

Monday, June 25, 2012


Well, among those who get paid to keep their ear to the ground and listen for such things, it's being reported, kind of, that the venerable Ms. Debbie Wizzerman Schultz's tenure as head of the DNC may be coming to a rather unceremonious end. Rumor has it that there has been considerable momentum building in that directions and there are now reports that Ms. Wizzerman Schultz will not be returning to her position, there atop the Democratic National Committee, after the Fall election season. And apparently, it matters very little whether Barry "Almighty" wins or loses.

Ms. Wizzerman Schultz has had, I think, what can safely be described as a bit of a tumultuous history during her 14 month reign of leading the Democratic National Committee. Almost from the moment that Barry selected her to replace Tom Kaine back in April of 2011, her mouth has seemed to get the better of her on any number of separate occasions. I'm sure we all remember her actually blaming Bush for the rise to power of Hamas, the too many to count rather testy media appearances and finally even Barry's advisors telling old Deb to tone it down.

The rumors of Debbie’s impending departure are also being reported by the National Journal. Also taking part in the rumor mill is the blog, Shark Tank, which has quoted a supposed close associate of Debbie's, albeit anonymously, as claiming that the deal is already done. The Shark Tank story continues: This same source believes that Wasserman Schultz will be forced to resign behind closed doors and then stage an press event in which she tells Americans that her job as the DNC chair was a temporary one and that she is moving on with her congressional career.

So is Debbie Wasserman Schultz being moved out of the spotlight ahead of the November elections? While there is no confirmation from within the DNC itself, or from the White House, another former DNC Chair does seem to be busying himself by throwing a little gasoline on the fire. It was as recently as earlier this month, that we heard "Fast Eddy" Rendell, that devoted supporter of Hitlery Clinton, come at Wizzerman Shulltz a little sideways, telling some radio host that former RNC Chairman Michael Steele was “effective” during his tenure at that post.

However, Rendell added that some of the strong comments made by Rep. Wasserman Schultz questioning Mitt Romney’s qualifications to be President were not helpful. “I think in the end, you’ve got to be credible. There’s nobody out there who thinks that Governor Romney is unqualified.” That said, could it be that the confrontational congresswoman from Florida is merely shifting her focus in preparation for a push to unseat the 71-year-old Nancy Pelosi as the voice that leads House Democrats? Could be. It would seen as being the prefect transition.

It should be noted that Ms. Wizzerman Schultz must be re-elected to serve Florida’s 20th Congressional District before she can ever hope to challenge Pelosi or anyone else hoping to lead the House Democrats. According to the online poll Elections Meter, Wizzerman Schultz has a declining popularity rate that may not bode well for her in the coming November election. Now wouldn't that be a shame. But Floridians are rather notorious for electing, and re-electing some pretty obvious morons to Congress, Alcee Hastings, Corrine Brown, and Frederica Wilson to name just a few.

So while Ms. Wizzerman Schultz has consistently demonstrated a limited amount of brain power, it really should not come as being a significant surprise when taking those others, listed above, into consideration. The collective IQ of those listed would, most likely, be equal to the shoe size of any one of them. Those in Florida would be helping us all out, immensely, in taking a giant step forward if they were to, one by one, replace each and every one of these morons with someone much more interested in getting our country headed back in the right direction. So we'll see!

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