

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


It took just a short seven hours after our “Dear Beloved Leader”, Barry “Almighty” had effectively ruled by decree in deciding unilaterally that some illegal aliens would now be permitted to stay in the United States and could even be allowed to work here, for Katherine Archuleta, Barry’s national campaign director, to put together and e-mail a fundraising letter seeking donations to his re-election effort. This e-mail, with the cutesy little subject line “wonderful news,” also contained links to the website, where visitors could go and listen to the wonderful speech on immigration that Barry gave at 2:08 p.m. on Friday in the White House Rose Garden. Ms. Archuleta – who has been hailed as being the first Latina to run a major presidential campaign when she was named director in June 2011 – sent the e-mail at 9:08 p.m.

“Thanks to our president, this nation's immigration policy just became more fair and more just,” the letter begins. “Effective immediately, the Department of Homeland Security is taking steps to ensure that young, undocumented immigrants who were brought here as children by their parents, and who have followed the law since then, will be able to request temporary relief from deportation proceedings -- and will be allowed to apply for authorization to work in this country,” the letter continues. The following paragraph is in bold font: “They're a group that we've come to call the "Dreamers" -- and today, the country they love is telling them they should be able to dream as big as they want,” the letter states. Dreamers? What a flippin crock! The country they love? How about the country they can come to, break our laws and effectively live off the rest of us.

The letter said that Barry has been trying “for years” to get Congress to act on immigration reform. “They haven't,” the letter states. “So he did.” The letter states Obama’s executive decision will help “hundreds of thousands” of illegal aliens. “They study in our schools, play in our parks, and pledge allegiance to our flag. Some of them have served in our Armed Forces,” the letter states. They've started businesses; they've started families. They are Americans in every way but on paper.” No, they are not Americans in any way, shape, manner or form. Lest we forget, these people are here in our country ILLEGALLY! They are willfully breaking our laws every day they remain in this country and it seems to matter to them very little. And that is a fact that you simply cannot deny. And do you break the laws of the country that you supposedly love?

Archuleta notes in the letter that if the Democrat-proposed “Dream Act,” which gives amnesty to certain young illegal aliens who were brought to this country as children, was approved by Congress, Barry’s new decree would be unnecessary. On Sunday on CNN, host Candy “I’m Big as a Freakin House” Crowly asked David Plouffe if Barry’s announcement was “political.” "It was not done with some political consideration," Crowley said. "It was not, Candy," Plouffe replied, and with a straight face, no less. "Five months before the election?" Crowley repeated. Plouffe responded, "Well, listen, who knows how the politics will turn out, but this decision was the right decision..." "And how can you say that?" Crowley asked. "Well, we'll see. I have ceased making predictions on things, because we will see how they turn out." Simply unbelievable!

So I go back to my original question here. Where does all of this obvious political pandering end? Or will it? First came Barry having an epiphany, of sorts, and sanctioning gay marriage, now this blanket amnesty of those here illegally, what might be next, the forgiving of all college loan debt? Ya know, I’ve heard time again from any number of slugs and hacks on the left about how Romney is out to buy the election. But can you not describe what Barry is trying to do here in the same way? Buying votes by any other name is still buying votes. And Barry, as we should all fully recognize by now, is that when it comes to buying votes, Barry takes a back seat to no one. And does Barry, as well as this jerk Plouffe, really think we’re so stupid as to not see this for what it so very obviously is. The honest truth here is that these guys just don’t care what we think. That point has been proven time after time after time.

And I'm guessing from the minimal outcry that I have so far heard regarding the fact that this arbitrary act by Barry is blatantly unconstitutional, it's most likely something that we're just going to have to accept. Imagine for a second, if you can bring yourself to do it, what this narcissistic egomaniac will be like if he does get re-elected. The fact that he feels he can get away with doing something like this now should provide us with some indication. And the fact that he has been confronted to so little blowback, will only serve to embolden him to take even more egregious actions in the future. When going to the polls this November we need to take into account the potential consequences of putting this guy into the position where he will not have to be concerned with any future election and thus feel free to wreak all manner of havoc upon our country.

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