

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


If Barry keeps going the way he’s going, by the time he’s done being president there won’t be anyone left working here in America. And at the rate which he seems to be moving, it would appear that he’s trying to make that happen sooner rather than later. He’s already been able to convince over 11 Million people that there are much better things to do than going off to work every day. And as we have seen over the years, Barry has been quite creative in coming up new ways that now allow a near endless stream of taxpayer funded ‘benefits’.

And in the process of completing what he calls his "fundamental transformation" of America, Barry managed to attain for himself yet another impressive milestone this past October. The percentage of Americans, 16 or older, who now have a job or are actively seeking one has dropped to a 35-year low. In September, the labor force participation rate stood at 63.2 percent, but in October it dropped to 62.8 percent, the lowest it has been since back in those glorious days of the Jimmy "The Bonehead" Carter.

When Barry "Almighty’ first took office on that fateful day back in January 2009, the labor force participation rate stood at 65.7 percent. But by the beginning of 2013, the start of Barry’s second term, it had already dropped to 63.6 percent. And since January it has continued to plummet, hitting the 35-year low of 62.8 percent in October. The number of Americans not in the labor force has now climbed by 11,034,000 since Barry took office, rising from 80,507,000 in January 2009 to 91,541,000 in October.

And despite the fact that 11,034,000 Americans have now dropped out of the labor force since Barry took office, we’re somehow supposed to believe Barry when he tells us that the national unemployment rate remains as low as the 7.3 percent it was in October. In January 2009, it was 7.8 percent and since then it has never dropped below 7.2 percent. Now imagine what the unemployment number would be if all or most of those 11 Million folks were still considered as being part of the nation’s workforce. I doubt it would be anywhere near 7.3 percent.

And when you consider how much smaller our workforce has become, it becomes pretty obvious, pretty quickly, just how misleading, even meaningless, the unemployment numbers put out by this administration really are. I mean what’s the point of even putting out such numbers when you have such a significant percentage of the working population who are no longer working or, for that matter, even looking for work? The numbers cease to be an accurate gage when trying to determine the true strength, or weakness, of our economy.

And when you add together the fact that we have100 Million Americans who now receive some form of government ‘benefits’, the 49 Million Americans who are now on food stamps, and the Millions more who are simply allowed to go on disability once their unemployment benefits end, and then you throw in the fact that over 11 Million fewer Americans are working today than when Barry first took office, you can very plainly see that Barry’s mission to ‘fundamentally transform’ this country seems to be right on track.

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