

Friday, November 29, 2013


Look, in looking at our own lives, I really don’t think that we needed yet another poll to tell what I think most of us already knew, that a majority of Americans are becoming much more pessimistic about the state of our nation. But apparently someone did because it’s according to a recent poll we find that over half of the American people are now of the opinion that conditions in our country are only getting worse. And that would be, like I said, according to a yet another poll, with this one being conducted by CNN/ORC International poll and with results being released just today, of all days, the day after Thanksgiving.

This recent survey consisted of 843, we assume to be, adults, and it revealed that only 41 percent of Americans actually believe that things are going well. Meanwhile, there are 59 percent of us who now think that things are going rather badly, and are likely to get even worse before they improve, if they ever improve. Opinions, of course, vary with political affiliation, as well as between younger and older people. Because according to this poll it was 46 percent of those under age 50 who said things are going pretty well, while only 36 percent for those 50 and older seemed to think that the country is headed in the right direction.

And it would also seem that a majority of Americans also continue to be rather pessimistic about the economy. Thirty-nine percent believe the economy is still declining, and just 24 percent who believe that a recovery is actually occurring. Meanwhile, 36 percent said they do not believe there is a recovery going on, but still think conditions are becoming stable. No offense to any of those who can somehow come to the conclusion that there is an actual recovery going on, but just how stupid, or blind, can people be. Of course, now, the only thing that could be of any importance to many of them is the fact that Barry is black.

I’ve always tried to think of myself as being one of those ‘the glass-is-half-full’ kind of guys, but in this era of Barry "Almighty" it is become exceedingly more difficult to do so. I mean, let’s face it. We now have 11 Million fewer people in the nation’s workforce than we did when Barry first took office, nearly 50 Million Americans now on food stamps, Millions more on disability and at least 100 Million of our fellow citizens now receiving some form of government assistance. It’s a little difficult to remains optimistic in the face of all that Barry and his fellow Democrats have committed against this this country.

Add to that the wholesale destruction of the best healthcare system on the planet, again an act committed by Democrats, and it would seem that Americans don’t really have all that much to look forward to anymore. You know, parents used to be able feel comfortable in the knowledge that they would be leaving to their children a nation that was better than the one that they grew up in. But for most of us that’s simply no longer the case. The America I will leave behind for my daughter is a far cry from the same America I enjoyed when I was her age. If the last 5 years have shown us anything, it’s that ‘change’ is not always good.

I think it fair to say that "Hope and Change" ranks right up there with such things as "new and improved." How many of you have purchased a product, one that you have been purchasing for years, that now proudly proclaims itself to be new and improved, only to find out that while the packaging may be new, the product itself most certainly has not been improved. And along with that pronouncement, of course, also comes a much higher price. That is essentially what we got from Barry. His promise to "fundamentally transform" this country and only resulted in things being made very much worse, while coming at a much higher price. One that he demands be paid by we the American taxpayer.

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