

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Man I tell ya what, you just gotta hand to all those blue states as they work to pull out all the stops in their effort to make sure that Barry’s signature legislation debacle becomes all that it can be, and more. For example, Delaware, the state where folks re-elected ‘Slow Joe’ Biden to represent them in the U.S. Senate six times, as of two days ago had managed to enroll a grand total of four people in Obamacare, while at the same time having paid $4 Million to four community organizations to act as marketplace guides. For all you liberals, just in case you can’t do the math, that would be at the cost of $1 Million per enrollee. A bargain, right?

One of these organizations, the Brandywine Women’s Health Associates in Wilmington, Del., enrolled three people, while another stellar little group, Christiana Care Health Services in Newark, Del., enrolled one person. The other two other community organizations - Delmarva Foundation for Medical Care in Easton, Md., and Westside Family Healthcare in Wilmington, Del., didn’t manage to complete one enrollment, application or create an account. Overall, 31 enrollment applications have been completed, and 218 accounts were created for possible enrollment. All of this comes courtesy of a report from one of Barry’s cheerleaders, the AP.

Now of course state officials had a ready-made excuse at the ready, blaming the extremely low enrollment numbers on, what else but, problems with the Obamacare website, healthcare.gov, which has been plagued with what have been termed as ‘glitches’ since it was launched back on Oct. 1. Look, these computer problems are only the tip of the iceberg for this disaster. It’s been said that nearly 130 Million people are going to be losing their coverage, and for what? So 30 Million folks can still be without insurance? With each passing day it becomes more apparent why this thing was created, and lowering costs and broadening choices are not that reasons.

The desire of the Democrat Party to come up with some way to tightly control the population goes back to before FDR, and now they think they have it in Obamacare. And it’s going to take us all, regardless of our party affiliation, working to together if we are to ever have any hope of ridding ourselves of it. Because what’s going to have to happen here is for us to elect a congressional majority of conservatives who would recognize the need to scrap it. But are there enough Americans actually willing to do take such action? That’s the million-dollar question. Or would they rather just live with it? I guess it’ll depend on how much they come to hate it.

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