

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Well, if we can believe what we're now being told, it would seem that our "Dear Beloved Leader", Barack Hussein Obama, might be giving some thought toward taking some of the advice being offered up by the likes of James "Crazy As A Shithouse Rat" Carville. In seeking to ally some of the fears, as well as to counter deep doubts, about his economic 'leadership', that have been brewing within his party, we're told that Barry will ask voters on Thursday for more time to boost growth while arguing that his Republican rival Mitt Romney would do nothing more than to resurrect the very same policies that plunged the United States into crisis in the first place. So what's new about this? It's nothing more than a continuing of the standard fare where that has Barry saying 'vote for me because Romney would be worse'.

We've been told that Barry will use a campaign speech in the battleground state of Ohio as the first step in his attempt to try to bounce back from what has been a series of recent setbacks. Those 'setbacks' included a rather anemic jobs report and an obvious misstep in which he seemed to play down the economy's woes by saying the private sector was "doing fine" and that more attention needs to be paid the public sector. Of course, he would later tell reporters that he did not think the overall economy was fine. Many in his party fear that Barry risks losing the November election if he cannot convince enough voters that his economic remedies are working, and it's because of those obstructionist congressional Republicans that we continue to have problems and our economy remains stagnant.

Singing pretty much the same old tired song, but with a few different names having been added to the lyrics, that we've been hearing since day one of his disastrous presidency, Barry said, "Governor Romney and his allies in Congress believe that if you simply take away regulations and cut taxes by trillions of dollars, the market will solve all our problems on its own," said some unnamed, faceless Barry campaign official. "The president believes the economy grows not from the top down, but from the middle class up, and he has an economic plan to do that." Such is the typical Socialist mentality of Barack Hussein Obama. Barry's approval ratings have slipped to their lowest level since January, down from 50 percent a month ago to 47 percent, primarily because of deep economic worries.

Romney and his fellow Republicans seized on Barry's comments about the private sector last week to portray him as lacking understanding of Americans' economic troubles and accuse him of putting government spending at the center of his efforts to lift the economy. On Wednesday, Romney predicted Barry's speech in Cleveland would have soaring rhetoric but little else. "My own view is that he will speak eloquently but that words are cheap," he said, accusing Obama of lacking the ideas and business know-how to make a difference in growth and hiring. "He is not responsible for whatever improvement we might be seeing," Romney said. "Instead he's responsible for the fact that it has taken so long to see this recovery, and the recovery is so tepid."

Barry rolled out a series of what he described as being growth-boosting proposals in a speech to Congress last September and in his State of the Union address in January, including more spending on roads and bridges as well as aid to states to help them hire teachers and police officers. But congressional Republicans have balked at most of those ideas, saying they would do nothing more than to add to an already huge budget deficit without providing anything useful toward helping the economy to regain any amount of momentum. "The president has already laid out his vision in terms of what steps he thinks this Congress needs to take. Mitt Romney has not," said Jen Psaki, a former White House aide. "It's not a lack of plans or lack of vision. It's a lack of action by Congress."

After the Cleveland speech, Barry will wing his way back eastward to New York City to visit the One World Trade Center site and then, of course attend yet another star-studded and rather exclusive gala/fundraiser at the home of actors Sarah Jessica Parker, fondly referred to as "Old Horse Face", and her husband, Matthew "Ferris Bueller" Broderick, and co-hosted by Vogue editor Anna Wintour. Strangely enough, the general thought here is that Old "Horse Face" Parker, star of that rather imbecilic television series "Sex and the City," could help the president reach out to women voters and young people. But I'm thinking that they might be giving "Hose Face" a bit too much credit. As well, the extravagance of the affair might also risk undercutting Barry's efforts to connect with middle-class voters.

Republicans have repeatedly drawn attention to Barry's fundraisers with celebrities, including one last month with actor George "Looney" Clooney, saying his preoccupation with hobnobbing with the rich and famous has made him out of touch with the plight of average Americans struggling with job losses and financial hardship. And I think there may be something to that. These Hollywood liberals who spend their entire lives pretending to be somebody else, while reading words written for them by somebody else, have become so far removed from reality as to make them caricatures of themselves. It's like they're playing themselves in a bad movie. Real people are facing real problems every single day and yet these hypocritical phonies enthusiastically endorse, contribute to and lavish high praise upon the guy who only continues to make matters very much worse.

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