

Thursday, November 21, 2013


I’m kinda curious about something. How is it, exactly, that someone who has so completely misrepresented, and is still doing so, not only what Obamacare would cost, but also what it would do and was even designed to do, can now make the claim, as Sen. Claire McCaskill, Democrat, has now done, that it’s the Republicans who are "misleading people" about Obamacare, which she comically refers to as being a "free market solution"? Such an accusation begs the question, does the fact that she can make such a claim, reveal her to be naïve, dishonest of just plain stupid?

McCaskill actually told the dozen or so viewers who happened to be tuned into MSNBC, on Nov. 14, that Obamacare, which mandates that people buy only government-approved insurance and has resulted in the cancellations of millions of policies, is a "free market solution". "I think we just want people to get the right information, instead of the misinformation that Republicans love to spread about this reform," McCaskill said. Adding that, "Scaring people, misleading people, this is a free market solution and we hope people take advantage of it."

Earlier that same day, McCaskill was discussing the possible changes that could be made to Obamacare on another one of MSNBC’s little-watched programs, Morning Joe program. It was during this little exercise in deception that she told MSNBC’s economic analyst, somebody by the name of, Steve Rattner about the free market efforts of Obamacare: "I think we need to do something to reassure the country that we’re willing to work at this to make it better," McCaskill said. Now wait a minute here. Make it better? Doesn’t this thing have to work as it was supposedly passed?

Then this imbecile went on to say, "We’re trying to do it free market here. The irony – everybody says Obamacare is evil - we’re trying to do it free market. And as you know as well, or as better than anybody in the country, for every action in the free market there is a reaction, so we have to be very careful how we do this so we don’t have any unintended consequences." Unintended consequences? Lady, look around you! Of course, I think it only fair to say that the consequences that we have seen thus far are of the variety that Democrats like Ms. McCaskill fully intended to take place.

Old Claire’s seems perfectly willing to ignore completely the fact that 4.8 million insurance cancellation notices have now been issued to policyholders whose current plans are now considered to be ‘illegal’ under Obamacare. And also how millions more cancellation notifications are likely to be sent out in the coming months. And I’m sure that it only slipped her mind that it was that she, and every one of her fellow Democrats in Congress, who voted to make sure that that would in fact happen. And to now try to lay blame for her predicament on the Republicans is really pretty sleazy.

After all, the Republicans played absolutely no part in turning Obamacare into a reality. They were asked to provide no input, played no part in its drafting and not one Republican voted for it. So I would think it rather foolish to actually think that they would now be willing to throw the Democrats a rope. Claire needs to put herself in their shoes, how willing would she be to assist the Republicans with one their pet projects? So in using what is, I guess, typical Democrat logic, she feels that if they’re unwilling to help, it’s only fair that they be blamed for all of the ongoing problems.

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