

Monday, December 10, 2012


So, the chatter has already begun regarding the list of likely Republican choices in the next presidential go around when the likely Democrat candidate to be faced will most likely be yet another socialist, this time in the person of none other than Hitlery, Mrs. "BJ" Clinton. However, at this particular juncture, looking ahead to 2016 I'm not overflowing with confidence regarding any candidate that might be fielded by the GOP. The reason for my lack of confidence stems from a sense that I have that, courtesy of all the brainwashing that was successfully put into action decades ago, and has been used, very effectively ever since, times have now changed. And, sadly, so has our culture. We have been taken over by a "Give Me" mentality with an actual desire for government dependency and an infatuation with a nanny state willing to take care of us. The takers now officially number to the makers and by 2016, the makers will be even further in the minority.

And if there is to be any hope, the grunt work needs to start now. But is there a need for priorities, of both candidates that might be involved, as well as for the party, to be reevaluated? First off, in dealing with the supposed ‘fiscal cliff’, I think it fairly obvious that if the GOP agrees to tax hikes in exchange for only token reform or for the promise of some 'future' entitlement reform, which we all know will never happen, they will, more than likely, get blamed for "caving" instead of compromising. And, I could be wrong here, but it would seem to me that, that under the 'leadership' of John 'Boner', 'caving' is exactly what he intends on doing. Especially since the GOP possesses neither the skill nor the complicit media to explain how they compromised while Barry and Democrats didn’t. We will have to fight with the army we have, not with the army we wish we had. And right now the army we have in Washington is pretty weak, to say the least.

There are not now enough ‘real’ conservatives in positions of power to make anything that would actually work to fix the economy, happen. And what ones we did have in positions where they could make a difference, were recently accused of not being "team players" and relegated to the bleachers by our illustrious Speaker, John ‘Boner.’ So what do we do? Are we, like so many of those who are paid to be in the know, really stuck in what's being described as a no-win situation? Is the answer, now, to simply rollover and give to Barry everything he wants? All of it and to not even negotiate? Should our team simply say "Put your plan up for a vote and we’ll pass it. But you will own everything that happens moving forward. We’ll do it your way." But would Barry and the Democrats be made to 'own' it? People are already saying that even if the GOP did that, they would end up getting blamed for the disaster that will most assuredly ensue.

What I think is that regardless of what happens, the Democrats and their many allies in the state-controlled media will certainly TRY to blame the GOP for everything that goes wrong, and I’m sure there will be more than enough Americans who will believe them. Even though Barry will have gotten everything that he wanted and even after it 'fixes' absolutely nothing and most likely only makes things worse, the GOP will still somehow be blamed. Even though the GOP will have played no part in the actual crafting of any bill and with the Democrats doing it all. It should be apparent by now to anyone with a brain that neither Barry nor the Democrats in Congress possess any desire to 'fix' anything, it's just the opposite. The GOP should now just show up and vote for it. Any attempt to claim the GOP dictated requirements of the bill, and should, therefore, share in the blame, will be debunked by the facts. But who, anymore, pays attention to facts?

But for those who do pay attention to those pesky little things called facts, there will be no way to say "well, this would have worked if only…" because the GOP will not have changed anything. There will be no magical alternative out there that "could have been if only the GOP hadn’t stopped it" line anymore. But there are most certainly risks involved in such a strategy. From the moment they pass the legislation that Barry and the Democrats wants, Republicans must be disciplined in pointing out that every failure of this new law designed to supposedly fix the fiscal and economic problems it was meant to fix, was, like Obamacare, entirely a Democrat/Barry "Almighty" concept. The GOP must be diligent in highlighting how they had zero impact on the final version of the bill. Everything Barry and the Democrats wanted went in without the slightest opposition from the GOP. Barry and the Democrats own every single line on every single page.

Over and over again, the case MUST be made that the GOP stepped back and allowed Barry "Almighty" and Company to have their way in supposedly trying to avoid the fiscal cliff. But when things don't work out, Americans should then be asked questions like, "Did you lose your job because of the higher tax rates?", or, "Oh! Are prices higher for everything?", or, "What’s that? Federal revenues didn’t go up?" And then they should be told to ask Barry, I believe he was the one who said higher taxes would fix everything. The point will need to be argued that the time has now come to rid ourselves of Obamanomics, but that it’s liable to hurt like Hell. Look, like a cancerous tumor that has to be excised if the patient is to have any hope of surviving, if the required surgery is performed, the patient initially suffers a lot of pain. But as time passes and healing is allowed to begin, with the right therapy the pain will eventually go away as the healing process takes place.

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