

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


If you believe in such fairytales as ‘global warming’ or the more innocuous sounding ‘climate change’, then maybe a new report out claiming that the world’s emissions of heat-trapping pollution rose again last year by 3 percent, might have you even more worried than you were before. Personally, I'm just not a big believer in this obvious hoax. I think it’s all a load of crap cooked up by crooks like Al Gore as way to make themselves a whole lot of money. But be that as it may, using this new report as their ammunition, some scientists are now saying it’s unlikely that global warming can be limited to just a couple of degrees, which has always been the international goal. But again, that’s only if you buy this entirely nutty theory in the first place.

So, according to this new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change, the majority of the increase came from China, named as being the world’s biggest carbon dioxide polluter. Of the planet’s top 10 polluters, the United States and Germany were the only countries that actually reduced their carbon dioxide emissions. But none of it matters, because this whole cockamamie theory is based on nothing more than junk science which has repeatedly been exposed, more times than I care to count, as being completely fraudulent. But I guess liberals figure if they just keep talking about it long enough they’ll be able to convince the rest of us that it’s real and that we’ll then be much more willing to live like it’s 1799. I’m just not there yet.

Here’s the 2011 figures for those that the believers label as the biggest polluters:

1. China, up 10 percent to 10 billion tons.
2. United States, down 2 percent to 5.9 billion tons
3. India, up 7 percent to 2.5 billion tons.
4. Russia, up 3 percent to 1.8 billion tons.
5. Japan, up 0.4 percent to 1.3 billion tons.
6. Germany, down 4 percent to 0.8 billion tons.
7. Iran, up 2 percent to 0.7 billion tons.
8. South Korea, up 4 percent to 0.6 billion tons.
9. Canada, up 2 percent to 0.6 billion tons.
10. South Africa, up 2 percent to 0.6 billion tons.

We're told here that last year, all the world’s nations combined pumped nearly 38.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the air from the burning of those dastardly fossil fuels such as coal and oil, and that’s according to the new international calculations on global emissions. Calculations made, I'm quite sure, by folks possessing highly dubious motivations. Anyway, we're told that’s about a billion tons more than the previous year. The total amounts to more than 2.4 million pounds of carbon dioxide released into the air every second. And yet, somehow, there is more ice in Antarctica today than there has been since records began being kept back in 1979. And, AND, the hole in the ozone layer is the second smallest that it has been in 20 years.

But none of that really matters to those zealots who possess the loudest voices when presenting all manner of doomsday scenarios resulting from emissions of this supposed key greenhouse gas having now been rising steadily over time. And they claim that since most carbon stays in the air for a century it's not just unlikely but "rather optimistic" to think that the world can limit future temperature increases to 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit. That would be according to the study’s lead author, Glen Peters at the Center for International Climate and Environmental Research in, of all places, Oslo, Norway. Three years ago, nearly 200 nations set the 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit temperature goal in a nonbinding agreement.

However, negotiators now at a conference under way in Doha, Qatar, are trying to find new ways to reach that elusive target. Sounding like the true believer I’m sure he is, Peters said that the only way is to start reducing world emissions now and "throw everything we have at the problem." Andrew Weaver, yet another supposed ‘climate scientist’, from the University of Victoria in Canada, who was not part of the study, said: "We are losing control of our ability to get a handle on the global warming problem." You know, I just haven't gotten to the point where I think that man can actually impact the weather, one way or another. What I do believe is that this is a purely cyclical occurrence that we do not have the power to influence.

All we can do here is to go broke, excuse me, more broke, in an effort to prevent something that is well beyond our ability to do anything about. Back in 1997, most of the nutty world agreed to a rather idotic little treaty that was referred to as the Kyoto Protocol. And what it did was to require developed countries such as the United States to cut their own economic throat in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 5 percent when compared with the baseline year of 1990. But countries that are still developing, you know like countries China and India, were not limited to how much carbon dioxide they could spew into the atmosphere. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the United States never ratified the treaty.

Now what’s being called the latest pollution numbers calculated by the Global Carbon Project, some joint operation of the Energy Department and the Norwegian Research Council, show that worldwide carbon dioxide levels are 54 percent higher today than the 1990 baseline. But how can we actually trust that these numbers are anywhere near accurate? Is it just because this group says they are? Let's just say for the sake of argument that these figures are correct and that carbon dioxide has gone up by that amount. So what? We already know that these 'global warming' zealots have repeatedly fudged the data in an effort to prove their point? So what makes them anymore correct than those who disagree with the entire theory?

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