

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


At yet another fundraiser, this one in Baltimore on Tuesday, our "Dear Beloved Leader", Barack Hussein Obama, again sang the same old, tired song in describing how it is that he inherited our massive debt and growing deficit, and actually made the claim that it was all "baked in" structurally by the previous administration. Talking about the GOP, Barry told his supporters, "If they start trying to give you a bunch of facts and figures suggesting that it's true, what they're not telling you is they baked all this stuff into the cake." Let's face it, a more pathological liar we will never see again in our lifetime. Here we have a man that is so morally bankrupt that the telling of lies has become second nature. He seems to think that by doing so it increases his odds of being able to win the next election.

And Barry continued, "If they start trying to give you a bunch of facts and figures suggesting that it's true, what they're not telling you is they baked all this stuff into the cake." Going on to say, "I love listening to these guys give us lectures about debt and deficits. I inherited a trillion-dollar deficit. We had a surplus, they turned it into a deficit, built it into a structural deficit that lasts for decades, and -- isn't that something?" Have you ever in your life heard a bigger crock of shit? You just can't make this stuff up! And you certainly can't make up the numbers that very clearly point out the fact that no one but Barry is responsible for both our debt and our deficit. He can work to blame others until the cows come home, but the fact are, as they say, the facts.

"This notion that somehow we caused the deficits is just wrong. It's just not true. Anybody who looks at the math will tell you it's not true. If they start trying to give you a bunch of facts and figures suggesting that it's true, what they're not telling you is they baked all this stuff into the cake with those tax cuts and a prescription drug plan that they didn't pay for and the wars," Barry said. "So all of this stuff is baked in, with all the interest payments for it, it's like somebody goes to the restaurant, orders a big steak dinner, martini, all that stuff and then just as you're sitting down, they leave and accuse you of running up the tab. That's what they do," he said. This, my friends, is what it is commonly referred to as being nothing more than a song and dance. Lie often and lie loudly, that's the Barry philosophy!

The arrogance and smugness of this pathetically dishonest individual is unlike anything I've ever seen before. I have now come to believe that there is absolutely nothing that this despicable creep will not say in his attempt to smear, defame or slander anyone who would dare to oppose him. Being unable to convince folks to vote for him, his prime objective has now become one of attempting to paint his opponent as being an alternative that would prove to be far worse. Because the ultimate prize to be won here is, in fact, the next election. That's what Barry sees as being his brass ring, his golden opportunity. Can you possibly imagine the horrific amount of damage that this man will be able to inflict upon this country when there would be no consequences to be faced in the way of another election?

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