

Friday, November 29, 2013


Please, PLEASE, don’t tell me that we’re actually going to be stupid enough to actually make this bonehead, Chris Christie, our nominee. Haven’t we learned anything from the last two elections? Apparently not, if we can have a recent national poll that would seem to indicate that Christie is, at least at this point in time, deemed to be our early frontrunner. This is, if he were to decide to jump into the race, for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. Am I the only here who sees this as being nothing short of completely insane?

And ya know, we Republican are not the only ones who seem to have lost out minds. Democrats are proving themselves to be as f*cked up as we Republicans, because these morons would actually favor ‘Slow Joe’ Biden, if that old battle-axe, Hitlery Clinton, decides against making yet another run for the White House. Man I gotta tell ya, our country could not be more screwed up if the best that the American people can do is to consider any of these misfits as being acceptable candidates, worthy of being our president.

So it is then that, according to a recent poll, twenty-four percent of Republicans and independents who took part in this poll said they would support Christie, and that’s up seven percentage points from a CNN poll taken in September. Back then, it was Christie and Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, the House Budget chairman and the 2012 Republican vice presidential nominee, who were virtually tied, with Christie at 17 percent and Ryan at 16 percent. But both of these dweebs are RINOs, and a RINOs can’t win!

But since then our buddy Ryan has since dropped to 11 percent and now comes in behind Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, at 13 percent. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas garnered 10 percent in the survey, followed by Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida at 9 percent, Texas Gov. Rick Perry at 7 percent, and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, each at 6 percent. Personally, I could very easily support just about anyone in this group, except maybe Bush, over Christie. Haven’t we really had enough Bushes?

And what I’m quite sure is something that comes as no surprise in the fact that the poll indicates that Hitlery would easily be the overwhelming frontrunner in the race for the Democratic nomination, with 63 percent of Democrats and independents who lean towards the Democratic Party saying she would be their choice. ‘Slow Joe’ was a distant second at 12 percent, followed by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (7 percent), Gov. Andrew Cuomo (5 percent), and two-term Gov. Martin O'Malley (2 percent). Now ain’t that a stellar little group?

Come on people, can’t we please do better than this? Can’t we at least, just this one time, bring ourselves to think about our country first? It would seem that, at least in recent years, the election of a president has been reduced to being nothing more than some weird kind of popularity contest. And where, exactly, has ‘that’ gotten us? Nowhere, but right in the crapper, that’s where. If clowns like these are really the best we can up with, then why even bother? Maybe we should just put America out of her misery.

Because when 2016 finally rolls around, and it’ll be here before you know it, does anyone seriously think that a Christie or a Hitlery or, God forbid, a Biden will actually be up to the challenge of governing whatever’s it is that will be left of our once proud and prosperous nation after eight years of Barry "Almighty"? Think about it, is a country that’s broke, not only financially, but spiritually and morally, as well as economically, really the legacy that we want to leave to our kids? I pray to God that we will come to our senses.

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