

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


So on we go, seemingly without a care in the world as we continue to strap onto the backs of our children, and even our grandchildren, more and more debt that we apparently think that they will be only too happy to pay back for us. What brings this to mind is the fact that the debt of the federal government jumped by another $409 Billion in the month of October, according to the U.S. Treasury. That amount equals approximately $3,567 for each household in the United States, and is the second-largest one month jump in the debt in the history of the country.

The single greatest one-month increase in the federal government's debt came back in October 2008, when Congress enacted the bogus Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) to bail out the financial industry. In that month, the debt subject to the legal limit climbed by about $545 Billion. At the close of business on Sept. 30, 2013, the last day of fiscal 2013, the federal debt subject to limit stood at $16,699,396,000,000. At the close of business on Oct. 31, 2013, the first month of fiscal 2014, the debt subject to limit stood at approximately $17,108,378,000,000.

If our kids only knew what lies in wait for them. This level of putting off payment to tomorrow for those things that we want today takes living beyond your means to a whole new level. Maybe I’m assuming too much here, but as children we’re taught the dangers of spending more than you’re able to repay. It’s called, living within your means. But that concept seems to be completely foreign to those charge of our government, mainly because they’re spending other people’s money, and plus they have the luxury of being to simply print more money.

But how much longer can we go on doing this? Democrats, and a few too many Republicans, seem to think that we can go on like this indefinitely. And they seem to have been quite successful in convincing a goodly number of the American people that the concept is actually possible. But unfortunately, to actually believe that it’s possible is to, essentially, deny reality. Because while the rhetoric may sound pretty plausible, it’s really nothing more than a fairytale dreamt up by those whose desire is to bring down our entire financial and economic system.

There is something very sinister underway here, the warning signs are everywhere, and readily apparent, but you have to want to see them. Sadly, too many Americans would rather look the other way. Because when your vision is clouded by the fact that you’re on the receiving end of some supposed ‘benefit’ or ‘entitlement’ that could be lost in exchange for sounding the alarm, you tend to remain silent. And by remaining silent, those doing the spending feel emboldened to keep things going as they have been. But the time has now come for the courage to do what we all know what must be done.

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