

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Well, we apparently now have jumping on the bandwagon, joining many of his fellow Democrats who have been busily accusing House Republicans of attempting to create some sort of a “distraction” regarding their decision to issue contempt charges against Attorney General Eric "I'm a Racist" Holder, as well as they're supposedly “refusing” to work with House Democrats on several bills that it is claimed will save 1.9 million jobs, we now have Steny "The Perpetual Gas Bag" Hoyer.

It was at his silly little weekly “pen-and-pad” news briefing, that Hoyer once again demonstrated his rather perverted view of things by berating his GOP colleagues for holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt for his refusing to produce Justice Department records in connection with a committee probe into Operation Fast and Furious. “Unfortunately, the Republicans continue to seek and practice confrontation over consensus,” Hoyer said. A Democrat talking about consensus? Sure thing!

Hoyer blathered on saying, “That’s true on the highway bill, was true on the student loan bill. I think we may have overcome that. And it is absolutely true on what Republicans have now proposed in terms of the contempt citation being approved by the House to hold the Attorney General of the United States in contempt.” The contempt citation Hoyer was referring to was passed by the House Oversight and Government Reform last week, and is headed for a vote in the full House on Thursday.

“In less than nine days, this Republican-led House rushes to judgment, creates confrontation, and distracts the Congress of the United States from dealing with the most important challenge confronting us, and that’s creating jobs for our people,” Hoyer said. Rushes to judgment? How many months has this thing been dragging on because of a blatantly uncooperative Attorney General and an even more patently dishonest president? Who is it, exactly, that can be said to be creating confrontation?

Then we have Rep. Elijah Cummings another pathetic old gas bag of a Democrat from Merryland, the ranking Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, who joined Hoyer for the news conference. Cummings said that Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the committee’s Republican chairman, was wrong to pursue contempt charges against Holder. “The 16-month investigation has found no link whatsoever between the Attorney General and Gunwalker,” said Cummings.

First of all, and something that this doddering old moron should know, there hasn't been much of an investigation thus far because both Holder and Barry have been fighting tooth and nail to keep everything concerning the "Fast and Furious" debacle as tightly under wraps as possible. Now I know Elijah probably is only capable of viewing this as "black thing", but I think the American people, as well as the parents of the agents who lost their lives, deserve some answers.

Anyway, this sad old dolt, Cummings, affirmed his belief that the attorney general had no involvement in the scandal. “It is clear, from us looking at all the testimony that has been produced, that the Attorney General did not know about these tactics in Fast and Furious,” Cummings said. “He did not condone them. He did not authorize them and Mr. Issa knows that.” So what, because Holder is black, he gets a pass? Sorry, both he and Barry need to provide some much needed answers!

Ya know, hypocrites like this old gas bag Hoyer and his racist little sidekick, Elijah, seem to be of the opinion that there are folks outside of their rather bizarre little circle who believe anything that they say. Because you can bet your bottom dollar, if this was a Republican administration, both of these pathetic clowns would be right out front and calling for people to go to prison and for the president to be impeached. But hey, with one of there own in the White House, and being black no less, it's a totally different story.

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