

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I'm just about ready to give up on the American people as far as them being smart enough to see through all of the smoke and mirrors that is the Team Barry re-election campaign. It would seem that with each passing election Americans of every stripe get just a bit more gullible than they were during the previous election. Here we are at time in our history and in the midst of a campaign between two candidates who possess starkly different ideas about the direction that this country must go in in order to survive and what are we talking about. We insist upon getting hung up on such idiotic notions as there being some mythical desire by one party to prevent women from obtaining healthcare, homosexuals being allowed to marry, immigrants who are here illegally being able to remain here, to name just a few.

Where are the substantive discussions on the truly important topics? Such as the fact that today there are nearly 7.5 million less people in the workforce than there were when Barry first assumed office. Or the fact that the price of gas is now over twice what it was when he first came strutting into the Oval Office. Or the fact that under Barry we now have a record 45 million people on food stamps. Or the fact that real, honest to goodness, unemployment remains permanently affixed in double-digits. Or the fact that we are now literally buried in so much debt that our grandchildren will still be working to pay it off. That is, if they are able to find a job. If not, then they too will be forced to join the ranks of those who have become completely dependent on the state for their day to day existence.

Distractions abound as being the main weapon of choice for the Barry "Almighty" campaign. We, as a people, must come to our senses here, and quickly. We simply no longer have the luxury of not paying attention, or in paying attention only to what we continue to hear from those in the state controlled media who, we should have realized long ago, are very firmly in the Barry camp. We can no longer afford to take at face value anything that these people are telling us. They are not to be trusted, plain and simple. They have lost all manner of objectivity, and their mission has now become one of convincing as many Americans as possible that the candidate that they have chosen to support is the candidate that we all need to support. And that is just not the case. We must be willing to make our own choices.

So what are we to do? Well first of all we have to be smart enough not to buy into any of what it is that the Barry campaign is so busy trying to sell us. We have got to be familiar enough with our history to recognize the fact that what Barry is working so hard to bring about here is about as un-American as you could ever possibly get. We must realize that we are not Europe, we are better than that. And as such we shouldn't want to become Europe, taking offense at the fact that Barry is so insistent in his efforts to turn us into Europe. We need to reacquaint ourselves with what it means to be an American, and the traits that were once seen as being so uniquely American. We need to be proud of our heritage and shun those who continue to demonstrate nothing but their hatred for our country.

And we must also recognize that there is nothing wrong in feeling that if people wish to come to this country they must do so legally. And that no one wishes to deprive healthcare from women, or anyone else for that matter. And we must bring ourselves to understand the fact that while government does serve a purpose, its purpose is not to control our lives. Government cannot 'do' everything, nor should it be expected to. And the one thing that we absolutely must do is to put a lid on all of this idiotic racial nonsense. We need to stop viewing ourselves as being black Americans, Hispanic Americans or white Americans and start viewing ourselves, quite simply, as being Americans. To not do so only allows the unscrupulous a way to further divide us and to set us upon each other in an unflattering way that only serves to tarnish what it truly means to be American.

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