heartfelt concession speech, in which he asked supporters in contested states to instead vote for President Trump, focused on his work for future generations.

Kennedy said that Cumala has “no interest” in ridding the nation’s food supply of toxic chemicals or cleaning house at agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). One of those agencies could very well be a landing spot for Kennedy in the next Trump administration. He spoke at length about the need to put the health of American children above corporate donor profits in language mirroring President Trump’s own ‘America First’ vision. No matter what you think of Kennedy, you KNOW a good thing has happened for the world when Axelrod has a meltdown. It’s a canary-in-the-coal-mine indicator.

But clearly Axelrod was buying none of what he heard. He posted, “Robert F. Kennedy Sr. would have been appalled to see his son cut a deal to drop out of the race and endorse Trump.” If Axelrod was honest, which he is not, he would have to admit that both JFK and RFK are likely turning in their graves over the state of today’s Democrat Party. Kennedy also said in his speech that he had reached out to Cumala, who refused to take a phone call from him. Kennedy said she “has expressed no interest in addressing this issue.” But who really cares what Axelrod’s opinion might be on the subject, a guy who has been relegated to being a political commentator on CNN.

And really, what did Axelrod expect to happen after the way the Democrats treated Kennedy, a member of the Democrats’ royal family? He seems to be having a tough time with reality; the reality that YES, his Democrat Party has dropped so far into the leftwing nutjob abyss that even longtime registered Democrats are now jumping off their Titanic. Axelrod is one of the band members still playing. Democrats hate it when someone wanders off the plantation. And if Axelrod & Co. had so much respect for Kennedy, they wouldn’t have allowed their party to have screwed Kennedy so badly during the primary process. They’ve brought this all on themselves.

Democrats abandoned Kennedy, didn’t have a primary, they simply installed Joey into the position, casting everyone else aside. Then they abandoned Joey and installed Cumala. And when Kennedy became an Independent, Democrats sent the government to ‘get’ him, plus used their law-fare to keep him off ballots. And now they’re upset that he didn’t endorse a cheating, lying Democrat. Give me a break. Perhaps if more Democrats were to come forward in the same manner as Kennedy, people would look upon the Democrat Party more favorably. There has to be others who think as Kennedy does, but they simply lack the necessary courage to come forward and say so.

And Axelrod must realize that if JFK were alive today he and RFK would likely NOT be voting for Cumala and A-Walz. Furthermore, JFK would definitely not be welcome in the Democrat Party today. He was prolife, pro Second Amendment, fought valiantly for his country and wanted to increase defense spending. He’d be lost among those gender queer commies today! Both John and Robert Kennedy would not recognize the current communists passing as Democrats. Both hated communists like Cumala and A-Walz. Axelrod is beneath contempt. I’m glad that he’s upset. He knows his commies just bit off the big one and there’s not one thing he can do about it.

I think we can all agree that the Democrat Party has always been anti America. Back in the days of John and Robert Kennedy they were much more clandestine about it. And while the party has shifted very much further to the left, the only thing that has really changed is that those in today’s Democrat Party operate much more out in the open. Kennedy remains sort of a dreamy idealist. The only reason Axelrod is now attacking Kennedy is because he dared to leave the party. My question is, what did he expect? Even with RFK’s family history, Joey refused him Secret Service protection and Joey’s handlers wouldn’t even let Cumala take his phone call.

Democrats continue to grift off of the old party. The fact the Democrats continue to try and playact as being the same old Democrats that JFK was is pathetic, even more so as they move faster and faster to fully embrace communism. There are only two options left for people like Axelrod. Option one is they know the Democrat Party of today would be screaming that JFK was a Nazi if he turned up today and yet they act like that’s not the case. Or option two, which is that Axelrod and his ilk are so out of touch they actually believe they are still that party from those days. I’m not sure which option is worse in showing how sick their character and morals have become.

Both JFK and RFK Sr. would likely have been appalled at the tyrannical actions taken by the Democrat Party when it refused to allow an open primary for the party’s presidential nominee and that the establishment elites of this party then proceeded to blackmail a sitting president into dropping out of that rigged nomination in order to substitute someone who never received a single Democrat vote. That in spite of the fact that the candidate who was essentially forced out received 14,000,000 primary votes. Clearly the Democrat Party’s puppet masters have done far more damage to their party than RFK Jr. ever could have! And yet they point fingers at Kennedy.

And finally, while I am no fan of the Kennedys, it does speak volumes that a Kennedy opposes the Democrats. What the party needs is more of those like Kennedy and far fewer of those like Axelrod. But I think the Democrat Party has moved beyond the point of no return. In a perfect world President Trump would win this November and it would be going forward that other Democrats would have the courage to step forward as Kennedy has done and choose to put the country over their party. But sadly, we live in a world that is far from perfect, and a world where true political courage is a rarity. But this is what it’s going to take if we have any hope of saving the country.

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