

Friday, November 1, 2013


As has been demonstrated more times than I care to count, is the fact that when blacks go looking for political candidates to vote for, there is always a certain criteria that those candidates must meet. Of course no where in that criteria will one find that the candidate be required to possess any experience that would qualify him, or her, for a position in government, or that the candidate possess any leadership abilities or those character traits than one would at least hope to be possessed by those granted the privilege of serving. Nope, blacks base their decision on only two factors: 1) race, and/or 2) that the candidate is a Democrat. Obviously race is most important, but in absence of an acceptable candidate that is black, absolutely ANY Democrat will do.

The most recent example of this process would of course be Cory Booker who was recently elected to the Senate to fill the unexpired term of crusty old Frank Lautenberg, who finally died this past June. It now seems that the newly minted Sen. Booker leaves behind a city, Newark, N.J., with not only a rising unemployment rate, but with a crime rate well above the national average, and rising, as well. But all that doesn’t matter, he’s black and therefore deserved to be elected to Congress. Booker won a special election on Oct. 16. The seat in the interim had been filled by Republican Jeff Chiesa, who had previously served as New Jersey attorney general. Booker was sworn in by ‘Slow Joe’ Biden on Capitol Hill this past Thursday.

So, what, do you suppose, people saw as being Booker’s qualifications that made him worthy of being elected as one of the individuals to represent New Jersey in the Senate? Well let’s take a look, shall we? One of the first things that we notice right away is the fact that during Booker’s tenure as mayor, unemployment in Newark increased by 102 percent. In 2006, the unemployment rate was 4.6 percent, and in 2012, the unemployment rate was 9.3 percent. Gee, no wonder the folks in Jersey were so darn eager to send him off to Washington. He can take all that vast know how of his with him to the Senate and spread it around so everyone can take advantage of it. That way the rest of us can benefit from it. Right?

The average unemployment rate in the months from January 2013 to August 2013 was 8.8 percent. In the years prior to Booker taking office, unemployment rates were significantly lower in 2003 to 2005 at six percent, five percent, and 4.5 percent respectively. Crime rates increased since Booker took office in 2006. In 2006, the crime rate was 593.8. The latest data, taken in 2011, shows that the crime rate increased to 604.0, while the U.S. average stands at 307.5. The previous year, as a way of closing an $83 Million budget gap, in typical Democrat fashion, Booker handled the problem by choosing to layoff 167 police officers in 2010. And yet, Booker was the guy that a vast majority of blacks saw as being ‘the’ one to vote fore.

So apparently, such things as high unemployment and high crime matter very little to your typical black voter. It would seem that what’s much more important is to make sure to send off to Washington only those who promise to make it their top priority the maintaining, or even increasing, of the many ‘entitlement’ programs that blacks have come to prefer to exist on rather than to find a job. They much prefer to be dependent on government than to being self-reliant. After all, having to rely on yourself is just so much more difficult than simply mooching off those folks who do prefer to work. So if they can elect people who won’t make them find a job, that quickly becomes the path of least resistance, and therefore much more preferable.

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