

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Ya know, I’ve never really been able to figure out the fascination that so many Americans seem have with a certain family that was not only spawned by known bootlegger and mobster, but is one that has produced some of the most corrupt, dishonest and traitorous politicians in the history of our country. For one family to possess and to repeatedly demonstrate such a level of hatred for our country is really quite amazing. And that hatred for our country was again put on display as recently as this past Friday that we again witnessed another product of this bizarre little clan in action. It was during a ‘discussion’ on, that haven for all manner of leftwing loon, the Huffington Post, another member of bootlegger Joe Kennedy’s clan, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., revealed to all jst how far around the bend he has gone by condemning what he called the "right wing media" in America and Fox News in particular.

Now, instead of placing the blame for America being so divided where it rightfully belongs, this moron, who were it not for his last name would be, most likely, laughed off of every venue where he might choose to appear, spewed nothing but pure, unadulterated leftist propaganda. In focusing his anger on Fox News, he said, "It’s divided our country in a way that we haven’t been divided probably since the Civil War." Kennedy went off on Fox News during what was suppose to be discussion focused on fracking. This idiot continued his rant by saying, "Its empowered large corporations to get certain kinds of politicians and ideologues who are in the United State Congress elected — the Tea Party ideologues who control the Republican Party." This guy is the prefect example of what a rabid ideologue really looks like today. And that he actually has the gonads accuse others of being of being so, is absolutely ludicrous.

This nephew of that well known philanderer and sex addict, John F. Kennedy, as well as of that "Liberal Lion" of the Senate, and icon of the Democrat Party, Teddy Kennedy, who also just so happened to be a perpetual drunk, a disgusting pervert and guy who got away with murder, and also the son of a rather racist Robert F. Kennedy, made these ridiculous charges against Fox News in describing what he sees as being the two biggest problems in American politics: the influence of big money and "the right-wing control of the American media." The "right-wing control of the American media?" Really? At best I’d say that that would more than a just slight exaggeration, to say the least. In addition to Fox News, Kennedy also doesn’t appear to be a very big fan of talk radio which he describes as "right-wing" and as having a negative and large influence on whole sections of the country.

"Ninety-five percent of talk radio in our country is right-wing, and you need, according to Pew survey, and you–so a whole section of our country that that’s what they’re hearing. They wake up in the morning, when they go to bed at night," Kennedy said. So what! And besides, there’s a reason for that, Bobby! Maybe if all those leftwing loons who have repeatedly made attempts at a career radio weren’t quite so obnoxious in how they treat their listeners, there would be more of them currently populating our airways. Also he also neglects to mention, on purpose no doubt, the fact that talk radio is the only place conservatives have to go where they aren’t forced to listen to those imbecilic, big government, big spending socialists like Kennedy. But I guess, unlike lunatic liberals, we don’t deserve to have our opinions heard because we’re just a bunch or racist homophobes who hate women.

Kennedy also went on to make the idiotic claim that Republicans "are the only ones that have their own (TV) network." Somehow I think the folks over at Fox might disagree with that assessment. But, let’s just say for the sake of argument that this bonehead is right, that Fox News is nothing more than a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Republican Party. And in using Kennedy’s own silly premise I think it is then fair to say that the Democrat Party owns at least 5 TV networks; ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC. It also possesses, as part of its propaganda arm, The New York Times, The LA Times, The Washington Post, USA Today and just about every other daily newspaper in the entire country. So, again, even if what Kennedy says were true, which it is not, I fail to understand what he finds as being so objectionable when the field is so obviously tilted in the direction of his team.

So I guess according to Kennedy, and the many other leftists like him, freedom of speech in this country should be completely abolished, unless of course, you happen be, like Kennedy here, a flaming America hating Liberal. In which case you’re free to say whatever you want to whomever you want whenever you want. Jerks like him seem to be of the opinion that they should be made to face no opposing viewpoints, that the liberal/progressive theology is to be blindly accepted because it is the only one that is fair and just. Those of us who see things differently are simply supposed to keep our opinions to ourselves and to speak only when spoken to as those like this clown Kennedy who profess to be so much smarter than the rest of go about dictating to us how it is that we need to be living our lives. If we choose to complain then we’re singled out as being extremists, radical right-wingers, or any number of other things.

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