

Wednesday, December 5, 2012



In this corner we have Democrat dingbat, Corrine Brown from Florida, in that corner over there we have Sheila Jackson-Lee, a Democrat dingbat from Texas. Who is it that will take home the title of the 'Biggest Dingbat' in Congress? In a previous post we saw just how stupid Ms Jackson-Lee can be. But not wanting to be left out of the competition we have Corrine Brown, who demonstrated an eagerness to show everyone that she’s just as big of a moron as is her fellow Democrat from Texas. And in an effort to prove her point, Ms. Brown, during a recent floor speech, chided Republican efforts to reform entitlements, making the claim that certain federal programs prevent the United States from being a third world country.

Ms. Brown said, "Now, I feel that Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security is the difference between us and many of the third world countries." She continued, "And in fact it has been the bedrock of American politics as far as helping to raise the standards." Brown has been in Congress for 20 years, having first been elected to the House in 1992, and represents parts of Jacksonville and Orlando in Florida. Her imbecilic website says she "prides herself on delivering the goods and services of the federal government to her constituents." She is the ranking member of Transportation subcommittee on Railroads, Pipelines and Hazardous Materials. I thought that was pretty fitting since she's kind f a hazardous material herself.

Both Brown and Jackson-Lee prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that blacks will vote for any candidate, even one who is absolutely dumb as a brick, as long as they are black. But these two are not alone on the list of those vying for the title of Biggest 'Dingbat'. Others included are such noteworthy folks as, Frederica Wilson, Maxine Waters, Eleanor Norton and Marcia Fudge to name just a few. Now imagine for a minute, if you can, a white candidate as stupid as any of these characters, but who is not fortunate enough to be either a Democrat or black. Who in their right mind, do you think, would vote for such a candidate? Most likely, no one. So it pays to have a constituency that consists of those too stupid to figure out that they’re only being used.

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