

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Strange, I suppose, that it should take place during the presidency of a black man, but it’s now being reported that the number of blacks, 16 and older, who have taken it upon themselves to participate in the nation’s workforce has hit a 31-year-low, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). But then maybe it’s not so strange that it would take place during the presidency of this particular black man. I mean Barry "Almighty" always has been a very big supporter of reparations, so maybe he sees this as being the best way for him to move forward with that.

Anyway, the participation rate for blacks in October 2013 was 60.7 percent, and that’s the lowest that it’s has been since 1982. Blacks who have no job and are not bothering to even look for one, increased to 11,988,000,000 in October 2013, up a grand total of 1,683,000,000 from when Barry "Almighty" first took office in January 2009. It was then that the number stood at 10,305,000,000. Additionally, that is a 64 percent increase since 1982 when participation rate for blacks stood at 60.8. So we have something else by which we can measure the Barry presidency.

The unemployment rate among blacks also has increased, reaching 13.1 percent in October 2013. That is an increase from last month, when the unemployment rate for black was 12.9 percent. When Obama became president in January 2009, the rate was 12.7 percent. But I think it reasonable to assume that the number is considerably higher. This administration is notorious for grossly understating unemployment numbers. They seem to ignore completely the fact that there are now 11 Million fewer people in the workforce than there was when Barry first took office.

But let’s face it, and I mean no offense here, how many of these people have a genuine interest in doing anything other than living off the rest of us? These folks seem to possess very little self-esteem. And how many actually take pride in being able to support themselves and work to avoid, at all costs, having their needs met by others? More often than not, where they find themselves in their life is not the fault of others, as the race-baiters would have them believe, but is, instead, the direct result of a lifetime of bad choices, in other words, a series of self-inflicted wounds.

Blacks have allowed themselves, and quite cheerfully so, to be manipulated by a blatantly corrupt political party. And in exchange for what? What have blacks gotten in return for their 50+ years of blind loyalty to that one political party? I mean other than a lifetime spent in poverty, which does afford to them the luxury of not paying taxes and provides to them the ability to sponge off others. But is that really worth it? Wouldn’t you think that there would be at least some interest in actually making their lives better? But you see, that might require them to have to work.

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