

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


As a big fan of Herman Cain, I was pretty happy to hear how it is that the former Republican presidential candidate leads Georgia GOP Sen. Saxby Chambliss handily in a Public Policy Polling survey of potential primary match-ups for Chambliss in 2014 – 50 to 36 percent. The incumbent Mr. Chambliss has drawn the ire of conservatives, and you can count me among those, in recent days for expressing a willingness to abandon the Americans for Tax Reform pledge against tax increases. Sadly at this point in time, however, Mr. Cain has expressed no interest in running. But wouldn’t be great if he could be convinced to do so?

Only 38 percent of Republican primary voters favor Chambliss as the party’s nominee next year, compared to 43 percent who want someone more conservative. A total of 45 percent of Republicans approve of the senator’s job performance, while 36 percent disapprove. As for the businessman Cain, 68 percent of Republicans have a favorable opinion of him, compared to 20 percent who have a negative view. Chambliss does holds big leads over the Republicans who have shown the most interest in opposing him. Rep. Paul Broun trails 57 to 14 percent, Rep. Tom Price 52 to 34 percent, and former Secretary of State Karen Handel 52 to 23 percent.

"Saxby Chambliss is in a weak position with Republican voters, but right now most of his potential primary foes have low name recognition," Dean Debnam, president of Public Policy, said in a statement. "If one of them mounts a strong campaign, though, he’ll be in a lot of trouble." Personally I think Mr. Cain would be the perfect alternative to Chambliss, who has been in Congress way too long. The people of Georgia need to work on trying to convince Mr. Cain to throw his hat in the ring. He must be made to realize that his country needs him and many like him if we are to have any hope of moving beyond this very dark time.

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