

Friday, November 22, 2013


I think that we can all now safely agree, especially after witnessing the recent action taken by ‘Dingy Harry’ to tilt the playing field more in favor of Barry "Almighty", who seems to view himself as being ‘Our Supreme Leader’, that the reaching of that point in time which will demand all freedom loving Americans band together to fight the forces of those who now seem to be so determined to destroy our country, is very rapidly approaching. Because they have now managed to make great strides.

And, sadly, we must now come to the realization, whether we really want to admit it to ourselves or not, that those whom we have chosen to elect to represent us in Congress and who have sworn to protect and defend our Constitution, have neither the stomach nor the will, to do what we all know has now become vitally necessary. They are gutless cowards who apparently have no qualms, whatsoever, about allowing those on the left to continue with their agenda to ‘fundamentally transform’ this once great and prosperous nation.

We are nearing that point in time when, if we are ever to have any hope of returning our nation to its former greatness, we will be required, even forced, to take matters into our own hands. Because what is being committed against our country, and therefore us, and all in the name of "fairness", is actually nothing of the sort. There is something very sinister at work here, and if we, the American people, fail to snap out of whatever trance we seem to be in, we may wake up one morning and find that we have lost everything.

What we must not now do is to come to rely on those false prophets who so proudly proclaim that they believe, as we do, in the inherent greatness of America and in the rules of government as laid out in our Constitution. And I am quite confident that there is no need to mention any names here, I think we are all quite capable of being able to easily recognize just who those individuals are. To actually rely on such untrustworthy characters would do nothing toward accomplishing our goal of trying to change the direction of our country.

If you like, you may consider this as a plea. A plea for more of the American people to come to their senses, and to finally recognize that which is being perpetrated against us. Our leaders view us as fools, and up to this point I’m afraid we’ve done very little that would convince them that we are anything other than fools. We need to change that. We need to make them understand, and in no uncertain terms, that we will NOT go quietly into the night, and that we will be the ones to determine the fate of our country, not them.

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