

Friday, December 7, 2012



Poor old James Taylor made a recent appearance at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on Friday where he expressed how he had "really suffered" under the eight years of "Cheney/Bush." He was there speaking about, of all things, election reform. "It was sort of natural, being so politically active over the years, that I would get involved in the campaign of 2008," Taylor opined. "I really—I was hugely motivated also by eight years of Cheney/Bush, and I say it in that order on purpose." And in nearly bringing a tear to my one good eye, he said, "Those were—it was a tough time for me." Adding, "I really suffered." Come on, really. How exactly was this guy made to suffer? Did he miss a house note or two or have to decide between food and medicine?

Depressingly, Jimmy went on to say, "It made me deeply ambivalent about my country that we would choose that, even if we may not have chosen it," Taylor said. "But that, that was our, that’s what represented us in the world. I felt as though after September 11, the diversion, the distraction of the nation’s concern and energy into Iraq was unpardonable." And then, demonstrating the fact that he is basically nothing more than the same limp-wristed asshole that he has always been, he said, "I felt that it was inept, corrupt and opaque." Saying again, "Those were tough years for me." I think somebody should have told James that what he needed to do was to put his big-boy pants on. Either that or do what all these wimps do, take a trip to a good shrink!

And then in proclaiming his absolute devotion to Barry "Almighty", someone he undoubtedly sees as being a socialist kindred spirit, Jimmy said, "And I was very deeply motivated in 2008 to see Barack Obama—this wonderful, sort of a surprise, really, I couldn’t believe our luck that we had gotten such a real person -- as to make it through the filter system of our politics," said Taylor. Real person? Barry, the biggest fake in history? Jimmy said, "So, it meant a lot to me and I know it would’ve meant a huge amount to my father, because I think of him often." And in what shows us just how much of moron Jimmy really is, he’s one of those goofs who campaigned for Barry in 2008 and 2012, and said that supporting Barry "restored" his faith in the country.

In describing his experience, he said, "It was the largest grassroots event that we’ve ever seen in this country and the people involved were such, just fundamentally such good people I felt that it really meant a lot to me to be involved in it." Adding, "They were smart, too, the people who handled his campaign." He said, "They did it really well and they were committed to this mission, they really carried it out beautifully." I guess this moron, like most in his field, is either to too stupid or too naïve, to see what the primary mission is here, that his boy is so committed to. It’s to destroy this the country that allowed Taylor to become rich doing nothing more than singing songs. Big whoop. Anywhere else, and James would be lucky to selling pencils on a street corner.

But anyway, for some bizarre reason this idiotic singer of songs was featured at a National Press Club luncheon because, I guess, someone thought he'd be a good addition to a discussion on election campaign finance reform. Taylor, I'm sure for all who are old enough to remember, has been around as singer/activist since the late 1960s. He was inducted into the rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2000, must have been a slow year, and the Songwriters Hall of Fame that same year. In 2004, he was ranked 84th in Rolling Stone’s "The Immortals: 100 Greatest Artists of All times." Wow, now there's an accomplishment! I mean, let's face it, in the big scheme of things such silly things are really worth very little, except to boost one's already gargantuan ego!

These loser entertainers really tick me off. For some bizarre reason, they think that because they can sing, or act or whatever, they know better what's good for those of us who can't. But they're the stupid ones, and they prove that fact by supporting their favorite little progressive causes and candidates. Now doing so may make them feel better about themselves at the end of the day, but their lunatic antics only serve to do much more harm than good to the lives of average Americans. The politicians these morons support and give massive amounts of money too are the primary reason this country is in the shape that it's in, teetering on the bring of complete financial and economic collapse. But that matters very little, because it’s all about them.

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