

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Sheila ‘Crazy As Sh!thouse Rat’ Jackson-Lee, Democrat, is at it yet again. The latest demonstration of her rather limited intelligence came just last week when she said that Republicans are being "frivolous" when they talk about reforming Social Security as a means of fixing the federal government's fiscal problems because Social Security is "solvent." I can't help but wonder if she even knows what the word means, because according to Social Security's trustees, the program has operated in the red in each of the last two years. But the ever-brilliant Ms. Jackson-Lee took great exception to that on Friday, saying that, "Who wants to make a fuss about Social Security when it's solvent?" She added, "And then who wants to make a fuss about Medicare when it's solvent until 2024?"

In her remarks made from the House floor, this well-known moron from Texas accused Republicans of having a "frivolous perspective" on the fiscal cliff--a term that, we should all know by now, describes the expiring Bush-era tax rates and the automatic cuts to defense and domestic spending that are set to take place at the beginning of 2013 unless Congress can agree on another plan. "So rather than take, if you will, a frivolous perspective on this, rather than tell people that you can’t do anything before 2013, rather than suggest that entitlements are laid upon the table, on the altar as a sacrifice, just tell the American people the truth," Jackson Lee said. "Let’s just tell them the truth." Demonstrating that she is either patently dishonest, or suffering from some form of dementia, she actually made the claim that, "Entitlements is not the issue."

She said, "And if so, cool heads can sit down and engage the American people and tell us how many seniors in nursing homes do we want to throw out in the street? What options do they have?" What options do those of us being forced to pay an ever-increasing amount in taxes have? None. Ms. Jackson-Lee continued, "Maybe we can begin to talk about home care." Adding, "That’s okay, but you don’t talk about home care overnight." Still not done, she said, "So, you have to be deliberative." Droning on, "And then who wants to make a fuss about Medicare when it's solvent until 2024? Again, abusing the information given to the American people." Adding, "Who wants to make a fuss about Social Security when it's solvent--and it’s about, You earned it?"

Social Security will exhaust its so-called nonexistent "trust fund" in 2033. But has as been made quite clear on numerous occasions, and I can only assume is a point that Ms Jackson-Lee is ignoring completely, what’s described as a "trust fund" is actually made up of nothing but worthless IOU's. Those same IOU’s that the Treasury has given to the Social Security Administration in exchange for money that the Treasury pilfered from Social Security payroll tax revenues and spent little Democrat projects other than Social Security. According to an April 2012 report from the Social Security and Medicare Board of Trustees, the program ran deficits in 2010 and 2011, and, in order to pay all Social Security benefits, the federal government needed to increase the federal debt by borrowing money in the market.

The trustees reported that, in its current state, Social Security will be in the red virtually in perpetuity. "Social Security’s expenditures exceeded non-interest income in 2010 and 2011, the first such occurrences since 1983, and the Trustees estimate that these expenditures will remain greater than non-interest income throughout the 75-year projection period," the report said. "Redemption of trust fund assets from the General Fund of the Treasury will provide the resources needed to offset the annual cash-flow deficits." So, I think it becomes pretty obvious, pretty quickly that one of our favorite congressional morons is speaking directly out of her ass. But then that's about all that we hear coming from Democrats these days. They seem to be working quite feverishly to bring about the entire collapse of economic system.

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