

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


Let’s be honest, just how much of a glutton for punishment must one be to actually vote for the Democrat Party duo of Cumala Harris and Tim A-Walz? I mean seriously folks, do millions of Americans actually enjoy paying over 20 percent more at the grocery store or twice as much for a gallon of gas than they were just four years ago? Or, are they looking forward with great anticipation at the prospect of entering World War III? That would seem to be what many Democrats would like us all to believe. As evidenced by how they have been relentless in their ongoing effort to convince us all the Cumala is a far better choice for president than is President Trump.

And then, when you throw in our wide-open southern border and all of the dangers that that represents, the grooming of our young, men in women’s restrooms and allowed to participate in women’s sports, voting for Cumala and A-Walz makes even less sense. But be that as it may, that hasn’t stopped many in the party from doing all they can to get their team elected. For instance, it was this past Tuesday during an appearance on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” that New York Times senior political correspondent Maggie Haberman attempted to make the argument that she believes President Trump is struggling to find a way to attack his opponent, Cumala.

Haberman said, “She is a woman and she is a black woman, and both of those factors have proven pretty challenging for him in the past. His allies will say he is an equal opportunity offender and he goes after everybody, and it’s certainly true that he insults a wide variety of people, but he has seemed to really struggle with women opponents, women critics, and particularly black women who are critics.” I beg to differ with this boob who’s guilty of journalistic malpractice, but Cumala is not black, what she is, is Indian. Anyway, this moron continued, saying, “Trump is a man of few moves, and so we have seen him make the same ones over and over."

And she went on to say, “You are correct that he is trying to run against Kamala Harris the same way that he attacked President Obama when Obama was in office and Trump was flirting with the idea of running for president in 2011 and was promoting the birther lie, suggesting that the first black president was not legitimate to serve.” Haberman added, “He has a lot of people around him who either support conspiracy theories, or don’t like what they see as the establishment, or are critical of certain kinds of Republicans, and when he is feeling cornered, he tends to the listen to those people. He is clearly feeling cornered right now."

Man, does this bitch nail it, or what? Yup President Trump is running scared, NOT! Impeachments, indictments and all the lawfare hasn’t fazed him. Yet we’re supposed to believe that Cumala, who didn’t win a single delegate, somehow has President Trump so frustrated he can’t handle it. Now I’m not sure what hallucinogenic this moron is on, but clearly, it’s some pretty potent shit. Oh, and let’s not forget their failed attempt to take President Trump out permanently. I mean are we supposed to believe that it was just some bizarre coincidence that Jill Biden’s bestie was director of the Secret Service when they allowed a hit on President Trump to be carried out?

If nothing else it’s this New York Times bimbo who is proof that President Trump is not only battling Cumala, but the entire ‘fake news’ media machine that is set against him. They hold him accountable for everything, while they hide Cumala in her basement. It’s like tying someone’s arms behind their back, punching them in the face, then accusing them of not having the power to defend themselves. None of that shit works. It falls apart because of human nature, and the opportunity for tyrants to claim the system. After parasitically draining benefit from the previous system, it ALWAYS devolves into someone evil pointing a gun at his own people.

So how is it that we’re supposed to take these people seriously with all of their constant lying and gaslighting. They possess zero dignity, morality, or self-awareness. I can only assume they take drugs, A LOT of drugs. What else would explain such behavior? Clearly this is nothing more than a continuation of an effort to encourage those would be voting for President Trump, and other Republicans, to stay home, and not vote. They lie to themselves, delude themselves. They ignore fundamentals of economics, human nature, etc. in hoping that their utopian fantasies can overcome logic. And to rationalize it, they imagine that they know better than everyone else.

And this rabid moron has the nerve to accuse President Trump of using stale tactics, all the while endorsing the basement strategy being employed by Cumala, just as it was by Joey. And just like Joey, Cumala is a very clear and present danger to America, as well as a threat to our national security. Cumala is a proud member of the international tribe of nation wreckers. They are known not only as the inventors of communism, but as masters of the lie. They have infiltrated the media, government, entertainment and academia and have poisoned all of it with degenerate filth, Marxist ideology, transgenderism and especially white genocide through ‘diversity.'

This is such a pathetic attempt to gaslight, I have not found one single person on either side who has changed their mind about the election due to the switch up on the Democrat side. So to try to claim that Cumala, who fared worse than Joey in the area of job performance polls, has suddenly somehow became America’s favorite and soared above President Trump in the polls is nothing more than the purest form of fantasy. No one is buying it, not really. Not even clowns like this Haberman bimbo.  As is usually the case around this time in an election year, the lefties are busy rigging the polls in an effort make any attempt at cheating to appear a bit more convincing.

These media sycophants know that allowing her to talk will only serve to make her look bad. She is incapable of basic thought. So the media will do everything in their power to make sure she doesn’t talk. This boob Haberman is nothing more than a troll. Cumala is a fraud and hardcore leftist, but she is all these anti-American terrorists have in their quest to remain in power. And it’s these leftwing ‘journalists’ who all live in the same tiny little bubble where they tell each other everything that they wish was true. But in reality, they haven’t got a clue. And it’s going to be magnificent watching them all scream at the sky when all their predictions fail.

Haberman, argues that “She is a woman and she is a black woman, and both of those factors have proven pretty challenging for him in the past.” I thought he handled Hitlery pretty well, and Haley as well. And since he’s never run against a ‘black’ woman, the statement that has “proved pretty challenging for him in the past” doesn’t make sense. Cumala has said nothing and done nothing while the media covers the entire thing up. At some point, or so you would think, she’s not going to be able to get away with that. But as of right now while those in the ‘fake news’ media may complain about the lack of access, they’re also not really pushing the issue.

‘Journalism’ is dead in America. It’s nothing more than a Goebbels-like propaganda machine. We all know that in just about any other time of American history a candidate wouldn’t be able to simply go into hiding and not present policies that they would seek to put into place if elected. But America is changing, and not for the better. It has nothing to do with being a savvy politician, because Cumala is a moron. We’re becoming a nation of mindless robots with no critical thinking skills. Americans must realize that they can no longer rely on those in the ‘fake news’ media for the truth. They need to get off their duff and research things on their own.

And finally, I can’t help but wonder, if there are really people who are able to look at Cumala and have a sense of optimism about the future? I don’t know the answer to this. What I do know is that if in fact these left-wing loons are correct in their assessment of things and Cumala does manage to get elected, well then, my friends, America is most assuredly done. The fat lady will have sung, and it’ll be time to turn out the lights because the party will definitely be over. There is but one way out of the mess that Joey and Cumala have gotten us in. And love him or hate him, like it or not, the only way out, the only goddamn way, is by re-electing President Trump.

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