

Monday, November 18, 2013


Or maybe it would be better to say that, all Democrats have to fear, is fear itself. That being said, there is nothing that would make me happier than to see the Democrats go down in flames next November, at least to the extent that ‘Dingy Harry’ would no longer be in charge of the Senate. But I am nowhere near ready to start counting my chickens before they’re hatched, since your average American voter is far too ignorant for me to begin doing that just yet. Every time I start listening to those on my side touting the demise of liberalism in general, and of the Democrat Party more specifically, all I am, in the end, is disappointed.

So while the failed Obamacare rollout has cast a bit of a stain on Democrats all across the country, it has been particularly rough, or so I’m told, on Democrats in New Hampshire, now considered by many as now being "ground zero" in the political war that's brewing. The three Democrats on the congressional delegation now face a problem that’s really nothing new for Democrats, being torn between remaining loyal to a corrupt White House and of being loyal to those who put them into office. They’re now being made to face some very angry constituents and having to deal with the political fallout from the healthcare reform bill that they all voted for.

But oddly enough, it was just yesterday that we heard Nancy Pelosi, leader of the House Democrats, insist that Democrats are not losing confidence in Barry "Almighty’s" ability to make Obamacare work. They don’t fear Obamacare’s effect on their chances in next year’s elections. "I don’t think you can tell what will happen next year" when voters cast ballots in the mid-term elections, but "I will tell you this: Democrats stand tall in support of the Affordable Care Act," Pelosi said NBC’s "Meet the Press." Well good for them, they’ve made sure they’re set. But when it comes to just how bad this thing is, what we’ve seen is just the tip of the iceberg.

Pelosi seemed quite confident that everything will work out, and she insisted that implementation of the healthcare overhaul "is an issue that has to be dealt with, but it doesn’t mean, ‘oh, this is a political issue so we’re going to run away from it.’" Jobs will be the major issue in the 2014 campaign, not Obamacare, she said. And Pelosi dismissed the nervousness of some her fellow Democrat lawmakers. "What I love about health care professionals is that they’re calm. And we must remain calm when we talk about the health of our country," she said. "You can’t be knocked for a loop just because somebody is playing politics." And who’s just playing politics?

So who’s going to end up being right here? Will it be old Nancy, here, when she says that the Democrats have absolutely nothing to fear and can rightfully be proud of Obamacare? Or, will it be guys like Karl Rove, when they say that Obamacare will devastate the Democrats in 2014. To tell you the truth, I don’t really think either one of these people has any credibility when it comes to predicting what the next election will bring. We, the ones who want to see this debacle of Obamacare forever done away with, are just going to have to wait another year to see if enough people are fed up with this bureaucratic nightmare to the point where they will actually make that possible.

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