

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Now here’s something that shouldn’t really come exactly as a news flash to anyone, Americans hate Obamacare more today that they did three years ago. Unless, of course, you’re a lazy, scum-sucking, Democrat, in which case you absolutely love it! On average, though, at this point in time that we are now find that up to fifty-five percent of Americans are saying that they disapprove of Barry "Almighty's" signature health care law, which is up from the 47 percent who disapproved of it just a couple of weeks ago. Approval numbers also dipped in Gallup's Nov. 7-10 poll with only 40 percent saying that they like the law, down from 44 percent in late October.

So the breakdown by political affiliation regarding who supports this disaster and who doesn’t, and by how much, is essentially what you would expect it to be. According to the poll, 73 percent of Democrats, 39 percent of independents, and 8 percent of Republicans now approve of the debacle that will be forever known as Obamacare. Now I’m quite sure that it comes as absolutely no suprise that that growing parasite class in this country, most, if not all, of whom call the Democrat Party home, remains very much in favor of it. What Gallup did was to ask people, "What are some of the reasons you approve (or disapprove) of the 2010 health care law?"

Among those who disapprove, the leading complaint is philosophical in nature and are indicated as follows:
--37 percent cited "government interference/forcing people to do things."
--21 percent mentioned said Obamacare "increases costs/makes health care less affordable."
--11 percent said they had lost their insurance.
-- 8 percent said Obamacare is "not working/a big mess/hurting people."
-- 8 percent said Obamacare is "not well planned/poorly designed/website issues."

Among the morons who approve of the law, they do so for the following reasons:
-- 23 percent said Obamacare "makes healthcare accessible to more people."
-- 15 percent said the law is "fair/right that everyone should have health insurance."
-- 14 percent said it "provides more health insurance options."
-- 14 percent said it "controls costs/Makes health care more affordable."
-- 12 percent like that it "covers people with pre-existing conditions."

According to Gallup, the implications that were revealed regarding Barry signature legislative achievement are pretty dire, to say the least. Let’s face it, Americans have always been pretty divided on the issue of Obamacare, but lately they seem to be tilting much more significantly toward disapproval. After all, 5 Million folks have now lost the insurance coverage that they had been promised they could keep, period. The pollster said, "That more negative evaluation may not have as much to do with the content of the law as the implementation of it, in particular how that squares with the president's earlier characterization of how the law would work." Duh, ya think?

This brilliant pollster went on to say, "How the administration handles these challenges to the implementation of the law, plus any new ones that emerge in the coming months, could be critical in determining the trajectory of the "disapprove" line in Gallup's trend chart for the healthcare law." Ok, so I need this pollster to be telling me this why exactly? Isn’t that all pretty much commonsense? Look, it doesn’t matter how bad this thing gets, the moochers among us are always going to be in love with it because it costs them nothing. And while I feel sorry for the many who have been forced to lose their coverage, I feel no such sympathy for those who voted for this creep and are now loosing theirs!

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